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FAA Glossaries

Touring Machine Company

Tools and Equipment

November 24th, 2010

I cleaned out my shelf of catalogs recently and decided to put them online so I can find them. I’ll annotate the ones I’ve bought from later. I have had good luck with Sporty’s, ASA, My Pilot Store, and Sarasota Avionics among others. Lately I have been ordering the parts for annuals from Aircraft Spruce. I like that I almost always get the part the next day.

Training and Pilot Supplies

Sporty's Pilot Shop
Aviation Supplies and Academics (ASA)
Avid Aviator
King Schools
My Pilot Store.com
Marv Golden Pilot Supplies
Lake & Air Pilot Shop
AAA Pilot Supplies and Gifts


Aircraft Spruce
Aircraft Tool
Wag-Aero Group
Preferred Airparts
Chief Aircraft
Airparts, Inc.
McFarlane Aviation
Genuine Aircraft Hardware

Cherokee Aircraft Salvage
Texas Aeroplastics
Hangar Swap
Aerospace Welding Minneapolis, Inc.  Exhaust components
Desmoines Flying Service
Piper Parts Plus
Herber Aircraft Service, Inc.  Hoses
Premier Aerospace Services & Technology, Inc.’s Online Store

Wick’s Aircraft
Faeth Aircraft


Texas Air Salvage
Aviation Salvage
Deer Park
Airframe Components


Desser Tire and Rubber


Kennon Covers


Vantage Plane Plastics
SCS Interiors


Sarasota Avionics International
Tropic Aero


Forced Aeromotive Technologies
Ly-Con Bought the engine for the Cherokee from them.
Air Power Engines and Cylinders

QAA Marvel Schebler Carbuerators


Essco Aircraft Manuals and Pilot Supplies


Batteries America

Updated: 2017-10-05

Links to sites I visit often.

November 24th, 2010

Aviation News


Aviation Info

Cessna Pilots Assoc.
Ask the Pilot
AirNav – Airports
SkyVector – Airports and Sectional Charts

Flight Tracking and Monitoring

Flight Radar 24
Live ATC


Flying Magazine
Aviation Consumer
Aviation Week
GA News
Plane and Pilot


NWS – Aviation Weather
AOPA Online – Weather


FAA SAIBs (Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins)
NOAA Photo Library

Updated: 2016-07-27

Aircraft Operating Manuals

November 16th, 2010

One of the first things you learn as a pilot is that certain documents are required to be aboard the airplane. The nemonic is ARROW—Airworthiness Certificate, Registration, Radio License (now required only if flying out of the country), Operating Limitations, Weight and Balance.

An FAA approved Flight Manual (AFM) is required to be in the aircraft for all aircraft over 6,000 lbs and for aircraft manufactured after March 1, 1979. This manual, along with panel markings and AFM supplements for additional equipment, constitute the Operating Limitations documents that are required to be in the aircraft. Prior to 1979 aircraft came with “Operations Manuals”, “Owner’s Manuals”, or “Operator’s Handbooks”. These aren’t required to be in the airplane, but since they have information like takeoff distances and moments, it’s hard to imagine flying without them. Due to quirks in the copyright laws, the older ones are in the public domain. Here are a few that I use.

Operation Manual-Cessna 170 Series 13MB pdf.

Cherokee 140 Owner’s Handbook 42MB pdf.

Cessna 152 Information Manual – 1980 9MB pdf.

Sharing Expenses

October 13th, 2010

The FAA takes a very strict stance in interpreting how and when pilots can be reimbursed for a flight.

§ 61.113 Private pilot privileges and limitations: Pilot in command.
(c) A private pilot may not pay less than the pro rata share of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers, provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport expenditures, or rental fees.

In a letter of interpretation on June 30, 1993 they state:

The costs which may be shared includes only those expenses that would not have been incurred if the flight did not take place; for example, fuel and oil consumed on the flight and ramp or tie-down fees at the destination airport. These expenses would exclude such items as insurance, maintenance or other capital costs. To be in full compliance with the regulation, the costs must be shared equally between the private pilot and his or her passengers.

Moreover, in a letter of interpretation on July 19, 2010 and another LOA on May 18, 2009, they emphasize that the flight must have a bona fide common purpose. And the pilot must be reimbursed by the passengers, not a third party—like their employer or club.

They interpret compensation literally as well. In a letter of interpretation dated October 8, 2010 they state that:

The FAA construes the terms “compensation or hire” very broadly. It does not require a profit, profit motive, or the actual payment of funds. Instead, the FAA views compensation as the receipt of anything of value.

They conclude that a balloon owner’s offer of free dinner to the pilots and crew constitutes compensation for hire.

An FAA Safety Briefing the spells out their interpretation of the rules and states:

Goodwill obtained from providing a flight has also been determined to be compensation. Everyone knows how valuable a favorable news article or celebrity endorsement can be. Bartering can be considered compensation, too. You may want to think twice before you take someone flying in exchange for spending a weekend at their beach house.

Sharing expenses with a passenger on a flight to a place you would not otherwise be flying to would be a problem.

Favorite Airline Announcements

September 10th, 2010

My Favorite:

“In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child travelling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are travelling with more than one small child, pick your favourite.”


“Please pay attention to the safety announcement, because we will be giving a test shortly”.

“If you are caught smoking, you will be asked to leave the aircraft”.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance the appearance of your flight attendants.”

“To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull the belt tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don’t know how to operate one by now, then you probably shouldn’t be allowed out in public unsupervised.”

“Your seat cushions can be used for flotation; and in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments.”

As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Durban Airport, a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: “Whoa, big fella. WHOA!”

“Please be sure to take all of your belongings. If you’re going to leave anything, please make sure it’s something we’d like to have.”

“As you exit the plane, make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.”

“Kulula Airlines is pleased to announce that we have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight!”

“Welcome to Johannesburg, if this is not where you were intending to go then you have a bit of a problem.”

Radio Frequency Bands Supporting Aviation

September 9th, 2010

On the CPA forum there was a discussion of how crowded the air-to-air frequency, 122.75, is in certain areas. Several people suggested using 123.45 or 122.85. Neither of these are approved for air-to-air communication. I found an FAA showing frequency bands for aviation (shown below) but it doesn’t go into detail about the band we’re most interested in 118.000 to 136.975. This site, Civil Air Frequencies has a list showing how the spectrum is allocated.

Radio Frequency Bands Supporting Aviation

Source FAA

Frequency Band Name
190 – 435 & 510 – 535 kHz Non-directional Beacons
2100 – 28,000 kHz HF Communications
75 MHz NAVAID (Marker Beacons)
108 – 112 MHz VOR; ILS Localizer
112 – 118 MHz VOR; SCAT-I Radionavigation data link
118 – 137 MHz VHF Air / Ground Communications
138 – 150.8 & 162 – 174 MHz Fixed, Mobil
225 – 328.6 & 335.4 – 400 MHz UHF Air / Ground Communications (U.S. Military)
328.6 – 335.4 MHz ILS Glide Slope
406.1 – 420 MHz Fixed, Mobil
932 – 935 & 941 – 944 MHz RMM, LLWAS, LDRCL, etc.
960 – 1215 MHz NAVAID (TACAN / DME, etc.)
1030 & 1090 MHz Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon; Mode S; TCAS
1215 – 1390 MHz Air Route Surveillance Radar; GPS and GLONASS L1
1545 – 1559 MHz Satellite-Based Comm (To Aircraft)
1559 – 1610 MHz Satellite Navigation; GPS and GLONASS L1
1646.5 – 1660.5 MHz Satellite-Based Comm (From Aircraft)
1710 – 1850 MHz LDRCL; fixed links
2700 – 3000 MHz Airport Surveillance and Weather Radar
5000 – 5250 MHz Microwave Landing System
5600 – 5650 MHz TDWR
7125 – 8500 MHz RCL
9000 – 9200 MHz Military Precision Approach Radar
14.4 – 15.35 GHz Microwave Link
15.7 – 16.2 GHz Radar (ASDE-3)
21.2 – 23.6 GHz Microwave Link


September 9th, 2010
 Sonic Boom
APOD Sonic Boom
 Rainbow Boom

Rainbow Boom

You’ve probably seen the sonic boom and vortices before, but this is the first time I’ve seen a rainbow boom.

Aircraft Registration

August 26th, 2010

There is a new requirement (2010) for aircraft to be re-registered every three years. The FAA will mail registration documents to the address they have on file for you—unless they’ve mailed something and it’s been returned. The FAA will cancel the N-numbers of aircraft that are not re-registered or renewed. The re-registration fee for the first round will was $5.00. And it remained $5 for the second round.

Several people I know have had their registrations expire because they moved and neglected to update the address for their airplane. A quick and simple process turned into a months-long wait for their new registration. And of course, you can’t fly if your plane is not registered. And not only that, but your insurance is probably not valid either because most policies require that the aircraft be airworthy to be insured, and without a registration, you aren’t airworthy.

14 CFR §47.40 Registration expiration and renewal.
(3) A Certificate of Aircraft Registration issued under this paragraph expires three years after the last day of the month in which it is issued.

100 Hour Inspections

June 25th, 2010

There is a bit of confusion over when 100 hour inspections are required. Even AOPA is a bit confused.

The FARs covering inspections are discussed in this post. The language covering 100-hour inspections needs to be read carefully. I can’t find the FAA opinion referenced in the following discussion, but it emphasizes the wording of the FAR. For our Cherokee, anyone can providing instruction—though if they are smart they’ll be on our insurance policy. Learning Fundamentals is providing an aircraft. No 100-hour inspection is required. Same thing is true if you use your own aircraft and receive instruction.

In addition, for our Cherokee, the insurance policy explicitly forbids commercial operations. We do not allow carrying a person for hire. Therefore, no 100-hour inspection is required.

I found a clarification letter fron the FAA at Aviation Banter.

May 3, 1984
Mr. Perry Rackers
Jefferson City Flying Service

Dear Mr. Rackers
This is in reply to your request of May 1, 1984, that we render an opinion regarding the applicability
of the 100-hour inspections requirement of Section 91.169(b) of the Federal Aviation Regulations to rental aircraft.
Section 91.169(b) of the Federal Aviation Regulations provides that, except as noted in Section 91.169(c),
a person may not operate an aircraft carrying any person, other than a crewmember, for hire, and may
not give flight instruction for hire in an aircraft which that person provides unless, within the previous 100
hours of time in service, the aircraft has received either an annual or a 100-hour inspection.
If a person merely leases or rents an aircraft to another person and does not provide the pilot, that
aircraft is not required by Section 91.169(b) of the Federal Aviation Regulations to have a 100-hour i
nspection. As noted above, the 100-hour inspection is required only when the aircraft is carrying a
person for hire, or when a person is providing flight instruction for hire, in their own aircraft.
If there are any questions, please advise us.

Joseph T. Brennan
Associate Regional Counsel

Also from the, FAA-H-8083-25B Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
100-Hour Inspection
All aircraft under 12,500 pounds (except turbojet/ turbopropeller-powered multi-engine airplanes and turbine powered rotorcraft), used to carry passengers for hire, must receive a 100-hour inspection within the preceding 100 hours of time in service and must be approved for return to service. Additionally, an aircraft used for flight instruction for hire, when provided by the person giving the flight instruction, must also have received a 100-hour inspection. This inspection must be performed by an FAA-certificated A&P mechanic, an appropriately rated FAA-certificated repair station, or by the aircraft manufacturer. An annual inspection, or an inspection for the issuance of an Airworthiness Certificate, may be substituted for a required 100-hour inspection.

Earth’s Atmosphere

June 14th, 2010

Earth's Atmosphere

This spectacular image of sunset on the Indian Ocean was taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The image presents an edge-on, or limb view, of the Earth’s atmosphere as seen from orbit. Read more at NASA.

NASA has another view highlighting polar mesospheric clouds which occur near the boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere atmospheric layers.
Earth's Atmosphere

Composition of the Atmosphere
AC 00-6b Aviation Weather
1.3.1 Troposphere. The troposphere begins at the Earth’s surface and extends up to about 11 kilometers (36,000 feet) high. This is where we live. As the gases in this layer decrease with height, the air becomes thinner. Therefore, the temperature in the troposphere also decreases with height. As you climb higher, the temperature drops from about 15 °C (59 °F) to -56.5 °C (-70 °F). Almost all weather occurs in this region.

The vertical depth of the troposphere varies due to temperature variations which are closely associated with latitude and season. It decreases from the Equator to the poles, and is higher during summer than in winter. At the Equator, it is around 18-20 kilometers (11-12 miles) high, at 50° N and 50° S latitude, 9 kilometers (5.6 miles), and at the poles, 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) high. The transition boundary between the troposphere and the layer above is called the tropopause. Both the tropopause and the troposphere are known as the lower atmosphere.

1.3.2 Stratosphere. The stratosphere extends from the tropopause up to 50 kilometers (31 miles) above the Earth’s surface. This layer holds 19 percent of the atmosphere’s gases, but very little water vapor.

Temperature increases with height as radiation is increasingly absorbed by oxygen molecules, leading to the formation of ozone. The temperature rises from an average -56.6 °C (-70 °F) at the tropopause to a maximum of about -3 °C (27 °F) at the stratopause due to this absorption of ultraviolet radiation. The increasing temperature also makes it a calm layer, with movements of the gases being slow.

Commercial aircraft often cruise in the lower stratosphere to avoid atmospheric turbulence and convection in the troposphere. Severe turbulence during the cruise phase of flight can be caused by the convective overshoot of thunderstorms from the troposphere below. The disadvantages of flying in the stratosphere can include increased fuel consumption due to warmer temperatures, increased levels of radiation, and increased concentration of ozone.

1.3.3 Mesosphere. The mesosphere extends from the stratopause to about 85 kilometers (53 miles) above the Earth. The gases, including the number of oxygen molecules, continue to become thinner and thinner with height. As such, the effect of the warming by ultraviolet radiation also becomes less and less pronounced, leading to a decrease in temperature with height. On average, temperature decreases from about -3 °C (27 °F) to as low as -100 °C (-148 °F) at the mesopause. However, the gases in the mesosphere are thick enough to slow down meteorites hurtling into the atmosphere where they burn up, leaving fiery trails in the night sky.

1.3.4 Thermosphere. The thermosphere extends from the mesopause to 690 kilometers (430 miles) above the Earth. This layer is known as the upper atmosphere.

The gases of the thermosphere become increasingly thin compared to the mesosphere. As such, only the higher energy ultraviolet and x ray radiation from the sun is absorbed. But because of this absorption, the temperature increases with height and can reach as high as 2,000 °C (3,600 °F) near the top of this layer.

Despite the high temperature, this layer of the atmosphere would still feel very cold to our skin, because of the extremely thin air. The total amount of energy from the very few molecules in this layer is not sufficient enough to heat our skin.

1.3.5 Exosphere. The exosphere is the outermost layer of the atmosphere, and extends from the thermopause to 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) above the Earth. In this layer, atoms and molecules escape into space and satellites orbit the Earth. The transition boundary that separates the exosphere from the thermosphere is called the thermopause.

Maximum Safe Crosswind Velocities

May 12th, 2010

A recent FAA email pointed out this interesting fact about what is commonly referred to as “Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind”. From the Airplane Flying Handbook p. 8-17.

Maximum Safe Crosswind Velocities
Before an airplane is type certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), it must be flight tested to meet certain requirements. Among these is the demonstration of being satisfactorily controllable with no exceptional degree of skill or alertness on the part of the pilot in 90° crosswinds up to a velocity equal to 0.2 VSO. This means a windspeed of two-tenths of the airplane’s stalling speed with power off and landing gear/flaps down. Regulations require that the demonstrated crosswind velocity be included on a placard in airplanes certificated after May 3, 1962.

I’ve seen a lot of airplanes and I’ve never seen a placard indicating the demonstrated crosswind velocity. Probably because they were all certificated under CAR3 in the 1950s. The general rule of thumb I’ve used is that 10kts is no big deal, 15 kts is tricky.

Using the information in the Airplane Flying Handbook, my old 182F has a VSO (flaps out 40°) of around 51 kts. So the Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind is 10.2 kts.

My 210L has a VSO (landing gear down and flaps out 30°) of 51 kts. So the Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind is 11.3 kts.

My Cherokee 140 has a VSO (flaps out 30°) of around 48 kts. So the Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind is 9.6 kts.

None of these has a placard or data in the POH.

Runway Crossing Rules

April 23rd, 2010

The runway crossing instructions were changed in 2010 to emphasize that give and pilots must read back instructions to hold short of crossing runways.

Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control
Paragraph 3-7-2, Taxi and Ground Movement Operations

4. Explanation of Policy Change. This change establishes the requirement that an explicit runway crossing clearance be issued for each runway (active/inactive or closed) crossing and requires an aircraft/vehicle to have crossed the previous runway before another runway crossing clearance may be issued. At airports where the taxi route between runway centerlines is less than 1,000 feet apart, multiple runway crossings may be issued after receiving approval by the Terminal Services Director of Operations.


Issue the route for the aircraft/vehicle to follow on the movement area in concise and easy to understand terms. The taxi clearance must include the specific route to follow. When a taxi clearance to a runway is issued to an aircraft, confirm the aircraft has the correct runway assignment.

1. A pilot’s read back of taxi instructions with the runway assignment can be considered confirmation of runway assignment.
2. Movement of aircraft/vehicles on nonmovement areas is the responsibility of the pilot, the aircraft operator, or the airport management.
a. When authorizing an aircraft/vehicle to proceed on the movement area, or to any point other than assigned takeoff runway, specify the route/taxi instructions. If it is the intent to hold the aircraft/vehicle short of any given point along the taxi route, issue the route and then state the holding instructions.
1. The absence of holding instructions authorizes an aircraft/vehicle to cross all taxiways that intersect the taxi route.
2. Movement of aircraftaircraft/vehicles on nonmovement areas is the responsibility of the pilot, the aircraft operator, or the airport management.

b. When authorizing an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway, state the departure runway followed by the specific taxi route. Issue hold short restrictions when an aircraft will be required to hold short of a runway or other points along the taxi route.

c. Aircraft must receive a clearance for each runway their route crosses. An aircraft must have crossed a previous runway before another runway crossing clearance may be issued. At those airports where the taxi distance between runway centerlines is 1,300 feet or less, multiple runway crossings may be issued with a single clearance. The air traffic manager must submit a request to the appropriate Service Area Director of Operations for approval before authorizing multiple runway crossings.

Download the current version, ORDER JO 7110.65W, as a PDF.

Advantages of personal aircraft.

March 28th, 2010

I recently made a post on a ScienceBlogs site where I indicated that high deductibles or co-pays are probably a good thing for managing health insurance costs. I gave my experience as one data point and indicated that I have high deductibles on my car, house, and airplane as well and I end up saving a substantial amount of money. Rather than focus on my proposition that high co-pays are a good way to manage costs, he decided to attack my ability to even comment on the issue, since I am an airplane owner. Several others chimed in as well. I think there is a huge misconception about who owns airplanes and what they use them for. I know dozens of airplane owners and they are split about evenly between people who have regular jobs—electricians, welders, engineers, professors, and lawyers—and those who own their own businesses. All of them own planes that were made in the late 60s or early 70s—so they are at least 40 years old. A large number of them are worth less than a car, but some are worth more. None are worth more than $200,000. Most of the owners have their plane because it lets them do things that they couldn’t otherwise do. The rest of this post is a list of flights that I’ve done or people I know have done lately.

Mike C from CPA

My last flight is typical of the advantage my MU2 gives me. I flew myself, one employee, and 3 clients to LaBarge near Pittsburgh. There were no airline flights capable of making an 11am meeting time, so that would require flying in the night before. We left the meeting at 4pm which would have required a flight after 6pm that got in around 11pm that night. The cost for such a flight would have been $1,197 with the 5 day advance notice we had. All total, about $7,000 for that trip plus around 30 hours total time invested by 5 people.

In contrast, I took off at 8am CDT, flew into KAGC, made the 11am EDT meeting, was back in the air by 4:40pm EDT, and landing in KEVV by 5:30pm CDT. Total cost (using $750/hour for 3.2 hours) was about $2,400 and time away was around 10 hours. The MU2 was a $4,600 cost advantage, and 20 hours per person, for just one trip!

And the LaBarge trip was for a location that is a major hub! Try doing that to some of my recent destinations such as Franklin, PA, or Bluefield, WV and see what the penalty is for an airline flight! Both those trips were 6 people, too.

The airlines cancel about 2% of their flights, I canceled 0% in 2009. I also didn’t lose any luggage, nor had to deal with the TSA. :-)

Canceled Airline Flight

A friend was scheduled to fly out of our small airport and catch a connecting flight in San Francisco to attend a conference. His girlfriend is in sales for a big company and had meetings and dinners set up during the conference. Their flight was delayed for 2 hours and they were going to miss their connection and not arrive until late the next day. We weren’t able to get to San Francisco in time to catch the flight, but we were able to fly to Los Angeles where they caught another flight. She missed most of the opening reception, but was able to attend the rest of the conference.

Passenger pickup

On two occasions recently I picked up and dropped off relatives who were using frequent flier miles to travel on the airlines. Because of the way frequent flier seats are allocated, they couldn’t get flights to and from the same city. One person left from San Francisco and returned to Los Angeles. The other left from Santa Barbara and returned to Los Angeles. Rather than renting cars or taking shuttles I dropped them off. An hour flight and a short cab ride is much easier than a four hour drive and the hassles of picking up and dropping off rental cars. And it’s cheaper.

You can’t get there from here.

It’s a four hour drive from the Central Coast to Bakersfield. Depending on the airplane, it’s around an hour. So when my brother needed to fix a sensor on a farm in the Central Valley it was much more efficient to fly over, borrow an airport car from the FBO, fix the sensor and fly back. Rather than taking a whole day, it took about four hours.

You can’t get there from here. Part II

A good customer is in Stockton and once a year he gets a personal visit. It’s a long hot drive but just over an hour by plane.

You can’t get there from here. Part III

The daughter of a friend got an internship this summer at a local bakery. The roads from the Central Valley are quite dangerous and her father didn’t want her to drive it alone for the first time. He drove over with her and we dropped him off at an airport near his house. It took four hours for him to drive over and forty-five minutes to get home.

You can get there, but it’s a long drive.

I rent out a small airplane, a Cherokee 140, that people use from time to time for short trips. This summer it was used by one person to visit his mother in Napa for the weekend—something you couldn’t do if you had to drive. It also used by someone who took his three kids for an overnight visit to their grandfather in San Diego for his 92nd birthday—again something you couldn’t do if you were driving.

You can get there, but it’s a long drive. Part II

There are no flights to Portland Oregon from our airport, you need to fly somewhere else first. Your could drive for 14 hours or you can fly in 4 hours to visit your grandkids

Business trip

You can get really nice tile, ironwork, and woodwork in Mexico but you need to be there to order it if you want to be sure you get what you want. Having a plane means you can fly to Brown Field in San Diego, catch a cab to the border and walk across. It’s less than a two-hour flight but at least a six hour drive.

Business lunch

Recently someone rented the Cherokee to take his girlfriend to San Francisco for a business lunch. The Cherokee isn’t tremendously fast but it is much faster than driving. She arrived at her lunch relaxed and alert—rather than worn out from fighting traffic for four hours. The whole trip—including the lunch, took just five hours.


Airline travel is difficult for healthy people, let alone frail old ladies. A friend in his mid 90s frequently visits friends in nearby states in his airplane. He can get to Phoenix in about the same time it takes for the airlines and avoids all of the hassles associated with airline travel. He also likes to sit on secluded beaches in Mexico and flies down there a couple of times a year. A few hours in his plane, but not possible in the airlines.

Just for fun

The Central Coast is really pretty when it turns green with the rains. We recently took a slow flight up the coast just to enjoy the view.

You can’t get there from here.

My wife had the opportunity to be a visiting artist and show her work at a college just outside of Carson City. We had 36 pieces of artwork and her luggage. Driving time is 8 hours. I dropped her off and flew back home in a total of 4 hours. Flying the airlines with at least one layover would be an all day proposition and cost $800. And then there would be several hundred dollars to ship the artwork. As an added attraction, it was a beautiful winter day and we got to see the snow covered Sierras.


March 28th, 2010

Great article on flutter and why it is a problem for pilots. Breakups in flight because of flutter are rare because of the extensive testing that is done by manufacturers.

This is the video of the Commanche flutter test.

And one of a Boeing 747.

And a longish one on what went into testing the Airbus A380.

Experimental aircraft don’t go through the same kind of testing and breakups are much more common. Flutter is suspected in the breakup of several Zenith kit-built aircraft. AOPA has an article on it here. Zenith has issued a patch kit to address the breakup issues.

AOPA has a Flash page about flutter on a clear day in Alaska. (Members Only)

And if that’s not enough. Here’s a full page of NASA flutter tests.

Transitioning the LAX Class Bravo Airspace

December 6th, 2009

Most of my trips to the LA area are flights under the Class B airspace to Santa Monica or Riverside. I always use flight following, and I’m especially glad for it in the LA basin. They’ll help you navigate around the Class C and D airspace. A few times they’ve cleared me to climb into Class B on the way out of KSMO—rather than remaining below 5,000′. Until recently I never planned to fly through Class B airspace. Instead, I have used the Special Flight Rules Area to cross over KLAX and land at Hawthorne or I’ve flown above 10,000′ and above the CLass B. (Now that they have an expensive FBO, I no longer use Hawthorne for dropping off and picking up relatives. Santa Monica is easier and cheaper.)

The Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) is the only transition route that does not require a clearance from ATC. When flying south, ATC will drop you a few miles from SMO and you are on your own to fly the transition. The terminal area chart is fairly straightforward, but be sure to read the fine print. (Set your transponder to 1201, talk on 128.55, turn on all your lights, and limit your speed to 140 kts.) I like to descend to 3,500′, fly direct to the Santa Monica VOR, then get aligned on the 132° radial. I announce my intentions after being dropped by ATC, crossing the VOR, crossing LAX, and when leaving the SFRA. If you are continuing south, ask ATC for the frequency to use for flight following on the other side of the SFRA. It’s not on the chart and is not always the same. If you are going to Hawthorne, you are above their Class D airspace when you exit the SFRA. Just give them a call and they’ll usually clear you directly into a left downwind to Rwy 25. Towers in LA will assume that you are familiar with the VFR waypoints depicted on the chart and with the freeways. It would not be unusual for KHHR tower to tell you to start your base turn before reaching the 110 Freeway. Class B airspace starts just north of the centerline, so don’t overshoot. When leaving Hawthorne for the return trip, you’ll need to get up to 4,500′ before entering the SFRA. The easiest way is to request a box climb. Take off just like you’d do for a left downwind departure. Turn left base and final and fly over the runway. Continue the circuit until you are sure you can reach 4,500′ at the SFRA. It usually takes me just one circuit. Then just reverse the procedure and fly the 128° radial to SMO.

A few weeks ago when flying south from KSBP to KSNA I used the Special Flight Rules Area to transition the LA Class Bravo airpace. Before I started, I checked the weather and knew that the clouds would be broken and scattered at 3-4000′ at the destination. That is frequently the case for airports near the coast in the LA basin so I decided that after crossing the Class B I would descend below the clouds for the approach into KSNA. The clouds were fairly solid in the SFRA but I saw LAX below me. After leaving the Class B airspace I desended though an opening in the clouds and proceeded towards the coast. I had to dodge the clouds quite a bit and several times had to tell ATC that an assigned heading wouldn’t work because of clouds. In retrospect, I should have remained above the clouds until near KSNA and then flown inland before descending through the cloud breaks. After picking up a passenger at KSNA, I began to climb to 4,500′ to use the SFRA for our return. I had climbed to 6,000′ and ATC asked whether I’d prefer to use the Shoreline Route. They cleared me through the Class B on the Shoreline Route at 6,500′ and we flew it to LAX. When we reached LAX we were directed to fly a heading, rather than the 323° radial of LAX. There are no speed restrictions on this route—other than the normal Class B and under 10,000′ limits, which aren’t an issue for me.

I’ve never used the Mini-Route because the fine print indicates that it is only available from midnight to 6:30. However, that isn’t normally true. I flew it with an instructor who is based at KSMO and he talked me through the fine points. (Disclaimer: What follows is my recollection of the procedures we followed. Use at your own risk.) First, LAX must be reporting a ceiling of 3,000′ and visibility of 3 miles and KSMO and KHHR must be VFR. Second, make sure you are familiar with the VFR reporting points. (White LMU letters on the ground south of KSMO and the Hawthorne/405 Freeway intersection and Alondra Park south of Hawthorne.) Third, you need a clearance from LAX before entering their airspace. You’ll be instructed to proceed to these points and hold until you receive your clearance. That’s why you need to be able to identify them from the air. Fourth, they are extremely picky about the altitude. They sometimes clear more than one aircraft through and expect you to be at the assigned altitude. When I flew through it going south I was initially cleared through at 2,500′ (as published) but then told to descend to 2,000′ and another aircraft was cleared through above me. Clearances are similar to IFR clearances and unless you fly here often, you’ll want to write them down. My clearance from KSMO southbound was to fly the Mini Route at 2,500′, remain clear of the Class B, contact LAX tower on 119.8, and squawk 0201. My clearance from KHHR northbound was to proceed to the Hawthorne/405 Intersection, then Alondra Park, fly the Mini Route at 2,500′, remain clear of the Class B, contact LAX tower on 119.8, and squawk 0232. According to the instructor, he never has a problem getting a clearance but often has to hold while other aircraft are transitioned though.

There isn’t anything particularly difficult about these three routes. You do need to be really familiar with them before getting in the airplane and have the chart open on your lap. An autopilot is helpful, but not required. They are all VOR based so a GPS isn’t required. Be prepared to deviate from any published procedure at ATCs direction.

Update: January 2012
I just flew the mini-route last week and noticed that they’ve added a GPS Visual Waypoint. Noe you can program your GPS “GPS Routing: SMO direct VPLSR” were SMO is the VOR on the western edge of the Santa Monica airport and VPLSR is the intersection of Hawthorne Blvd and the 405 Freeway. I flew it both directions on a flight to KHHR (Hawthorne airport) using the autopilot southbound and hand flying northbound. It’s a bit easier than using the VOR since you can program your GPS on the ground and just follow the purple line.

I’m not sure if it was on the inset before, but it notes that FAR § 91.215 ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use and § 91.131 Operations in Class B airspace. shall be met. You can read the regulations yourself, but basically, you need an operating transponder, radio communications equipment—which given the requirements of the route are not surprising. You must also be a private pilot or a student pilot if you receive special training in operations in Class B airspace.


September 4th, 2009

I’ve used checklists that you can purchase for planes but haven’t liked them too much. Since I only fly planes I own, I’ve gotten into the habit of making detailed checklists that contain a lot of information from the Operating Handbook that I need to know but may forget. I used to print checklists on half sheets of paper but recently I’ve been using 4×6 index cards. I keep them in cheap photo albums that I got at the dollar store. I break the checklists into specific phases of flight—more granular than most. The 4×6 cards are just the right size for two phases of flight.

A couple things to note. As you may know, I dislike GUMPS intensely so my checklist uses C-FARTS and B-RAAGS. I use the checklist for most phases of flight but for some—like takeoff and landing, I just review the list before that phase of flight.

I also keep things like VFR minimums and airspeed limits with my checklists. I haven’t typed up all of the emergency procedures yet—they’re handwritten still. When I have them I’ll add them to the list.

There are two versions at the moment, PDF and Rich Text. I wrote the documents in Bean, so if you are using a different word processor you may need to adjust the margins. You may also need to do some substitutions for things like & and ½.


Airspace (pdf)
Airspace (rtf)

Cessna T210L (pdf)
Cessna T210L (rtf)

Cherokee 140 (pdf)
Cherokee 140 (rtf)

Cool Videos

August 30th, 2009

Tons of videos at Public Resource.org’s YouTube channel.

Coolest Flying Machine Ever!

Arthur Godfrey

Assembling a 737?

Sonic Booms

Flying Car

An ASOS you won’t forget.


Carbon Monoxide

July 29th, 2009

Carbon monoxide isn’t usually a problem with well-maintained aircraft, however, it’s enough of a risk that many people use CO monitors to detect concentrations while flying. Most sound an alarm at a preset level and many read the concentration in parts per million (PPM). One of the students brought his monitor and we used it on a flight. The monitor read 13-15 ppm when the door of the Cherokee was open while taxiing and 3-4 ppm in flight. The question though was is that good or bad?

Wikipedia has an article on carbon monoxide that reports various concentrations.

Carbon monoxide commonly occurs in various natural and artificial environments. Here are some typical concentrations:

      0.1 ppm - natural background atmosphere level
 0.5 to 5 ppm - average background level in homes
  5 to 15 ppm - levels near properly adjusted gas stoves in homes
  100-200 ppm - Mexico City central area from autos etc.
    5,000 ppm - chimney of a home wood fire
    7,000 ppm - undiluted warm car exhaust - without catalytic converter

A different article has the effects on the body of various concentrations.

CO Effects Chart

In the United States, OSHA limits long-term workplace exposure levels to 50 ppm.

From this information it looks like even the levels found when starting up aren’t particularly worrisome.
The levels while flying are good—about the same as in most homes. Both levels are below the threshold where effects are noted.

Several sources state that the effects are amplified at high altitude, but I can’t find any specific numbers. It makes sense though. CO isn’t released by the hemoglobin and as you get higher there is less oxygen in the air so the effects of hypoxia—not necessarily CO poisoning—are definitely amplified.

When pre-flighting, look for gray-white powdery residue around the gaskets for the exhaust pipes, at the seams of the muffler, and where the tailpipe connects to the muffler. Also look for any cracks in the system. The gases are under pressure so you may find residue a few inches away from the leak on the firewall, cylinders, or cowl.

Mike Busch has an interesting article on the prevalence of CO poisoning in aircraft accidents and he tests some units that were on the market in 2003.

Electrical Theory – by Joseph Lucas

July 13th, 2009

Positive ground depends on proper circuit functioning, which is the transmission of negative ions by retention of the visible spectral manifestation known as “smoke”..

Smoke is the thing that makes electrical circuits work. We know this to be true because every time one lets the smoke out of an electrical circuit, it stops working. This can be verified repeatedly through empirical testing. For example, if one places a copper bar across the terminals of a battery, prodigious quantities of smoke are liberated and the battery shortly ceases to function. In addition, if one observes smoke escaping from an electrical component such as a Lucas voltage regulator, it will also be observed that the component no longer functions. The logic is elementary and inescapable! The function of the wiring harness is to conduct the smoke from one device to another. When the wiring springs a leak and lets all the smoke out of the system, nothing works afterward.

In conclusion, the basic concept of transmission of electrical energy in the form of smoke provides a logical explanation of the mysteries of electrical components – especially British units manufactured by Joseph Lucas, Ltd.

Split Master

June 1st, 2009

If your airplane has a split master switch, one half provides current to the alternator field windings and that side can be turned off during engine start to reduce the load on the battery. Once the engine is running, the alternator field side of the master switch can be turned back on to provide electricity to the rest of the electrical system. This procedure will not be found in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook.—Bob Gardner

It’s common sense, when you think about it. With both halves of the switch ON, the alternator field windings are connected across the battery, creating a drain in addition to that drawn by the starter…and the alternator can’t make electricity until the engine is rotating anyway. So why keep that load across the battery? Turn off the alternator side, directing all battery voltage to the starter, and only then put the alternator field windings into play.—Bob Gardner

By watching the ammeter as you do this, you can verify the charging system function and confirm that the starter relay has not hung up which can turn the starter into a generator at higher RPM’s and fry parts of the electrical system and avionics. It also makes for easier starts in cold weather for the reasons the other posters mention.

When you start you should see negative ammeter deflection and any alternator warning lights should come on. After the engine is running. bring the alternator on line and the ammeter should switch over to positive deflection and taper back to zero within about a minute. The alternator warning lights should go out. After you have done this a few times in a plane, you’ll be able to spot any change in charging system function quiet easily.

You can even get an insight into battery condition. If you’ve drained it by having lights on for your preflight, running flaps ups and down, etc. You’ll see a larger ammeter deflection. If you see that deflection without a reason, it may mean something is going south in the charging system.

The only reason I have heard not to do this all the time is that the alternator has a sudden load thrown on it. This may be an issue for alternators directly driven by expensive gear trains but I think the belt driven ones have a pretty good shock absorber in the belt. — Roger Long

Logbook entry for GPS database updates. Update

May 27th, 2009

The FAR was updated in 2012 and I didn’t notice. The new rule still lets the pilot update the database but does not require a logbook entry since maintenance in not performed.

§43.3 Persons authorized to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alterations.
(k) Updates of databases in installed avionics meeting the conditions of this paragraph are not considered maintenance and may be performed by pilots provided:

(1) The database upload is:

(i) Initiated from the flight deck;

(ii) Performed without disassembling the avionics unit; and

(iii) Performed without the use of tools and/or special equipment.

(2) The pilot must comply with the certificate holder’s procedures or the manufacturer’s instructions.

(3) The holder of operating certificates must make available written procedures consistent with manufacturer’s instructions to the pilot that describe how to:

(i) Perform the database update; and

(ii) Determine the status of the data upload.

An owner may update the database of a panel-mounted GPS because it falls under preventive maintenance.
14 CFR Appendix A to Part 43 —Major Alterations, Major Repairs, and Preventive Maintenance

(c) Preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is limited to the following work, provided it does not involve complex assembly operations: …
(32) Updating self-contained, front instrument panel-mounted Air Traffic Control (ATC) navigational software data bases…

14 CFR § 43.9 requires maintenance record entries for preventive maintenance.

(a) Maintenance record entries. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, each person who maintains, performs preventive maintenance, rebuilds, or alters an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part shall make an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment containing the following information:

(1) A description (or reference to data acceptable to the Administrator) of work performed.

(2) The date of completion of the work performed.

(3) The name of the person performing the work if other than the person specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(4) If the work performed on the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part has been performed satisfactorily, the signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the person approving the work. The signature constitutes the approval for return to service only for the work performed.

So to summarize, updating the database on a panel mounted GPS is considered preventive maintenance and the regulations require an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment and “The signature constitutes the approval for return to service only for the work performed.”

Based on these requirements I wondered if anyone actually completes a logbook entry each month when updating the nav database on their GPS. I posted the question to the CPA forum and got some interesting answers. Some people do update the aircraft logs and others keep a piece of paper in the aircraft with the most recent date of update. While it’s fairly clear when the GPS is turned on if the database is current, that’s not good enough for compliance with the regs since there is no signature and date for when the maintenance was performed. (Likewise the date of the last VOR check that is recorded by the Garmin SL30 is useful information, but does not satisfy the requirement since there is no signature.)

David Bunin clarified that:
“Okay, first of all, the regulations NEVER say LOGBOOK. They say ‘maintenance records’. That could be anything.”

My take-away is that a separate logbook for that piece of equipment can be kept in the plane for recording the database updates. The logbook becomes part of the maintenance records for the aircraft.

I already have a logbook for recording VOR checks that I keep in the plane and I have started logging the updates to the database in it as well.

VOR Radials and Magnetic Variation

May 26th, 2009

Get out a sectional and look at the radials that define Victor airways between two VORs. (Note the radial is usually printed just outside the compass rose although sometimes other objects on the chart are in the way and it is inside the compass rose.) Frequently, the two radials are reciprocals, but often they differ—sometimes by two or three degrees. The difference is due differences in magnetic variation over time and distance.

Once a VOR is in place it is not re-calibrated as the magnetic variation changes, so we see differences between two VORs built at different times. The closer the VORs are to the magnetic north pole the closer the isogonic lines are to each other and the more likely that differences are due to differences in magnetic variation between the two locations.

At my home airport, Victor 113 between Morro Bay (MQO) and Paso Robles (PRB) is a segment that is 26 nm long but is defined by the 358° radial from MQO and the 179° radial from PRB. Use Runwayfinder.com with MQO/V;PRB/V as the route of flight to see the airway.

VOR Radial Variation

We know that magnetic variation changes from place to place, but that isn’t the reason that these two are aligned to a different Magnetic North. The reason is that they were constructed at different times. AirNav has details on when various navaids were constructed and the magnetic variation at that time. We see that for PRB Variation: 16E (1975) and for MQO Variation: 16E (1965). Currently the variation in that area is 15°E. The most likely explanation is that magnetic variation of MQO is slightly greater than 16° and PRB is slightly less than 16° and the rounding error adds up to about a 1° difference over time.

A better example of change over time is V583 between Leona (LOA Variation: 08E 1965) and Frankston (FZT Variation: 06E 1990). Victor 583 out of LOA is on the 013 Radial and out of Frankston it is on the 196° radial. Use Runwayfinder.com with LOA/V;FZT/V as the route of flight to see the airway.

Park Rapids (PKD Variation: 04E 1995) and Brainerd (BRD Variation: 03E 1995) were built in the same year and are 54 miles apart, but the magnetic variation is 1° between them. Victor 55 out of PKD is on the 123° radial and out of Brainerd it is on the 305° radial. Apparently, rounding error adds another degree to the difference. Use Runwayfinder.com with PKD/V; BRD/V as the route of flight to see the airway. You can see from the sectional that the lines of magnetic variation are close together.

VOR Radial Variation 2

Links to Cool Stuff

May 14th, 2009

Automotive engines have been tried in several airplanes but with the possible exception of the Mercedes-Benz diesel engines manufactured by Thielert they haven’t been successful in production aircraft. The experimental market is a different story, This article in Ridelust talks about engines by Porsche (unsuccessful), Subaru (successful), Mazda (successful) and others.

Designers have experimented with flying wings, flying saucers, and circular wings among other ideas. This site has collected some interesting examples.

Even in the early days of aviation, designers were dreaming of building bigger and bigger airplanes. Most never got off the ground, but the Russians built some monsters in the 30’s like the Tupolev ANT-20 and the KA-7. These and more are featured at Dark Roasted Blend.

Over 100,000 aircraft related photos online at the SDASM Archives’ photostream on Flickr.


May 1st, 2009


Mousemilk is a special-use penetrating product. It good for freeing up frozen joints, etc. From their website “MOUSE MILK will dissolve rust, relieve friction and resist oxidation. MOUSE MILK has amazing creeping ability. Frozen nuts and bolts can be easily loosened and removed after allowing MOUSE MILK to creep down the threads and break up the rust and corrosion.”

It works really well on engine parts where heat and corrosion have almost fused parts. It’s not the first thing you reach for when looking for a penetrant, but it’s often the last. You can buy it from their site for $7.22 for an 8 Ounce Squeeze bottle. It also comes in larger sizes. SkyGeek has a bottle for $5.25. A little bottle will last a really long time.


From their website “An industry proven penetrating oil that has no equal. Quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts – frees frozen shafts, pulleys, etc. Penetrates to 1 millionth inch spaces, dissolves rust, lubricates, cleans and prevents rust. Displaces moisture. The oil that creeps”

This is good for heavy duty corrosion. I’d use it on parts that look like they might be stuck, give it a few minutes, and then turn the wrenches. It saves stripping the heads and scraping knuckles. You can buy it from their site in a spray can AeroKroil (Kroil aerosol) for $11.00 per individual 10 oz. can. You can also buy a 55 gal. drum of it for $1,500 but that’s a bit of overkill. Amazon is selling a 10 oz. can for 11.50. It’s not available in my local hardware stores but I’ve seen it in large auto parts stores and you can get it from Aircraft Spruce.

PB Blaster

I’ve never used PB Blaster but there are lots of flame wars comparing this product to Kroil. One big advantage this has is that you should be able to find it readily at your local hardware store. It’s also relatively cheap, Amazon is selling a 16 oz can of PB Blaster Penetrating Catalyst for $2.84.

Pen Safe

This product is made by Frontier Performance Lubricants. From their website: “#853 PEN SAFE
A non-flammable fast acting penetrant, rust inhibitor and lubricant that can penetrate through rust and corrosion in as little as 15 seconds allowing fast and easy removal of rusted or seized components.”

This is a good first choice for just about everything that is stuck. Unfortunately, you can only buy it from the manufacturer, and only by the case. It runs $149 for a case.

LPS1 and LPS2

These are good lubricants and simple penetrants. LPS1 is a bit thinner than LPS2. You might want to use these before removing the wire from an aileron hinge. They are the penetrant of choice for unsticking and lubeing pulley wheels. LPS2 is great for lubeing hinges and rocker arms. They come in aerosol cans and in liquid that you can use in a spray bottle. They are made by LPS Labs.
From their website “Nondrying, oily film for long lasting lubrication. Loosens rusted and frozen parts. Protects against corrosion on steel parts indoors for up to one year. Displaces moisture. Safe on paint and most plastics.”

I’ve seen aerosol cans of LPS1 is in local hardware stores. An 11 oz aerosol can of LPS2 runs around $6.95 at SkyGeek and LPS1 is $11.95. A gallon of LPS2 is $27.95. I’d probably get a gallon of this if you do a lot of work on your airplane. Amazon is selling a gallon of LPS1 for $33.82.

Other Products

Some people use WD40 and Liquid Wrench but in my limited experience, the other products work much better.

Report from Machinist’s Workshop

BuckeyRat posted the following test on the TriumphRat forum.
Don’t forget the April 2007 “Machinist’s Workshop” magazine comparison test. They arranged a subjective test of all the popular penetrants with the control being the torque required to remove the nut from a “scientifically rusted” environment.

  Penetrating oil ......... Average load
   None ..................... 516 pounds
   WD-40 .................... 238 pounds
   PB Blaster ............... 214 pounds
   Liquid Wrench ............ 127 pounds
   Kano Kroil ............... 106 pounds
   ATF-Acetone mix.............53 pounds

*The ATF-Acetone mix was a “home brew” mix of 50 – 50 automatic transmission
fluid and acetone.*

*Note the “home brew” was better than any commercial product in this one
particular test. Our local machinist group mixed up a batch and we all now
use it with equally good results. Note also that “Liquid Wrench” is about
as good as “Kroil” for about 20% of the price.

IFR Preferred Routes

May 1st, 2009

I just stumbled upon the NFDC Preferred Routes Database at the Air Traffic Control System Command Center Website. If you plug in you departure and arrival airport, it gives you the preferred IFR route. This information is already contained in the A/FD Chart Supplement but it is easier to access here. You can also get them on your preferred EFD.

This is a sample output for the Tower Enroute Control (TEC) route (TEC) from San Luis Obispo (SBP) to Orange County (SNA).

NFDC Preferred Routes Query Results

Effective 03/12/2009 until 05/07/2009

# Orig Dest Rt
Num Hour
 Area   Aircraft  Altitude Direction Route String DEPT

Pilot Controller Glossary
PREFERRED IFR ROUTES− Routes established between busier airports to increase system efficiency and capacity. They normally extend through one or more ARTCC areas and are designed to achieve balanced traffic flows among high density terminals. IFR clearances are issued on the basis of these routes except when severe weather avoidance procedures or other factors dictate otherwise.

Preferred IFR Routes are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. If a flight is planned to or from an area having such routes but the departure or arrival point is not listed in the Chart Supplement U.S., pilots may use that part of a Preferred IFR Route which is appropriate for the departure or arrival point that is listed. Preferred IFR Routes are correlated with DPs and STARs and may be defined by airways, jet routes, direct routes between NAVAIDs, Waypoints, NAVAID radials/ DME, or any combinations thereof.

Is that SUA hot?

May 1st, 2009

I don’t remember which presentation, but one of the speakers at a recent FAA Safety seminar mentioned that the FS briefers now know when SUA areas are hot. I checked in with them on my last two flights and the did in fact have the information. More interesting though was the second call. He said, wait a second while I check the FAA website.

It turns out that there is a public website that publishes scheduled times when SUAs will be hot the FAA Special Use Airspace & Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace Website.

You can access the information using a list of SUAs, a map, or by inputting your route of flight.

I checked for Vandenberg on the way to Santa Barbara yesterday and they thought all of the restricted areas were cold. It turned out that one was hot and SB approach knew which one, but we still go to see a bit of the coast and the AFB. I didn’t check the website before the flight so I don’t know if the area became hot after I got my briefing or whether the briefer misread the info on the FAA site.

It would be nice if they had the controlling agency’s frequency on the site but it is on the sectional so you can check in with them or check with flight following en route.

Webster’s 1913 Dictionary

April 15th, 2009

I’m compiling word lists for another project and ran across Webster’s 1913 dictionary. It’s interesting which words have survived and which have fallen by the wayside. I don’t recall ever seeing someone referred to as an “aeroplanist”. I hadn’t heard of an “aerostat” either, but balloonists use the word—there are several sight-seeing companies with aerostat in their name—and there are now companies making aerostats for surveillance, so it must have slipped by me. Here are all of the aircraft-related words starting with aero in the dictionary.

Aero (n.) An aeroplane, airship, or the like.

Aerobic (a.) Growing or thriving only in the presence of oxygen; also, pertaining to, or induced by, aerobies; as, aerobic fermentation.

Aeroboat (n.) A form of hydro-aeroplane; a flying boat.

Aerobus (n.) An aeroplane or airship designed to carry passengers.

Aeroclub (n.) A club or association of persons interested in aeronautics.

Aerocurve (n.) A modification of the aeroplane, having curved surfaces, the advantages of which were first demonstrated by Lilienthal.

Aerodonetics (n.) The science of gliding and soaring flight.

Aerodrome (n.) A shed for housing an airship or aeroplane.

Aerodrome (n.) A ground or field, esp. one equipped with housing and other facilities, used for flying purposes.

Aerofoil (n.) A plane or arched surface for sustaining bodies by its movement through the air; a spread wing, as of a bird.

Aerogun (n.) A cannon capable of being trained at very high angles for use against aircraft.

Aeromechanic (n.) A mechanic or mechanician expert in the art and practice of aeronautics.

Aeromechanic (a.) Alt. of Aeromechanical

Aeromechanical (a.) Of or pert. to aeromechanics.

Aeromechanics (n.) The science of equilibrium and motion of air or an aeriform fluid, including aerodynamics and aerostatics.

Aeronat (n.) A dirigible balloon.

Aeronef (n.) A power-driven, heavier-than-air flying machine.

Aeroplane (n.) A light rigid plane used in aerial navigation to oppose sudden upward or downward movement in the air, as in gliding machines; specif., such a plane slightly inclined and driven forward as a lifting device in some flying machines; hence, a flying machine using such a device. These machines are called monoplanes, biplanes, triplanes, or quadruplanes, according to the number of main supporting planes used in their constraction. Being heavier than air they depend for their levitation on motion imparted by one or more propellers actuated by a gasoline engine. They start from the ground by a run on small wheels or runners, and are guided by a steering apparatus consisting of horizontal and vertical movable planes. There are many varieties of form and construction, which in some cases are known by the names of their inventors.

Aeroplanist (n.) One who flies in an aeroplane.

Aerostat (n.) A passive balloon; a balloon without motive power.

Aerostation (n.) That part of aeronautics that deals with passive balloons.

YouTube favorites

March 26th, 2009

We waste our time so you don’t have to.


Noctilucent Clouds

February 5th, 2009

Click on the image below to see a stunning slideshow and explanation of the origins of noctilucent clouds.

Noctilucent Cloud

NASA sent a satellite into orbit to study these clouds and has a site with photos and details on how they are changing over time.

NASA: Noctilucent Cloud

NOAA has a page of links to sites featuring noctilucent clouds and the Northern Lights if you want to see more.

APOD noctilucent

APOD has a good picture of noctilucent clouds over Edmonton.

Lenticular Clouds

February 3rd, 2009

Lenticular clouds form in the lee of mountains. They are associated with extreme turbulence—even as they look very pretty. Below are some examples I’ve been collecting. NASA’s APOD has lots more.

 Above Washington
Lenticular Cloud - Washington
 Over Hawaii
Lenticular Cloud - Hawaii

 Over New Zealand
Lenticular Cloud - New Zealand
 Nightime over Flagstaff
Lenticular Cloud - Flagstaff

 Cap Cloud and Lenticular Cloud in the Canary Islands
Lenticular Cloud - Canary Islands

They also have a time lapse of the formation of lenticular clouds. Altocumulus Lenticularis. Altocumulus Lenticularis, commonly known as Altocumulus Standing Lenticular (ACSL), are an orographic type of cloud. They often appear to be dissolving in some places and forming in others. They also often form in patches in the shape of almonds or wave clouds. These formations are caused by wave motions in the atmosphere and are frequently seen in mountainous or hilly areas. They may be triggered off by hills only a few thousand feet high and may extend downwind for more than 60 miles (100 kilometers). The cloud elements form at the windward edge of the cloud and are carried to the downwind edge where they evaporate. The cloud as a whole is usually stationary or slow moving. These clouds often have very smooth outlines and show definite shading. The ACSL clouds indicate the position of the wave crests, but they do not necessarily give an indication on the intensity of turbulence or strength of updrafts and downdrafts. This is because the clouds depend on both lifting and moisture. A well-defined wave may be visible (i.e., ACSL cloud) in weak updrafts where there is an adequate supply of moisture, but may not be visible when the environment is very dry, even if the wave is intense. AC 00-6b Aviation Weather

6.7.4 Both vertical and horizontal wind shear are, of course, greatly intensified in mountain wave conditions. Therefore, when the flightpath traverses a mountain wave type of flow, it is desirable to fly at turbulence-penetration speed and avoid flight over areas where the terrain drops abruptly, even though there may be no lenticular clouds to identify the condition. AC 00-30C Clear Air Turbulence

Temperature Inversions and Fog

December 27th, 2008

A temperature inversion occurs when cold air is trapped beneath warmer air. The temperature of the air in the air mass near the ground is colder than the temperature in the air mass above. Inversions often occur when the cold air is trapped in a valley surrounded by high mountains. In the US, LA and Salt Lake City often have inversions that trap pollutants near the ground causing haze and smog. This article explains what happens in a typical inversion in Salt Lake City.

This image from China shows an inversion in the Sichuan Basin.

This image is a combination of advection fog trapped beneath a marine layer in the Great Lakes.

This image is an example of widespread valley fog in the western US.

This image is from a high pressure inversion over Virginia and North Carolina.

Since this post was written, industrial development in China has worsened the deleterious effects of the normal winter inversion. Earth Observatory has images showing the current inversion.

IFR Fuel Requirements and Alternates

October 1st, 2008

The requirements for IFR flight are contained in several FARs. I’ve pulled them together here with a summary at the end. Bolding is mine and I’ve mostly ignored helicopters. This post covers the pre-planning aspects: fuel, alternates, and filing a flight plan.

FAR § 91.167 Fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions.

  • (a) No person may operate a civil aircraft in IFR conditions unless it carries enough fuel (considering weather reports and forecasts and weather conditions) to—
    • (1) Complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing;
    • (2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, fly from that airport to the alternate airport; and
    • (3) Fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed or, for helicopters, fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruising speed.
  • (b) Paragraph (a)(2) of this section does not apply if:
    • (1) Part 97 of this chapter prescribes a standard instrument approach procedure to, or a special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator for, the first airport of intended landing; and
    • (2) Appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate the following:
      • (i) For aircraft other than helicopters. For at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.
      • (ii) For helicopters. At the estimated time of arrival and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 1,000 feet above the airport elevation, or at least 400 feet above the lowest applicable approach minima, whichever is higher, and the visibility will be at least 2 statute miles.

§ 91.169 IFR flight plan: Information required.

  • (a) Information required. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each person filing an IFR flight plan must include in it the following information:
    • (1) Information required under §91.153 (a) of this part;
    • (2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an alternate airport.
  • (b) Paragraph (a)(2) of this section does not apply if :
    • (1) Part 97 of this chapter prescribes a standard instrument approach procedure to, or a special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator for, the first airport of intended landing; and
    • (2) Appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate the following:
      • (i) For aircraft other than helicopters. For at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.
      • (ii) For helicopters. At the estimated time of arrival and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 1,000 feet above the airport elevation, or at least 400 feet above the lowest applicable approach minima, whichever is higher, and the visibility will be at least 2 statute miles.
  • (c) IFR alternate airport weather minima. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may include an alternate airport in an IFR flight plan unless appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate that, at the estimated time of arrival at the alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility at that airport will be at or above the following weather minima:
    • (1) If an instrument approach procedure has been published in part 97 of this chapter, or a special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator, for that airport, the following minima:
      • (i) For aircraft other than helicopters: The alternate airport minima specified in that procedure, or if none are specified the following standard approach minima:
        • (A) For a precision approach procedure. Ceiling 600 feet and visibility 2 statute miles.
        • (B) For a nonprecision approach procedure. Ceiling 800 feet and visibility 2 statute miles.
      • (ii) For helicopters: Ceiling 200 feet above the minimum for the approach to be flown, and visibility at least 1 statute mile but never less than the minimum visibility for the approach to be flown, and
    • (2) If no instrument approach procedure has been published in part 97 of this chapter and no special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator, for the alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility minima are those allowing descent from the MEA, approach, and landing under basic VFR.
  • (d) Cancellation. When a flight plan has been activated, the pilot in command, upon canceling or completing the flight under the flight plan, shall notify an FAA Flight Service Station or ATC facility.

FAR § 91.173 ATC clearance and flight plan required.

No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless that person has—

  • (a) Filed an IFR flight plan; and
  • (b) Received an appropriate ATC clearance.


For flight under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)—whether or not Instrument Meterological Conditions (IMC) apply a flight plan must be filed and activated. Upon completion of the flight the pilot is responsible for closing the flight plan. Flights terminating at an airport with an functioning control tower are closed by the tower. Refer to the AIM 5−1−8. Flight Plan (FAA Form 7233−1)− Domestic IFR Flights for details.

FAA Knowledge Tests—Topics

September 29th, 2008

Some of the questions on the FAA Knowledge Tests are interesting enough or complicated enough to warrant a full post while others are clear with just a quick reference to the FAR/AIM or one of the FAA pdfs. When I’ve written a post on a topic that is covered on the tests, I’ve started including links to the test questions at the end of the post. This post is a collection of those links. As I get time, I’ll go over older posts and provide links to the test topics as well.

The same questions often appear on the tests for different ratings, so the main link is to all tests. You can also view questions related to just one test but I’d recommend doing all of them.


Post  Questions—All  Private  Instrument  Commercial  CFI

VOR Check

Post  Questions—All  Private  Instrument  Commercial  CFI

Wind Shear

Post  Questions—All  Private  Instrument  Commercial  CFI

Gustav and Ike

September 27th, 2008

Two hurricanes recently hit the Gulf Coast and it’s interesting to see the how the altimeter dropped and wind picked up over the course of a few hours. The code PRESFR means Pressure falling rapidly. I edited out the TNSO, A02, and AUTO so more of the information fits on one line.
I have readings for Ivan as it passed over the reporting stations. You can see the altimeter setting fall and then rise. I only have the drop to near/t the low for Gustav.


Hurricane  Gustav from the International Space Station

Hurricane Gustav from the International Space Station

These observations are from September 1st.

KARA (New Iberia, LA Automated Weather Reporting

Light rain turned into heavy rain with winds gusting to 65 kts. Peak wind (PK WND) was 340 at 66 kts. and the altimeter dipped to 2876

KARA 011906Z 33047G65KT 1/2SM FG SCT005 OVC016 24/23 A2876 RMK PK WND 34066/1855 P0026 $
KARA 011853Z 34042G64KT 3/4SM BR SCT007 BKN013 OVC017 24/23 A2880 RMK PK WND 34065/1834 RAB1754E14 PRESFR SLP752 $
KARA 011840Z 33047G65KT 1/2SM FG SCT007 BKN010 OVC017 24/23 A2884 RMK PK WND 34065/1834 RAB1754E14 PRESFR P0054 $
KARA 011826Z 34038G52KT 3/4SM BR FEW011 OVC018 24/23 A2891 RMK PK WND 34058/1814 RAB1754E14 PRESFR P0031 $
KARA 011821Z 34038G58KT 1 1/4SM BR SCT013 OVC020 24/23 A2893 RMK PK WND 34058/1814 RAB1754E14 PRESFR P0020 $
KARA 011809Z 34037G51KT 2SM -RA BR BKN015 OVC022 24/23 A2900 RMK PK WND 35055/1757 RAB1754 PRESFR P0009 $
KARA 011753Z 35035G55KT 1 3/4SM BR BKN016 OVC023 24/23 A2904 RMK PK WND 36055/1749 RAB28E53 PRESFR SLP832 $
KARA 011743Z 35038G55KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN019 OVC026 24/23 A2907 RMK PK WND 35055/1736 RAB28 PRESFR P0011 $
KARA 011653Z 36032G45KT 3SM BR BKN015 OVC021 24/23 A2919 RMK PK WND 36050/1638 PRESFR SLP885 P0004 T02440228 
KARA 011641Z 35033G50KT 2 1/2SM BR BKN017 OVC024 24/23 A2922 RMK PK WND 36050/1638 PRESFR P0003 
KARA 011553Z 36029G45KT 5SM BR FEW014 BKN021 OVC028 24/23 A2931 RMK PK WND 36045/1544 RAE32 PRESFR SLP923
KARA 011534Z 35030G41KT 7SM FEW011 OVC019 24/23 A2933 RMK PK WND 36041/1528 RAE32 PRESFR P0015 
KARA 011521Z 36025G37KT 6SM -RA BR BKN013 OVC021 24/23 A2935 RMK PK WND 36040/1510 P0015 
KARA 011510Z 36028G40KT 2SM -RA BR BKN011 BKN019 OVC026 24/23 A2936 RMK PK WND 36040/1510 PRESFR P0014 
KARA 011459Z 35025G35KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW010 BKN019 OVC025 24/23 A2937 RMK PK WND 35035/1457 PRESFR P0007 
KARA 011453Z 35025G35KT 3SM +RA BR SCT012 BKN019 OVC025 24/23 A2939 RMK PK WND 35037/1443 SLP951
KARA 011451Z 35026G37KT 2 1/2SM RA BR SCT014 BKN021 OVC025 24/23 A2939 RMK PK WND 35037/1443 PRESFR P0028 
KARA 011438Z 35022G34KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT018 BKN025 OVC032 24/23 A2942 RMK PK WND 36035/1401 P0021 
KARA 011428Z 01023G30KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN028 OVC034 24/23 A2943 RMK PK WND 36035/1401 P0012 
KARA 011353Z 36022G31KT 6SM RA BR FEW019 SCT027 OVC036 24/22 A2946 RMK PK WND 36031/1344 SLP975
KARA 011253Z 36021G29KT 10SM -RA BKN050 25/22 A2951 RMK PK WND 36030/1227 RAE01B50 SLP991 P0000 T02500222 

KBTR (Baton Rouge, LA

Light rain turned to rain and the lowest altimeter setting of 2900 corresponded to a wind peak of 070 and 64 kts.

KBTR 011900Z 06041G64KT 1 1/4SM RA BR BKN016 BKN021 OVC026 25/24 A2900 RMK PK WND 07064/1858 PRESFR
KBTR 011853Z 06041G64KT 3/4SM RA BR BKN016 OVC023 25/24 A2901 RMK PK WND 07064/1850 PRESFR SLP823
KBTR 011850Z 06043G64KT 3/4SM RA BR BKN016 OVC021 25/24 A2902 RMK PK WND 07064/1850 PRESFR 
KBTR 011753Z 05028G61KT 1 3/4SM RA BR BKN018 OVC026 26/24 A2916 RMK PK WND 05061/1745 SLP873 $
KBTR 011746Z 04039G61KT 2SM RA BR FEW012 BKN022 OVC028 26/23 A2916 RMK PK WND 05061/1745 PRESFR P0010 $
KBTR 011653Z 4SM RA BR BKN016 OVC024 26/23 A2927 RMK SLP911 P0009 T02560233 $
KBTR 011610Z 04024G37KT 3SM RA BR BKN015 OVC021 26/23 A2934 RMK PK WND 03052/1555 P0003 $
KBTR 011600Z 04022G52KT 2 1/2SM RA BR BKN015 OVC025 26/23 A2934 RMK PK WND 03052/1555 P0001 $
KBTR 011553Z 04027G40KT 3SM RA BR BKN015 BKN030 OVC045 26/23 A2935 RMK PK WND 04045/1514 SLP938  $
KBTR 011453Z 02018G35KT 3SM RA BKN015 BKN030 OVC045 26/23 A2938 RMK PK WND 03041/1440 PRESFR SLP949 $
KBTR 011353Z 03014G31KT 3SM RA BR BKN020 BKN035 OVC050 24/23 A2946 RMK PK WND 04033/1334 PRESFR SLP975 
KBTR 011253Z 02015G30KT 10SM -RA BKN020 BKN035 OVC050 26/22 A2951 RMK PK WND 03039/1214 RAE1154B16 SLP992 
KBTR 011153Z 04014G23KT 10SM -RA BKN025 BKN040 OVC055 26/22 A2955 RMK PK WND 03029/1121 RAB00E09B27 SLP005 
KBTR 011053Z 02013G22KT 10SM SCT032 BKN043 OVC080 27/22 A2957 RMK PK WND 04026/1038 SLP012 T02670217
KBTR 010953Z 02011G19KT 10SM FEW034 OVC200 27/22 A2960 RMK SLP022 T02670217
KBTR 010853Z 03010G17KT 10SM SCT050 OVC180 26/22 A2964 RMK SLP035 T02610217 57037
KBTR 010753Z 02008KT 10SM SCT060 OVC180 25/22 A2967 RMK SLP047 T02500217

KMCB McComb, MS Automated Weather Reporting

A few miles to the east, the winds were much less and the altimeter was higher dropping to only 2954.

KMCB 011853Z 08016G31KT 8SM -RA SCT017 OVC023 25/23 A2954 RMK PK WND 06037/1843 SLP996 P0020 T02500228
KMCB 011836Z 08012G26KT 050V130 3SM RA BR SCT014 BKN020 OVC025 24/23 A2955 RMK PK WND 06035/1756 P0020
KMCB 011825Z 07014G29KT 1SM +RA BR FEW010 BKN016 OVC024 24/23 A2954 RMK PK WND 06035/1756 P0018
KMCB 011816Z 08013G29KT 2SM RA BR FEW012 BKN018 OVC030 24/23 A2955 RMK PK WND 06035/1756 P0010
KMCB 011758Z 08018G35KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW014 BKN023 OVC037 24/22 A2955 RMK PK WND 06035/1756 P0004
KMCB 011753Z 07017G38KT 3SM -RA BR FEW012 BKN023 OVC033 24/22 A2955 RMK PK WND 08038/1745 SLP000
KMCB 011742Z 08019G35KT 050V120 1 1/4SM +RA BR SCT012 BKN018 OVC026 24/22 A2956 RMK PK WND 11035/1741 VIS 3/4V3 P0038
KMCB 011700Z 08012G26KT 1SM +RA BR BKN012 OVC018 24/23 A2958 RMK PK WND 06026/1657 P0007
KMCB 011653Z 08010G25KT 1SM +RA BR BKN009 OVC018 24/23 A2958 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 SLP011 P0045 T02390228
KMCB 011650Z 07009G25KT 030V090 1SM +RA BR BKN009 OVC018 24/23 A2958 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 P0043
KMCB 011643Z 07013G21KT 1SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN011 OVC019 24/23 A2959 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 P0035
KMCB 011641Z 08012G21KT 060V120 3/4SM +RA BR BKN009 BKN015 OVC022 24/23 A2959 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 P0032
KMCB 011633Z 08012G28KT 3/4SM +RA BR SCT010 BKN016 OVC026 24/23 A2960 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 P0022
KMCB 011625Z 05013G32KT 1 3/4SM RA BR FEW010 BKN014 OVC026 24/23 A2959 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 P0010
KMCB 011621Z 05016G32KT 2SM RA BR SCT012 BKN018 OVC028 24/23 A2959 RMK PK WND 04032/1617 VIS 1 1/4V3 P0009
KMCB 011612Z 05018G32KT 1 1/2SM RA BR FEW012 BKN018 OVC025 24/23 A2959 RMK PK WND 03032/1611 P0007
KMCB 011601Z 06014G31KT 2 1/2SM RA BR SCT017 BKN023 OVC029 24/22 A2959 RMK PK WND 05031/1555 P0002

KMSY New Orleans International, LA Automated Weather Reporting

All but the altimeter stopped working in New Orleans and it dropped to 2920.

KMSY 011453Z A2921 RMK SLP896 6//// 56044 PWINO FZRANO RVRNO PNO $
KMSY 011153Z 1 1/4SM BR A2934 RMK RAEMM SLP940 P0026 60046 70066 10267 20256 58052 PWINO FZRANO $
KMSY 011139Z 1 1/4SM BR 26/24 A2936 RMK RAEMM P0026 PWINO $
KMSY 011130Z 2 1/2SM -RA BR FEW015 BKN022 OVC027 26/24 A2936 RMK PRESFR P0026 $
KMSY 011114Z 04039G55KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR SCT018 OVC025 26/24 A2938 RMK PK WND 04055/1108
KMSY 011105Z 05036G49KT 2SM RA BR BKN020 OVC026 26/24 A2939 RMK PK WND 05049/1103
KMSY 011053Z 04032G46KT 3SM RA BR BKN020 OVC027 26/24 A2940 RMK PK WND 04048/1042 SLP959 
KMSY 010953Z 04025G39KT 3SM RA BR SCT017 BKN023 OVC029 26/24 A2947 RMK PK WND 04042/0919 RAB10 SLP981
KMSY 010853Z 04026G41KT 9SM FEW022 BKN029 OVC034 26/23 A2950 RMK PK WND 03041/0846 RAB09E18 SLP992
KMSY 010753Z 03022G32KT 10SM BKN033 BKN043 OVC050 27/23 A2956 RMK PK WND 01034/0704 RAB03E26 SLP013
KMSY 010653Z 03023G29KT 10SM OVC040 26/23 A2961 RMK PK WND 02033/0638 PRESFR SLP031

KNBG New Orleans Naval Airstation Automated Weather Reporting

Weather from this station to the southeast of New Orleans shows a low of 2922 and winds peaking at 57 kts.

KNBG 011852Z 14028G45KT 9SM BKN016 BKN021 27/25 A2942 RMK PK WND 14054/1805 RAE07 SLP960 P0000 T02720250 $
KNBG 011824Z 14031G46KT 10SM SCT018 27/26 A2939 RMK PK WND 14054/1805 RAE07 P0000 $
KNBG 011752Z 13033G50KT 6SM -RA BKN020 BKN025 BKN030 27/ A2935 RMK PK WND 13057/1656 SLP939 $
KNBG 011652Z 14037G55KT 3SM RA BR OVC022 26/25 A2930 RMK PK WND 12060/1632 RAB02 PRESRR SLP919 $
KNBG 011648Z 13034G53KT 2 1/2SM -RA BR OVC022 26/25 A2928 RMK PK WND 12060/1632 RAB02 P0005 $
KNBG 011617Z 13031G57KT 8SM -RA OVC024 27/ A2926 RMK PK WND 12057/1611 RAB02 P0000 $
KNBG 011552Z 11038G53KT 8SM 27/ A2924 RMK RAEMM SLP900 P0003 T0272 $
KNBG 011544Z 11033G47KT 27/ A2924 RMK RAEMM P0003 PWINO $
KNBG 011525Z 10031G55KT 7SM -RA BKN017 OVC023 26/ A2924 RMK PK WND 10055/1521 P0003 $
KNBG 011504Z 11032G55KT 2SM RA BKN016 OVC021 26/ A2924 RMK PK WND 11055/1502 P0001 $
KNBG 011452Z 10031G52KT 1 3/4SM RA BKN018 OVC026 26/ A2922 RMK PK WND 10057/1436 RAE25B43 SLP895 $
KNBG 011408Z 08039G57KT 3SM -RA SCT010 BKN016 26/ A2922 RMK PK WND 09057/1406 P0002 $
KNBG 011359Z 09031G51KT 2SM RA BKN010 OVC016 26/ A2922 RMK PK WND 08051/1359 VIS 1 1/2V4 $
KNBG 011352Z 09034G62KT 3SM -RA BKN010 OVC016 26/ A2922 RMK PK WND 06063/1300 RAB1256 SLP895 $
KNBG 011325Z 09036G48KT 5SM -RA BKN010 OVC015 26/ A2923 RMK PK WND 06063/1300 RAB1256 P0004 $
KNBG 011304Z 08040G63KT 2 1/2SM RA 26/ A2923 RMK PK WND 06063/1300 RAB1256 P0002 $
KNBG 011252Z 08035G51KT 26/ A2923 RMK RAB09RAEMM SLP898 T0261 PWINO $
KNBG 011227Z 26/ A2926 RMK RAB09RAEMM PWINO $
KNBG 011211Z 06037G55KT 1 3/4SM RA 26/ A2926 RMK PK WND 07055/1210 RAB09 $
KNBG 011152Z 26/ A2927 RMK RAEMM SLP912 P0031 6//// 7//// T0256 10261 20244 56075 $
KNBG 011120Z 06038G58KT 3SM +RA FEW010 BKN019 OVC031 26/ A2931 RMK PK WND 05058/1117 P0022 $
KNBG 011052Z 05032G55KT 2SM +RA FEW013 BKN024 OVC030 26/ A2933 RMK PK WND 06055/1044 SLP930 $
KNBG 011037Z 05036G50KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR 26/25 A2934 RMK PK WND 05050/1035 PRESFR P0031 $
KNBG 011010Z 04034G46KT 4SM RA BR 26/24 A2937 RMK PK WND 06049/1000 PRESFR P0015 $
KNBG 011002Z 04031G49KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR 26/24 A2938 RMK PK WND 06049/1000 PRESFR P0011 $
KNBG 010952Z 04030G44KT 3SM +RA BR 26/24 A2941 RMK RAEMMB51 PRESFR SLP957 T02560244 $
KNBG 010928Z 04030G46KT 26/24 A2945 RMK PK WND 04046/0928 RAEMM PWINO $
KNBG 010852Z 06024G32KT 4SM +RA BR SCT017 BKN022 OVC034 24/23 A2949 RMK PK WND 03034/0824 SLP986 $
KNBG 010844Z 04018G32KT 7SM -RA FEW015 BKN025 OVC032 24/23 A2950 RMK PK WND 03034/0824 PNO $
KNBG 010752Z 03015G27KT 9SM -RA 26/23 A2953 RMK RAE20B50 SLP998 T02560228 PNO $
KNBG 010729Z 25/23 A2955 RMK RAE20 PWINO PNO $
KNBG 010705Z 03015G23KT 8SM -RA BKN028 OVC036 25/23 A2958 RMK PRESFR PNO $


These observations are from September 13th.

Doppler Radar Image of Hurricane Ike

Doppler Radar Image of Hurricane Ike

KBTR Baton Rouge, LA

The lowest altimeter setting is 2932 inches and that corresponded to a peak wind of 050 at 48 kts.

KBTR 131353Z 14016G29KT 10SM -RA BKN023 OVC040 29/24 A2974 RMK PK WND 14031/1323 RAB44 SLP067
KBTR 131253Z 14014G30KT 10SM OVC025 28/24 A2973 RMK PK WND 11035/1210 SLP066
KBTR 131153Z 14016G29KT 10SM BKN025 BKN040 BKN090 28/24 A2972 RMK PK WND 12032/1102 SLP061
KBTR 131145Z 14020G28KT 10SM BKN025 BKN040 BKN090 28/24 A2972 RMK PK WND 12032/1102
KBTR 131053Z 13014G28KT 10SM SCT024 BKN030 OVC048 28/24 A2971 RMK PK WND 13028/1047 SLP059
KBTR 130953Z 13013G30KT 10SM SCT027 BKN032 OVC050 28/23 A2971 RMK PK WND 12035/0854 SLP057
KBTR 130853Z 13021G30KT 10SM BKN027 BKN034 OVC043 28/23 A2970 RMK PK WND 13035/0812 SLP055
KBTR 130814Z 12020G35KT 10SM BKN027 OVC036 28/23 A2970 RMK PK WND 13035/0812
KBTR 130753Z 12019G37KT 10SM SCT027 OVC033 28/23 A2970 RMK PK WND 13037/0749 SLP055
KBTR 130653Z 12019G31KT 10SM BKN029 BKN043 OVC080 29/23 A2972 RMK PK WND 13036/0635 SLP061
KBTR 130553Z 13017G28KT 10SM SCT028 BKN033 OVC070 29/23 A2973 RMK PK WND 13032/0504 SLP065
KBTR 130453Z 12016G28KT 10SM BKN030 BKN037 OVC080 29/23 A2973 RMK PK WND 13037/0425 RAB39E48 SLP066
KBTR 130353Z 12020G30KT 10SM BKN030 BKN036 OVC044 29/23 A2972 RMK AO2 PK WND 11032/0341 RAB30E39 SLP063
KBTR 130253Z 11014G26KT 10SM BKN032 OVC043 29/24 A2971 RMK AO2 PK WND 12035/0222 RAB34E44 SLP059
KBTR 130153Z 11019G26KT 10SM BKN034 OVC045 28/24 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 09028/0123 RAE42 SLP053
kBPT 130053Z 06034G43KT 4SM RA BKN025 OVC033 26/23 A2933 RMK PK WND 05048/0007 SLP931
KBPT 130028Z 05031G47KT 3SM RA SCT025 OVC032 27/24 A2932 RMK PK WND 05048/0007
KBPT 122353Z 04029G43KT 4SM -RA BKN026 OVC035 27/24 A2934 RMK PK WND 04043/2348 RAB37 SLP936
KBPT 122333Z 04031G39KT 10SM FEW025 BKN033 OVC044 28/23 A2936 RMK PK WND 05042/2314
KBPT 122325Z 04026G38KT 10SM BKN028 OVC036 28/24 A2935 RMK PK WND 05042/2314
KBPT 122253Z 03026G39KT 10SM FEW028 BKN036 BKN047 27/24 A2937 RMK PK WND 03042/2203 RAE10 SLP946
KBPT 122216Z 04025G35KT 10SM SCT025 BKN036 OVC045 27/24 A2942 RMK PK WND 03042/2203 RAE10
KBPT 122208Z 04026G42KT 9SM -RA FEW022 BKN026 OVC035 27/24 A2942 RMK PK WND 03042/2203
KBPT 122153Z 04022G36KT 3SM -RA SCT026 OVC035 27/23 A2944 RMK PK WND 05037/2141 SLP967
KBPT 122053Z 03024G32KT 10SM -RA BKN070 BKN085 28/23 A2947 RMK PK WND 05042/2012 RAB00E13B43 SLP979
KBPT 121953Z 07029G44KT 10SM BKN046 31/22 A2951 RMK PK WND 07044/1946 RAB18E28 PRESFR SLP994
KBPT 121853Z 06031G46KT 10SM BKN047 OVC055 31/21 A2956 RMK PK WND 06046/1852 SLP010
KBPT 121753Z 06025G38KT 10SM BKN047 BKN060 31/22 A2959 RMK PK WND 06038/1745 RAB17E26 SLP021
KBPT 121653Z 06019G28KT 10SM BKN045 BKN055 32/22 A2963 RMK PK WND 06034/1621 RAB41E51 SLP032
KBPT 121553Z 05017G26KT 10SM BKN042 OVC049 29/22 A2964 RMK PK WND 04026/1545 SLP036
KBPT 121453Z 05017G23KT 10SM SCT038 OVC048 29/23 A2964 RMK SLP038 TWR CLSD
KBPT 121353Z 04012G25KT 10SM FEW033 28/23 A2965 RMK SLP040

KHOU Houston, TX

The lowest altimeter setting is 2883 inches and that corresponded to a peak wind of 360 at 65 kts.
I’m missing a reading at 30253Z.

KHOU 131153Z -RA A2896 RMK SLPNO 6//// 7//// 53206
KHOU 131102Z 02065G80KT 1/2SM +RA SCT008 OVC012 WIND EST
KHOU 130853Z -RA A2835 RMK SLPNO 6//// 56197 $
KHOU 130753Z -RA A2850 RMK PRESFR SLPNO P0052 $
KHOU 130728Z -RA 24/23 A2858 RMK PRESFR P0052 $
KHOU 130715Z 34050G72KT 1/2SM -RA FG FEW004 BKN016 OVC021 24/23 A2863 RMK PK WND 34072/0715 PRESFR
KHOU 130700Z 36049G68KT 1 1/4SM -RA BR SCT009 BKN018 OVC023 24/23 A2869 RMK PK WND 36068/0654 PRESFR
KHOU 130653Z 36047G66KT 1 1/4SM -RA BR FEW011 BKN019 OVC024 24/23 A2874 RMK PK WND 36066/0653 PRESFR SLP735
KHOU 130639Z 36047G64KT 1SM -RA BR FEW008 BKN014 OVC020 24/23 A2879 RMK PK WND 36065/0617
KHOU 130632Z 36046G64KT 1SM -RA BR FEW005 BKN017 OVC023 24/23 A2882 RMK PK WND 36065/0617 PRESFR
KHOU 130627Z 36049G63KT 3/4SM -RA BR FEW007 BKN014 OVC024 24/23 A2883 RMK PK WND 36065/0617 PRESFR
KHOU 130620Z 36045G65KT 1SM -RA BR SCT007 BKN013 OVC019 24/23 A2886 RMK PK WND 36065/0617 PRESFR
KHOU 130609Z 36045G61KT 3/4SM -RA BR FEW007 BKN011 OVC023 24/23 A2890 RMK PK WND 36061/0601
KHOU 130602Z 35045G61KT 3/4SM -RA BR SCT010 BKN015 OVC021 24/23 A2891 RMK PK WND 36061/0601 PRESFR
KHOU 130558Z 01044G56KT 1SM -RA BR FEW008 BKN013 OVC025 24/23 A2892 RMK PK WND 36056/0558 PRESFR
KHOU 130553Z 36042G53KT 1SM -RA BR BKN015 OVC030 24/23 A2894 RMK PK WND 02056/0543 PRESFR SLP804
KHOU 130455Z 36042G58KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW010 BKN018 OVC030 25/23 A2908 RMK PK WND 01053/0454 PRESFR
KHOU 130453Z 01045G59KT 2SM +RA BR SCT018 BKN030 OVC050 25/23 A2908 RMK PK WND 02060/0432 PRESFR SLP851
KHOU 130448Z 01041G59KT 4SM RA BR FEW018 BKN041 OVC050 25/23 A2910 RMK PK WND 02060/0432 PRESFR
KHOU 130435Z 36040G60KT 2SM -RA BR FEW018 BKN049 OVC060 25/23 A2913 RMK PK WND 02060/0432 PRESFR
KHOU 130353Z 02036G52KT 4SM -RA FEW024 BKN050 OVC080 26/23 A2920 RMK PK WND 02052/0344 PRESFR SLP891
KHOU 130253Z 02031G44KT 9SM -RA SCT030 BKN038 OVC095 27/23 A2927 RMK PK WND 02047/0242 SLP915
KHOU 130053Z 02029G45KT 10SM FEW020 BKN035 BKN130 BKN250 29/22 A2931 RMK PK WND 01045/0046 SLP930
KHOU 122353Z 01033G44KT 10SM FEW025 BKN034 BKN130 OVC250 29/22 A2934 RMK PK WND 36051/2341 SLP941
KHOU 122253Z 01027G34KT 10SM FEW035 SCT050 BKN060 BKN130 OVC250 29/22 A2939
KHOU 122153Z 01027G35KT 10SM FEW050 BKN060 BKN110 OVC250 30/22 A2944 RMK PK WND 01035/2152 SLP972
KHOU 122053Z 02022G28KT 10SM SCT050 SCT100 BKN150 OVC250 30/22 A2950 RMK PK WND 02028/2053 RAB1954E11B27E37 SLP993
KHOU 121953Z 04017G28KT 9SM BKN040 OVC055 29/21 A2956 RMK PK WND 03032/1934 SLP013
KHOU 121853Z 04018G28KT 10SM BKN040 OVC055 31/21 A2959 RMK PK WND 05031/1758 RAB1758E07 SLP023
KHOU 121753Z 05019G26KT 10SM OVC040 31/21 A2961 RMK PK WND 04028/1728 SLP031 SHRA SW 
KHOU 121653Z 04016G25KT 10SM BKN035 OVC050 29/22 A2965 RMK PK WND 04029/1610 SLP042
KHOU 121553Z 04016G26KT 10SM OVC035 30/22 A2966 RMK PK WND 03026/1548 SLP046 BINOVC
KHOU 121453Z 03018G24KT 10SM SCT030 BKN250 29/22 A2966 RMK SLP048

KBPT Beuamont/Port Arthur

The lowest altimeter setting is 2902 inches and that corresponded to a peak wind of 120 at 79 kts.
I’m missing the report at 0153Z.

KBPT 131432Z 17035G46KT 2SM -RA BR FEW007 BKN017 OVC025 26/26 A2942 RMK PK WND 16048/1356 RAB00
KBPT 131428Z 17032G47KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR SCT009 BKN013 OVC027 26/26 A2941 RMK PK WND 16048/1356 RAB00
KBPT 131421Z 19031G47KT 2SM -RA BR BKN009 BKN015 OVC025 26/26 A2942 RMK PK WND 16048/1356 RAB00
KBPT 131418Z 18032G47KT 1SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN011 OVC025 26/26 A2942 RMK PK WND 16048/1356 RAB00
KBPT 131408Z 19033G47KT 1/2SM -RA FG FEW007 BKN011 OVC023 26/26 A2941 RMK PK WND 16048/1356 RAB00 PRESRR
KBPT 131401Z 19031G52KT 3/4SM +RA BR SCT011 BKN018 OVC025 26/26 A2940 RMK PK WND 16048/1356 RAB00 PRESRR
KBPT 131353Z 16039G57KT 1SM BR SCT014 BKN020 OVC025 26/26 A2937 RMK PK WND 17067/1315 RAB43E47 SLP947
KBPT 131351Z 16036G57KT 1SM BR SCT014 OVC023 26/26 A2937 RMK PK WND 17067/1315 RAB43E47
KBPT 131344Z 17042G57KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR FEW012 BKN018 OVC023 26/26 A2937 RMK PK WND 17067/1315 RAB43
KBPT 131327Z 17040G54KT 1 1/4SM BR FEW009 BKN016 OVC030 25/25 A2935 RMK PK WND 17067/1315
KBPT 131320Z 17030G67KT 3/4SM BR FEW007 BKN016 OVC022 26/26 A2935 RMK PK WND 17067/1315 PRESRR
KBPT 131316Z 17047G67KT 1SM BR BKN016 OVC022 25/25 A2934 RMK PK WND 17067/1315 PRESRR
KBPT 131302Z 16038G56KT 1 1/4SM BR BKN014 OVC020 26/26 A2931 RMK PK WND 16056/1300
KBPT 131253Z 16043G63KT 1 1/2SM BR SCT011 OVC020 26/26 A2930 RMK PK WND 15068/1237 RAB08E19 SLP923
KBPT 131239Z 16044G68KT 1 3/4SM BR SCT008 BKN015 OVC025 26/26 A2928 RMK PK WND 15068/1237 RAB08E19
KBPT 131220Z 16039G55KT 1 1/4SM BR FEW008 BKN013 OVC020 26/26 A2928 RMK PK WND 17061/1159 RAB08E19
KBPT 131208Z 17033G61KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN019 OVC029 25/25 A2928 RMK PK WND 17061/1159 RAB08 PRESRR
KBPT 131201Z 17039G67KT 2SM BR BKN016 BKN021 OVC043 24/24 A2926 RMK PK WND 17061/1159 PRESRR
KBPT 131153Z 17046G69KT 3SM BR FEW012 BKN018 OVC044 24/24 A2925 RMK PK WND 16072/1119 PRESRR SLP905
KBPT 131139Z 16048G71KT 4SM BR SCT012 BKN017 OVC023 24/24 A2922 RMK PK WND 16072/1119 PRESRR
KBPT 131123Z 16049G72KT 2 1/2SM BR BKN015 OVC023 24/24 A2920 RMK PK WND 16072/1119 PRESRR
KBPT 131118Z 16045G61KT 3SM BR BKN013 OVC019 24/24 A2919 RMK PK WND 15069/1059
KBPT 131103Z 16049G69KT 1 3/4SM BR BKN013 OVC019 24/24 A2916 RMK PK WND 15069/1059 PRESRR
KBPT 131053Z 16053G68KT 2 1/2SM BR BKN013 OVC020 24/24 A2914 RMK PK WND 15079/1014 RAB0955E0956 PRESRR
KBPT 131015Z 15056G79KT 1 1/2SM BR BKN013 OVC020 24/24 A2907 RMK PK WND 15079/1014 RAB0955E0956 PRESRR
KBPT 131008Z 15060G79KT 1 1/2SM BR BKN015 OVC020 24/24 A2905 RMK PK WND 15079/1007 RAB0955E0956
KBPT 130953Z 14052G73KT 2SM BR SCT012 OVC018 24/24 A2904 RMK PK WND 14078/0918 RAE48 SLP832
KBPT 130940Z 14055G77KT 2SM -RA BR BKN017 OVC024 24/24 A2903 RMK PK WND 14078/0918
KBPT 130930Z 14056G76KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR SCT013 BKN019 OVC024 24/24 A2902 RMK PK WND 14078/0918
KBPT 130911Z 13051G74KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC021 24/24 A2903 RMK PK WND 12076/0900
KBPT 130900Z 13057G76KT 1SM +RA BR FEW009 BKN015 OVC023 24/24 A2902 RMK PK WND 12076/0900
KBPT 130853Z 12054G73KT 1SM +RA BR SCT013 BKN017 OVC022 24/24 A2902 RMK PK WND 12079/0816 SLP827
KBPT 130832Z 12056G76KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR SCT013 BKN021 OVC028 24/24 A2902 RMK PK WND 12079/0816
KBPT 130816Z 12055G79KT 1SM +RA BR SCT012 BKN018 OVC024 24/24 A2902 RMK PK WND 12079/0816
KBPT 130804Z 12048G74KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT014 BKN019 OVC031 25/25 A2904 RMK PK WND 12074/0758
KBPT 130755Z 12052G76KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN012 BKN019 OVC033 24/24 A2904 RMK PK WND 11072/0755
KBPT 130753Z 12052G76KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR SCT012 BKN018 OVC030 24/24 A2904 RMK PK WND 11083/0659 SLP832
KBPT 130751Z 12049G76KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR BKN012 BKN022 OVC030 24/24 A2904 RMK PK WND 11083/0659
KBPT 130728Z 11053G73KT 1 3/4SM +RA FEW009 BKN021 OVC030 25/ A2905 RMK PK WND 11083/0659 PRESFR$
KBPT 130722Z 12050G73KT 2 1/2SM -RA SCT012 BKN017 OVC035 26/ A2906 RMK PK WND 11083/0659 PRESFR$
KBPT 130709Z 11055G72KT 3SM -RA BKN012 BKN018 OVC026 26/ A2908 RMK PK WND 11083/0659$
KBPT 130653Z 11052G71KT 2 1/2SM RA FEW012 BKN017 OVC037 25/ A2909 RMK PK WND 12079/0613 VIS 2V4 PRESFR SLP850$
KBPT 130621Z 11051G79KT 3SM -RA BR SCT015 BKN024 OVC047 25/24 A2913 RMK PK WND 12079/0613$
KBPT 130612Z 11052G73KT 2SM -RA BR FEW015 BKN030 OVC047 24/24 A2914 RMK PK WND 10076/0559 PRESFR$
KBPT 130604Z 11054G76KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW015 BKN021 OVC045 25/24 A2915 RMK PK WND 10076/0559 PRESFR
KBPT 130600Z 11051G76KT 3SM -RA BR FEW013 BKN021 OVC047 26/24 A2916 RMK PK WND 10076/0559
KBPT 130553Z 10049G70KT 2 1/2SM -RA BR SCT015 BKN023 OVC045 26/24 A2917 RMK PK WND 10073/0509 SLP876
KBPT 130542Z 10045G69KT 2SM RA BR SCT014 BKN019 OVC048 26/24 A2918 RMK PK WND 10073/0509
KBPT 130532Z 10046G66KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW012 BKN024 OVC049 25/24 A2919 RMK PK WND 10073/0509 VIS 3/4V2 1/2
KBPT 130514Z 10047G73KT 2SM RA BR FEW017 BKN022 OVC028 25/24 A2922 RMK PK WND 10073/0509
KBPT 130504Z 10035G53KT 3SM RA BR SCT014 BKN022 OVC028 26/24 A2921 RMK PK WND 09053/0459 PRESFR
KBPT 130456Z 09039G66KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT014 BKN022 OVC027 26/24 A2923 RMK PK WND 11052/0455
KBPT 130453Z 09042G66KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC022 26/24 A2923 RMK PK WND 11066/0448 SLP896
KBPT 130449Z 10045G66KT 1SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC020 25/24 A2923 RMK PK WND 11066/0448
KBPT 130442Z 10040G61KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR SCT012 BKN017 OVC022 26/24 A2924 RMK PK WND 09061/0442
KBPT 130418Z 08035G56KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT011 BKN019 OVC025 26/24 A2924 RMK PK WND 08056/0409
KBPT 130411Z 08044G56KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN013 BKN020 OVC025 26/24 A2926 RMK PK WND 08056/0409
KBPT 130358Z 07034G54KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW010 BKN016 OVC020 25/24 A2926 RMK PK WND 07050/0356
KBPT 130355Z 07042G54KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN012 OVC020 25/24 A2926 RMK PK WND 08049/0354
KBPT 130353Z 07041G54KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR SCT012 OVC018 25/24 A2926 RMK PK WND 08063/0328 SLP907
KBPT 130345Z 07037G56KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC020 26/24 A2927 RMK PK WND 08063/0328
KBPT 130337Z 07033G63KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT009 BKN015 OVC020 26/24 A2926 RMK PK WND 08063/0328
KBPT 130335Z 07035G63KT 2SM +RA BR SCT009 BKN013 OVC020 26/24 A2927 RMK PK WND 08063/0328
KBPT 130329Z 07044G63KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT009 BKN015 OVC020 26/24 A2927 RMK PK WND 08063/0328 PRESFR
KBPT 130317Z 07031G52KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN013 BKN020 OVC025 26/24 A2928 RMK PK WND 06053/0303
KBPT 130253Z 06036G45KT 2SM RA BR BKN017 OVC026 26/24 A2929 RMK PK WND 07048/0203 VIS 1 1/2V3 SLP918
KBPT 130053Z 06034G43KT 4SM RA BKN025 OVC033 26/23 A2933 RMK PK WND 05048/0007 SLP931
KBPT 130028Z 05031G47KT 3SM RA SCT025 OVC032 27/24 A2932 RMK PK WND 05048/0007
KBPT 122353Z 04029G43KT 4SM -RA BKN026 OVC035 27/24 A2934 RMK PK WND 04043/2348 RAB37 SLP936
KBPT 122333Z 04031G39KT 10SM FEW025 BKN033 OVC044 28/23 A2936 RMK PK WND 05042/2314
KBPT 122325Z 04026G38KT 10SM BKN028 OVC036 28/24 A2935 RMK PK WND 05042/2314
KBPT 122253Z 03026G39KT 10SM FEW028 BKN036 BKN047 27/24 A2937 RMK PK WND 03042/2203 RAE10 SLP946
KBPT 122216Z 04025G35KT 10SM SCT025 BKN036 OVC045 27/24 A2942 RMK PK WND 03042/2203 RAE10
KBPT 122208Z 04026G42KT 9SM -RA FEW022 BKN026 OVC035 27/24 A2942 RMK PK WND 03042/2203
KBPT 122153Z 04022G36KT 3SM -RA SCT026 OVC035 27/23 A2944 RMK PK WND 05037/2141 SLP967
KBPT 122053Z 03024G32KT 10SM -RA BKN070 BKN085 28/23 A2947 RMK PK WND 05042/2012 RAB00E13B43 SLP979
KBPT 121953Z 07029G44KT 10SM BKN046 31/22 A2951 RMK PK WND 07044/1946 RAB18E28 PRESFR SLP994
KBPT 121853Z 06031G46KT 10SM BKN047 OVC055 31/21 A2956 RMK PK WND 06046/1852 SLP010
KBPT 121753Z 06025G38KT 10SM BKN047 BKN060 31/22 A2959 RMK PK WND 06038/1745 RAB17E26 SLP021
KBPT 121653Z 06019G28KT 10SM BKN045 BKN055 32/22 A2963 RMK PK WND 06034/1621 RAB41E51 SLP032
KBPT 121553Z 05017G26KT 10SM BKN042 OVC049 29/22 A2964 RMK PK WND 04026/1545 SLP036
KBPT 121453Z 05017G23KT 10SM SCT038 OVC048 29/23 A2964 RMK SLP038 TWR CLSD
KBPT 121353Z 04012G25KT 10SM FEW033 28/23 A2965 RMK SLP040

Interesting METARs and TAFs

September 27th, 2008

METARs and TAFs have been around since before the high-speed internet made data transmission instantaneous (and they are based on Surface Aviation Observation (SAO) and Terminal Forecasts (TF) for current weather conditions before June 1, 1996) so they use a somewhat cryptic method for encoding weather data. However, once you learn how to decode them they aren’t many surprises. Occasionally you see something different and I’ve collected some of them in this post.

For help in decoding, I use the ASOS Guide for Pilots. Even though you can get the decoded information on-line, it’s still a good idea to learn the abbreviations because sometimes the information isn’t translated. Also, XM weather is displayed on the Garmin GPS Map in coded form, so knowing the codes makes it easier to see what’s ahead.

KSBP 091256Z COR 26003KT 4SM BR OVC007 08/07 A2994 RMK AO2 CIG 005V009 SLP138 T00830072 TSNO $

This is the first time I saw the COR notation. COR indicates a correction to a previously disseminated report.. In the remarks that the ceiling (CIG) is 500′ with a vertical visibility of 900′ (005V009). Note the $ at the end of the METAR. The symbol $ will appear if the ASOS detects that a preventative maintenance check is needed.

TAF KNFG 0415/0515 VRB05KT 9999 SCT200 QNH3008INS
TAF AMD KVBG 041738Z 0417/0521 15015KT 9000 -RA SCT010 BKN013 OVC020 620908 QNH3004INS

These are TAFs for Camp Pendleton and Vandenberg AFB. Military airfields are the only places I’ve seen QNH forecast. We don’t normally refer to the altimeter setting as QNH—we generally just refer to it as the altimeter setting. It is the atmospheric pressure measured at mean sea level. If reported in inches—as above—it is the setting on your pressure altimeter that yields field elevation.

The first two digits of 9999 are the visibility in meters. The notation 9999 means greater than 6 miles. In the Vandenberg AFB example visibility is 9000 meters or about 6 miles.

KLAX 271453Z 00000KT 1/4SM R25R/3500VP6000FT FG VV001 17/16 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP142 T01670161 51014

If you fly out of smaller airports, you probably don’t see runway visual range data. R25R/3500VP6000FT is decoded as: R—RVR, 25R—for runway 25 right, 3500V—3500 varying to, P6000—greater than 6000, FT—measured in FT (RVR can also be reported in statute miles).

KMNN 080015Z AUTO 02018KT 8SM UP OVC013 M04/M07 A2993 RMK AO2 P0000

This is an automated report and the sensor detects precipitation but doesn’t know what kind, hence UP—Unknown Precipitation. Since the temperature is minus 4 °C it could be snow or freezing rain.

KSBP 250356Z AUTO 32006KT 8SM FU CLR 12/09 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP142 T01220094 TSNO

The code FU was fairly common this summer when much of California was on fire. It is derived from the French word for smoke—fumar.

FM0000 36027G47KT 2SM RA BR OVC008
FM2200 01030G48KT 1SM +RA BR OVC008

Nothing hard to decode about this TAF for Providence, RI. There is a storm on the way with winds from 360 at 27 kts gusting to 47 kts. The winds shifts slightly and the rain gets worse later in the day.


September 26th, 2008


The FAA knowledge tests have many questions on thunderstorms—the stages, hazards associated with them, and weather products related to them.

Stages of a Thunderstorm

The best explanation of the stages is found in Advisory Circular 00-6B Aviation Weather.

For a thunderstorm to form, the air must have (1) sufficient water vapor, (2) unstable lapse rate, and (3) an initial upward boost (lifting) to start the storm process in motion. … Surface heating, converging winds, sloping terrain, a frontal surface, or any combination of these can provide the lift.

Forced upward motion creates an initial updraft. Cooling in the updraft results in condensation and the beginning of a cumulus cloud. Condensation releases latent heat which partially offsets the cooling in the saturated updraft and increases buoyancy within the cloud. This increased buoyancy drives the updraft still faster drawing more water vapor into the cloud; and, for a while, the updraft becomes self-sustaining. All thunderstorms progress though a life cycle from their initial development through maturity and into degeneration.

Life Cycle

A thunderstorm cell during its life cycle progresses through three stages—(1) the cumulus, (2) the mature, and (3) the dissipating. It is virtually impossible to detect the transition from one stage to another; the transition is subtle and by no means abrupt. Furthermore, a thunderstorm may be in a cluster of cells in different stages of the life cycle.

Cumulus Stage

Although most cumulus do not grow into thunderstorms, every thunderstorm begins as a cumulus. The key feature of the cumulus stage is an updraft. The updraft varies in strength and extends from very near the surface to the cloud top. Growth rate of the cloud may exceed 3,000 feet per minute so it is inadvisable to attempt to climb over rapidly building cumulus clouds.

Early during the cumulus stage, water droplets are quite small but grow to raindrop size as the cloud grows. The upwelling air carries the liquid water above the freezing level creating an icing hazard. As the raindrops grow still heavier, they fall. The cold rain drags air with it creating a cold downdraft coexisting with the updraft; the cell has reached the mature stage.

Mature Stage

Precipitation beginning to fall from the cloud base is your signal that a downdraft has developed and the cloud has entered the mature stage. Cold rain in the downdraft retards compressional heating and the downdraft remains cooler than the surrounding air. Therefore, its downward speed is accelerated and may exceed 2,500 feet per minute. The downrushing air spreads outward at the surface producing strong, gusty surface winds, a sharp temperature drop, and a rapid rise in pressure. The surface wind surge is a “plow wind” and its leading edge is the “first gust”.

Meanwhile, updrafts reach a maximum with speeds exceeding 6,000 feet per minute. Updrafts and downdrafts in close proximity create strong vertical shear and a very turbulent environmental thunderstorm hazards reach their greatest intensity during the mature stage.

Dissipating Stage

Downdrafts characterize the dissipating stage of the thunderstorm cell and the storm dies rapidly. When rain has ended and downdrafts have abated, the dissipating stage is complete. When all cells of the thunderstorm have completed this stage, only harmless cloud remnants remain.

How Big

Individual thunderstorms measure from less than 5 miles to more than 30 miles in diameter. Cloud bases range from a few hundred feet in very moist climates to 10,000 feet or higher in drier regions. Tops generally range from 25,000 to 45,000 feet but occasionally extend above 65,000 feet.

Air Mass Thunderstorms

Air mass thunderstorms most often result from surface heating.. When the storm reaches the mature stage, rain falls through or immediately beside the updraft. Falling precipitation induces frictional drag, retards the updraft and reverses it to a downdraft. The storm is self-destructive. The downdraft and cool precipitation cool the lower portion of the storm and the underlying surface. Thus, it cuts off the inflow of water vapor; the storm runs out of energy and dies. A self-destructive cell usually has a life cycle of 20 minutes to 1 1/2 hours.

Steady State Thunderstorms

Steady state thunderstorms usually are associated with weather systems. Fronts, converging winds, and troughs aloft force upward motion spawning these storms which often form into squall lines. Afternoon heating intensifies them.

In a steady state storm, precipitation falls outside the updraft allowing the updraft to continue unabated Thus the mature stage updrafts become stronger and last much longer than in air mass storms, hence, the name “steady state”. A steady state cell may persist for several hours.

Squall Lines

A squall line is a non-frontal, narrow band of active thunderstorms. Often it develops ahead of a cold front in moist, unstable air, but it may develop in unstable air far removed from any front. The line may be too long to easily detour and too wide and severe to penetrate. It often contains severe steady-state thunderstorms and presents the single most intense weather hazard to aircraft. It usually forms rapidly, generally reaching maximum intensity during the late afternoon and the first few hours of darkness.

Squall lineSquall line radar echoWidespread East Coast Squall line


Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (12-16)

To pilots, the cumulonimbus cloud is perhaps the most dangerous cloud type. It appears individually or in groups and is known as either an air mass or orographic thunderstorm. Heating of the air near the Earth’s surface creates an airmass thunderstorm; the upslope motion of air in the mountainous regions causes orographic thunderstorms. Cumulonimbus clouds that form in a continuous line are non-frontal bands of thunderstorms or squall lines.

Since rising air currents cause cumulonimbus clouds, they are extremely turbulent and pose a significant hazard to flight safety. For example, if an aircraft enters a thunderstorm, the aircraft could experience updrafts and downdrafts that exceed 3,000 feet per minute. In addition, thunderstorms can produce large hailstones, damaging lightning, tornadoes, and large quantities of water, all of which are potentially hazardous to aircraft.

It is impossible to fly over thunderstorms in light aircraft. Severe thunderstorms can punch through the tropopause and reach staggering heights of 50,000 to 60,000 feet depending on latitude. Flying under thunderstorms can subject aircraft to rain, hail, damaging lightning, and violent turbulence.A good rule of thumb is to circumnavigate thunderstorms identified as severe or giving an extreme radar echo by at least 20 nautical miles (NM) since hail may fall for miles outside of the clouds. If flying around a thunderstorm is not an option, stay on the ground until it passes.

Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories

AIM 7-1-5. Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories

a. Background

1. Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories are forecasts to advise en route aircraft of development of potentially hazardous weather. Inflight aviation weather advisories in the conterminous U.S. are issued by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in Kansas City, MO, as well as 20 Center Weather Service Units (CWSU) associated with ARTCCs… All heights are referenced MSL, except in the case of ceilings (CIG) which indicate AGL.

2. There are four types of inflight aviation weather advisories: the SIGMET, the Convective SIGMET, the AIRMET (text or graphical product), and the Center Weather Advisory (CWA). All of these advisories use the same location identifiers (either VORs, airports, or well−known geographic areas) to describe the hazardous weather areas.

3. The Severe Weather Watch Bulletins (WWs), (with associated Alert Messages) (AWW) supplements these Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories.


SIGMETs/AIRMET text (WA) products are issued corresponding to the Area Forecast (FA) areas described in FIG 7−1−2 and FIG 7−1−3. The maximum forecast period is 4 hours for SIGMETs and 6 hours for AIRMETs. The G−AIRMET is issued over the CONUS every 6 hours, valid at 3−hour increments through 12 hours with optional forecasts possible during the first 6 hours. The first 6 hours of the G−AIRMET correspond to the 6−hour period of the AIRMET. SIGMETs and AIRMETs are considered “widespread” because they must be either affecting or be forecasted to affect an area of at least 3,000 square miles at any one time. However, if the total area to be affected during the forecast period is very large, it could be that in actuality only a small portion of this total area would be affected at any one time.


A SIGMET advises of weather that is potentially hazardous to all aircraft. SIGMETs are unscheduled products that are valid for 4 hours. However, SIGMETs associated with tropical cyclones and volcanic ash clouds are valid for 6 hours. Unscheduled updates and corrections are issued as necessary.

1. In the CONUS, SIGMETs are issued when the following phenomena occur or are expected to occur:
  (a) Severe icing not associated with thunderstorms.
  (b) Severe or extreme turbulence or clear air turbulence (CAT) not associated with thunderstorms.
  (c) Widespread dust storms or sandstorms lowering surface visibilities to below 3 miles.
  (d) Volcanic ash.

d. Convective SIGMET (WST)

1. Convective SIGMETs are issued in the conterminous U.S. for any of the following:

  • (a) Severe thunderstorm due to:
    • (1) Surface winds greater than or equal to 50 knots.
    • (2) Hail at the surface greater than or equal to 3/4 inches in diameter.
    • (3) Tornadoes.
  • (b) Embedded thunderstorms.
  • (c) A line of thunderstorms.
  • (d) Thunderstorms producing precipitation greater than or equal to heavy precipitation affecting 40 percent or more of an area at least 3,000 square miles.

2. Any convective SIGMET implies severe or greater turbulence, severe icing, and low-level wind shear. A convective SIGMET may be issued for any convective situation that the forecaster feels is hazardous to all categories of aircraft.

3. Convective SIGMET bulletins are issued for the western (W), central (C), and eastern (E) United States. (Convective SIGMETs are not issued for Alaska or Hawaii.) The areas are separated at 87 and 107 degrees west longitude with sufficient overlap to cover most cases when the phenomenon crosses the boundaries. Bulletins are issued hourly at H+55. Special bulletins are issued at any time as required and updated at H+55. If no criteria meeting convective SIGMET requirements are observed or forecasted, the message “CONVECTIVE SIGMET… NONE” will be issued for each area at H+55. Individual convective SIGMETs for each area (W, C, E) are numbered sequentially from number one each day, beginning at 00Z. A convective SIGMET for a continuing phenomenon will be reissued every hour at H+55 with a new number. The text of the bulletin consists of either an observation and a forecast or just a forecast. The forecast is valid for up to 2 hours.


Here is an example where there is no convective activity forecast:
WSUS33 KKCI 042155


1. AIRMETs (WAs) are advisories of significant weather phenomena but describe conditions at intensities lower than those which require the issuance of SIGMETs. AIRMETs are intended for dissemination to all pilots in the preflight and en route phase of flight to enhance safety. AIRMET information is available in two formats: text bulletins (WA) and graphics (G−AIRMET). Both formats meet the criteria of paragraph 7−1−3i and are issued on a scheduled basis every 6 hours beginning at 0245 UTC. Unscheduled updates and corrections are issued as necessary. AIRMETs contain details about IFR, extensive mountain obscuration, turbulence, strong surface winds, icing, and freezing levels.

2. There are three AIRMETs: Sierra, Tango, and Zulu. After the first issuance each day, scheduled or unscheduled bulletins are numbered sequentially for easier identification.
  (a) AIRMET Sierra describes IFR conditions and/or extensive mountain obscurations.
  (b) AIRMET Tango describes moderate turbulence, sustained surface winds of 30 knots or greater, and/or nonconvective low−level wind shear.
  (c) AIRMET Zulu describes moderate icing and provides freezing level heights.

You can access textual and graphical SIGMETs and AIRMETs when doing your preflight at NOAA’sAviation Weather Center. They are available worldwide.

SIGMETs 2017-01-04

In the CONUS there is just a bit of icing in California. The VA SIGMET is for Volcanic Ash in Guatemala and Ecuador.

7−1−9. Inflight Weather Broadcasts

a. Weather Advisory Broadcasts. ARTCCs broadcast a Severe Weather Forecast Alert (AWW), Convective SIGMET, SIGMET, or CWA alert once on all frequencies, except emergency, when any part of the area described is within 150 miles of the airspace under their jurisdiction.

b. Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service(HIWAS). HIWAS is an automated,continuous broadcast of inflight weather advisories, provided by FSS over select VOR outlets, which include the following weather products: AWW, SIGMET, Convective SIGMET, CWA, AIRMET (text [WA] or graphical [G−AIRMET] products), and urgent PIREPs. HIWAS is available throughout the conterminous United States as an additional source of hazardous weather information.

The presence of HIWAS information on a VOR is indicated on a sectional or terminal area chart by an “H” in the upper-right corner of the box surrounding the NAVAID frequency.

[You will often hear an addendum to an airports ATIS stating that “Hazardous Weather Information for (geographical area) available on HIWAS, Flight Watch, or Flight Service Frequencies.” If you are on an IFR flight plan or using Flight Following you will also hear ATC notify all aircraft that hazardous weather information has been updated on HIWAS.]

g. Watch Notification Messages

The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) in Norman, OK, issues Watch Notification Messages to provide an area threat alert for forecast organized severe thunderstorms that may produce tornadoes, large hail, and/or convective damaging winds within the CONUS. SPC issues three types of watch notification messages: Aviation Watch Notification Messages, Public Severe Thunderstorm Watch Notification Messages, and Public Tornado Watch Notification Messages.

It is important to note the difference between a Severe Thunderstorm (or Tornado) Watch and a Severe Thunderstorm (or Tornado) Warning. A watch means severe weather is possible during the next few hours, while a warning means that severe weather has been observed, or is expected within the hour.

h. Center Weather Advisories (CWAs)

1. CWAs are unscheduled inflight, flow control, air traffic, and air crew advisory. By nature of its short lead time, the CWA is not a flight planning product. It is generally a nowcast for conditions beginning within the next two hours. CWAs will be issued:

  • (a) As a supplement to an existing SIGMET, Convective SIGMET or AIRMET.
  • (b) When an Inflight Advisory has not been issued but observed or expected weather conditions meet SIGMET/AIRMET criteria based on current pilot reports and reinforced by other sources of information about existing meteorological conditions.
  • (c) When observed or developing weather conditions do not meet SIGMET, Convective SIGMET, or AIRMET criteria; e.g., in terms of intensity or area coverage, but current pilot reports or other weather information sources indicate that existing or anticipated meteorological phenomena will adversely affect the safe flow of air traffic within the ARTCC area of responsibility.


METARs, TAFs, and SPECIs can be found at the ADDs site for airports and weather stations across the US. The Aviation Weather Services Advisory Circular AC 00-45H describes the coding for thunderstorms. Beginning and Ending of Thunderstorms
The beginning and ending of thunderstorms are coded in the following format: TS for thunderstorms, followed by either a B for beginning or an E for ending and the time of occurrence. No spaces are between the elements. For example, if a thunderstorm began at 0159 and ended at 0230, the remark is coded TSB0159E30. Thunderstorm Location (Plain Language)
Thunderstorm locations are coded in the following format: the thunderstorm identifier, TS, followed by location of the thunderstorm(s) from the station and the direction of movement when
known. For example, a thunderstorm southeast of the station and moving toward the northeast
is coded TS SE MOV NE.

+TSRA SQ Thunderstorm with heavy rain and squalls

This is an actual TAF from International Falls, WI on September 26, 2008.
KINL 261737Z 261818 30006KT P6SM OVC025
Forecast period: 1900 to 2100 UTC 26 September 2008
Forecast type: TEMPORARY: The following changes expected for less than half the time period
Visibility: 4 miles (6 km)
Ceiling: 1500 feet AGL
Clouds: overcast cloud deck at 1500 feet AGL
Weather: -TSRA BR (light rain associated with thunderstorm(s), mist)

Here is the national thunderstorm forecast in graphic format and an actual radar view.
Thunderstorm ForecastActual squall line radar echo

Storm Prediction Center

The forecast graphic above is available at the Storm Prediction Center site. The enhanced resolution thunder probabilities take into account both the expected areal coverage and probability for thunder to occur. Therefore, a 40% probability means that given similar environmental conditions, thunder would be observed at any one location (in either a county or city) within the 40% thunder probability area four times out of ten, or 40% of the time.

What ATC knows

The ATB 07-1 Special thunderstorm refresher for Air Traffic Controllers May 2007 gives information on what ATC can see. This information is out of date but I can’t find more recent info.

As a result of differences in the automation and radar systems used in en route, terminal and flight service, there are some differences in how those systems support the standardized intensities. The en route automation systems display weather information received from WARP in three precipitation intensity levels. They are: “MODERATE,” “HEAVY,” and “EXTREME.” WARP does not display light intensity weather. When issuing precipitation intensity from Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR), use “MODERATE” to describe the lowest displayable precipitation intensity and “HEAVY to EXTREME” to describe the highest displayable precipitation intensity. Currently, the automation systems in various terminal facilities (Common Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS), ARTS Color Display, Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System, and Micro-En Route Automated Tracking System) provide up to six levels of precipitation intensity. Those facilities capable of displaying the six levels will describe level 1 as “LIGHT,” level 2 as “MODERATE,” levels 3 and 4 as “HEAVY,” and levels 5 and 6 as “EXTREME.” The system displays at these facilities will be changed from six levels to the standardized four precipitation levels.

The six levels previously used by FSS specialists for radar precipitation intensity have been consolidated into four. FSS specialists now use the standardized terms “LIGHT,” “MODERATE,” “HEAVY,” and “EXTREME” to describe radar precipitation intensity. The terms previously used to describe “HEAVY” and “VERY HEAVY” will now be stated as “HEAVY.” The terms “INTENSE” and “EXTREME” will now be stated as “EXTREME.” These changes also reflect modifications to aviation weather products by the National Weather Service.

As we approach thunderstorm season, a review of thunderstorm weather is required. Thunderstorms form when unstable atmospheric conditions exist. A classic example is when cold dry air overlays a layer of warm moist air. As cold air sinks, the warmer air is displaced upward, bringing with it the necessary moisture for a thunderstorm to develop. With sufficient meteorological data, a weather forecaster can objectively determine stability and moisture content; judging the lifting mechanism possesses a greater challenge. Meteorologists evaluate all conditions to decide whether convective SIGMETs should be issued. These data are also used to prepare an Aviation Terminal Forecast, and a CWA. One of the greatest tools available to all aviation interests (pilots, controllers, and meteorologists) to detect, measure, and follow thunderstorms is weather radar. Weather radar can show where thunderstorms are, how widespread they may be, and how tall they are. Observing thunderstorms over a period of time allows an opportunity to determine their movements and trends. A thunderstorm trend refers to its development and dissipation. All thunderstorms have a life cycle: formation, development, maturation, and dissipation. NEXRAD is best known to provide thunderstorm coverage, movement, trend, and height information.

Pilots obtaining information about thunderstorms directly from airborne capabilities, or from controllers and specialists, is a key factor to avoid hazardous thunderstorm encounters and ensure inflight safety.

Thunderstorm Frequency

Thunderstorms are extremely infrequent in my part of the country (California’s Central Coast) and an almost everyday occurrence in places like Florida in the summertime. This chart has the number of days that thunderstorms were observed, across the US.

NOAA Summary

The National Severe Storms Laboratory has a good summary page on Thunderstorm Basics.

Air Safety Foundation—Online Course

The course Thunderstorms and ATC discusses effective pilot-ATC communication and the weather-radar equipment that ATC can use to help pilots avoid convective activity.

Quick Weather, NOTAMs, and TFR Check

September 26th, 2008

Most FBOs have a computer for checking the weather but I can never remember the addresses for METARs, NOTAMs, and TFRs. This is a list of sites I check before returning. Now that Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) like ForeFlight and WingsX have weather, NOTAMS, and TFRs built in, this page isn’t as useful as it used to be. I kept it just in case you want to visit the sites where they get their data.

Metar lookup and my home Metars

NWS Local Forecast Fill in your city or zip.


Active Special Use Airspace (SUAs)


NOAA’s Aviation Weather Briefing



ADSB and RAIM Prediction Tool

And just in case you need to check sunrise and sunset.
Sun and Moon Data

Links last updated 2017-01-04.

Wind Shear: Summary of AC 00-54

September 21st, 2008

This post summarizes FAA Advisory Circular AC 00-54 PILOT WINDSHEAR GUIDE issued 11/25/88. I changed the punctuation a bit and left out a lot of the text. Additions are indicated by brackets [ ]. Bold indicates things I’d like to remember. This document uses windshear as a single word—other documents split it into two words—wind shear. The AC was developed to aid pilots of large transport-category airplanes made by Boeing, Douglas, and Lockheed so much of the AC deals with procedures for those aircraft. The techniques for recognition and avoidance are the same for small aircraft and are extracted in this post.


Wind variations at low altitude have long been recognized as a serious hazard to airplanes during takeoff and approach. These wind variations can result from a large variety of meteorological conditions such as: topographical conditions, temperature inversions, sea breezes, frontal systems, strong surface winds, and the most violent forms of wind change—the thunderstorm and rain shower.

Throughout this document several terms are used when discussing low-altitude wind variations. These terms are defined as follows:

Windshear—Any rapid direction or velocity. change in wind

Severe Windshear—A rapid change in wind direction or velocity causing airspeed changes greater than 15 knots or vertical speed changes greater than 500 feet per minute.

Increasing Headwind Shear—Windshear in which headwind increases causing an airspeed increase.

Decreasing Headwind Shear—Windshear in which headwind decreases causing an airspeed loss.

Decreasing Tailwind Shear—Windshear in which tailwind decreases causing an airspeed increase.

Increasing Tailwind Shear—Windshear in which tailwind increases causing an airspeed loss.

The Thunderstorm

There are two basic types of thunder storms: airmass and frontal. Airmass thunderstorms appear to be randomly distributed in‘unstable air and develop from localized heating at the earth’s surface (Figure 2). The heated air rises and cools to form cumulus clouds. As the cumulus stage continues to develop, precipitation forms in higher portions of the cloud and falls. Precipitation signals the beginning of the mature stage and presence of a downdraft. After approximately an hour, the heated up draft creating the thunderstorm is cut off by rainfall. Heat is removed and the thunderstorm dissipates. Many thunderstorms produce an associated cold air gust front as a result of the downflow and outrush of rain-cooled air. These gust fronts are usually very turbulent and can create a serious threat to airplanes during takeoff and approach.

Figure 2

Frontal thunderstorms are usually associated with weather systems like fronts, converging winds, and troughs aloft. Frontal thunderstorms form in squall lines, last several hours, generate heavy rain and possibly hail, and produce strong gusty winds and possibly tornadoes. The principal distinction in formation of these more severe thunderstorms is the presence of large horizontal wind changes (speed and direction) at different altitudes in the thunderstorm. This causes the severe thunderstorm to be vertically tilted (Figure 3). Precipitation falls away from the heated updraft permitting a much longer storm development period. Resulting airflows within the storm accelerate to much higher vertical velocities which ultimately result in higher horizontal wind velocities at the surface.

Figure 3

The downward moving column of air, or downdraft, of a typical thunderstorm is fairly large, about 1 to 5 miles in diameter. Resultant outflows may produce large changes in wind speed. Though wind changes near the surface occur across an area sufficiently large to lessen the effect, thunderstorms always present a potential hazard to airplanes. Regardless of whether a thunderstorm contains windshear however, the possibility of heavy rain, hail, extreme turbulence, and tornadoes make it critical that pilots avoid thunderstorms.

The Microburst as a Windshear Threat

Identification of concentrated, more powerful downdrafts—known as microbursts—has resulted from the investigation of windshear accidents and from meteorological research. Microbursts can occur anywhere convective weather conditions (thunderstorms, rain showers, virga) occur. Observations suggest that approximately five percent of all thunderstorms produce a microburst.

Downdrafts associated with microbursts are typically only a few hundred to 3,000 feet across. When the downdraft reaches the ground, it spreads out horizontally and may form one or more horizontal vortex rings around the downdraft (Figure 7). The outflow region is typically 6,000 to 12,000 feet across. The horizontal vortices may extend to over 2,000 feet AGL.

Figure 7

Microburst outflows are not always symmetric (Figure 8). Therefore, a significant airspeed increase may not occur upon entering the outflow, or may be much less than the subsequent airspeed loss experienced when exiting the microburst.

Figure 8

More than one microburst can occur in the same weather system. Pilots are therefore cautioned to be alert for additional microbursts if one has already been encountered or observed. If several microbursts are present, a series of horizontal vortices can form near the ground due to several microbursts being embedded in one another (Figure 9). Conditions associated with these vortices may produce very powerful updrafts and roll forces in addition to downdrafts.

Figure 9

Wind speeds intensify for about 5 minutes after a microburst initially contacts the ground (Figure 70). An encounter during the initial stage of microburst development may not be considered significant, but an airplane following may experience an airspeed change two to three times greater! Microbursts typically dissipate within 10 to 20 minutes after ground contact.

Figure 10

Doppler radar wind measurements indicate that the wind speed change a pilot might expect when flying through the average microburst at its point of peak intensity is about 45 knots. However, microburst windspeed differences of almost 100 knots have been measured. In fact, a severe event at Andrews Air Force Base (Camp Spring, Maryland) on August 1, 1983 indicated headwind/tailwind differential velocities near 200 knots.

IT IS VITAL TO RECOGNIZE THAT SOME MICROBURSTS CANNOT BE SUCCESSFULLY ESCAPED WITH ANY KNOWN TECHNIQUES! Note that even windshears which were within the performance capability of the airplane have caused accidents.

Microbursts can be associated with both heavy rain, as in thunderstorm conditions, and much lighter precipitation associated with convective clouds. Microbursts have occurred in relatively dry conditions of light rain or virga (precipitation that evaporates before reaching the earth’s surface). The formation of a dry microburst is illustrated in Figure 12. In this example, air below a cloud base (up to approximately 15,000 feet AGL) is very dry. Precipitation from higher convective clouds falls into low humidity air and evaporates. This evaporative cooling causes the air to plunge downward. As the evaporative cooling process continues, the downdraft accelerates. Pilots are therefore cautioned not to fly beneath convective clouds producing virga conditions. .

Figure 12


In a typical accident studied, the airplane encountered an increasing tailwind shear shortly after lifting off the runway (Figure 13). For the first 5 seconds after liftoff the takeoff appeared normal, but the airplane crashed off the end of the runway about 20 seconds after liftoff.

In many events involving after-liftoff windshear encounters, early trends in airspeed, pitch attitude, vertical speed and altitude appeared normal. In this example, the airplane encountered windshear before stabilized climb was established which caused difficulty in detecting onset of shear. As the airspeed decreased, pitch attitude was reduced to regain trim airspeed (Figure 14). By reducing pitch attitude, available performance capability was not utilized and the airplane lost altitude. As terrain became a factor, recovery to initial pitch attitude was initiated. This required unusually high stick force (up to 30 pounds of pull may be required on some airplanes). Corrective action, however, was too late to prevent ground contact since the downward flight path was well established. Reducing pitch attitude to regain lost airspeed, or allowing attitude to decrease in response to lost airspeed, is the result of past training emphasis on airspeed control. Successful recovery from an inadvertent windshear encounter requires maintaining or increasing pitch attitude and accepting lower than usual airspeed. Unusual and unexpected stick forces may be required to counter pitching tendencies and lift loss.

Figure 14

To counter the loss of airspeed and flight path degradation resulting from windshear, pitch attitude must not be allowed to fall below the normal range. Only by properly controlling pitch attitude and accepting reduced airspeed can flight path degradation be prevented. Once the airplane begins to deviate from the intended flight path and high descent rates develop, it takes additional time and altitude to change flight path direction. [On takeoff the pilot must monitor airspeed, vertical speed, and altitude in order to detect windshear. In a normal situation, if airspeed is too low, then vertical speed is too high and the altimeter is rising too fast. In a windshear situation, airspeed and vertical speed are too low and the altimeter is showing a decrease. Strong air movement complicates this picture. See below.]


Analysis of a typical windshear encounter on approach provided evidence of an increasing downdraft and tailwind along the approach flight path (Figure 20). The airplane lost airspeed, dropped below the target glidepath, and contacted the ground short of the runway threshold.

Figure 20

Reduced airspeed, as the airplane encountered the windshear, resulted in decreased lift. This loss of lift increased the descent rate (Figure 21). The natural nose-down pitch response of the airplane to low airspeed caused additional altitude loss. Pitch attitude increase and recovery initiation were not used soon enough to prevent ground contact. Lack of timely and appropriate response—affected by weather conditions, inadequate crew coordination and limited recognition time—was a significant factor in delaying recovery initiation. Gradual application of thrust during approach may have masked the initial decreasing airspeed trend. Poor weather conditions caused increased workload and complicated the approach. Transition from instruments to exterior visual references may have detracted from instrument scan. Inadequate crew coordination may have resulted in failure to be aware of flight path degradation. A stabilized approach with clearly defined callouts is essential to aid in recognition of unacceptable flight path trends and the need to initiate recovery.

Figure 21

Windshear Effects on Airplanes

Headwind/Tailwind Shear Response

The various components of windshear have unique effects on airplane performance. In addition, the magnitude of the shear depends on the flight path through the microburst. An increasing headwind (or decreasing tailwind) shear increases indicated airspeed and thus increases performance. The airplane will tend to pitch up to regain trim airspeed. An additional consideration is that this type of shear may reduce normal deceleration during flare which could cause overrun. Any rapid or large airspeed increase, particularly near convective weather conditions, should be viewed as a possible indication of a forthcoming airspeed decrease. Thus a large airspeed increase may be reason for discontinuing the approach. However, since microbursts are often asymmetric and the headwind may not always be present, headwind shears must not be relied upon to provide early indications of subsequent tailwind shears. Be prepared! In contrast to shears which increase airspeed, an increasing tailwind (or decreasing headwind) shear will decrease indicated airspeed and performance capability. Due to airspeed loss, the airplane may tend to pitch down to regain trim speed.

Vertical Windshear Response

Vertical winds exist in every microburst and increase in intensity with altitude. Such winds usually reach peak intensity at heights greater than 500 feet above the ground. Downdrafts with speeds greater than 3,000 feet per minute can exist in the center of a strong microburst. The severity of the downdraft the airplane encounters depends on both the altitude and lateral proximity to the center of the microburst. Perhaps more critical than sustained downdrafts, short duration reversals in vertical winds can exist due to the horizontal vortices associated with microbursts. This is shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22

An airplane flying through horizontal vortices as shown in Figure 22 experiences alternating updrafts and downdrafts causing pitch changes without pilot input. These vertical winds result in airplane angle-of-attack fluctuations which, if severe enough, may result in momentary stick shaker actuation or airframe shudder at speeds well above normal, Vertical winds, like those associated with horizontal vortices, were considered in development of the recovery procedure. The most significant impact of rapidly changing vertical winds is to increase pilot workload during the recovery. The higher workload results from attention to momentary stick shaker actuation and uncommanded pitch attitude changes from rapid changes in vertical wind.

Crosswind Shear Response

A crosswind shear tends to cause the airplane to roll and/or yaw. Large crosswind shears may require large or rapid control wheel inputs. These shears may result in significantly increased workload and distraction. In addition, if an aircraft encounters a horizontal vortex, severe roll forces may require up to full control wheel input to counteract the roll and maintain aircraft control.

Turbulence Effects

Turbulence may be quite intense in weather conditions associated with windshear. Effects of turbulence can mask changing airspeed trends and delay recognition of severe windshear. Turbulence may also tend to discourage use of available airplane pitch attitude during a recovery by causing random stick shaker activity. These effects can significantly increase pilot workload and distraction.

Rain Effects

Accident investigations and the study of windshear have shown that some forms of windshear are accompanied by high rates of rainfall. NASA research is underway to determine if high rainfall rates contribute to a loss of airplane performance. The results available to date are inconclusive. However, because rain may serve as a warning of severe windshear, areas of heavy rain should be avoided. High rates of rainfall also cause significant increases in cockpit noise levels, making crew coordination and pilot concentration more difficult.

Windshear Effects On Systems


During callouts and instrument scan in a windshear, use of radio and/or barometric altimeters must be tempered by the characteristics of each. Since radio altitude is subject to terrain contours, the indicator may show a climb or descent due to falling or rising terrain, respectively. The barometric altimeter may also provide distorted indications due to pressure variations within the microburst.

Vertical Speed Indicators

The vertical speed indicator (VSI) should not be solely relied upon to provide accurate vertical speed infor mation. Due to instrument lags, indications may be several seconds behind actual airplane rate of climb/ descent and, in some situations, may indicate a climb after the airplane has started descending. Vertical speed indicators driven by an Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) show significant improvement over other type instruments but still have some lag. In addition, gust-induced pitot static pressure variations within the micro burst may introduce further VSI inaccuracies. Due to such lags and errors, all vertical flight path instruments should be crosschecked to verify climb/descent trends.


The lessons learned from windshear accident investigations, engineering analyses, and flight simulator studies have provided insight for development of simulator windshear models for pilot training. Through these efforts, it was determined that the essential elements which must be taught include: 1) Recognition of windshear encounter, 2) Flight at speeds significantly less than those speeds typically exposed to in training, and 3) Use of pitch attitude rather than airspeed control to recover. A simple model presenting a significant windshear threat requiring use of prompt corrective attitude control is sufficient to teach these elements. Once the basics of recognition and recovery are understood, more complex models may be useful.


The weather evaluation process that follows was developed after careful analyses of several windshear-related accidents. In each accident that occurred, several potential windshear indicators were present, but a clear, definitive choice to divert or delay was not made. The windshear indicators are meant to be cumulative. The more indicators present, the more crews should consider delaying departure or approach. Only through an in-creased awareness of potential windshear indicators and a proper weather evaluation routine will flight crews be best prepared to avoid microburst windshear.

If convective cloud conditions are present and/or if thunderstorms appear likely, the potential for windshear and microburst activity exists. Even if there are only subtle signs of convective weather, such as weak cumulus cloud forms, suspect the possibility of microbursts, particularly if the air is hot and dry.

[In a METAR or TAF] the chance of severe thunderstorm, heavy rain showers, hail, and wind gusts, suggest the potential for microbursts if actual thunderstorm conditions are encountered.

Dry microbursts are somewhat more difficult to recognize. When flying in regions of low humidity near the surface any convective cloud is a likely microburst producer. Examination of the terminal forecast for convective activity—rain, thunderstorms, etc.—is good practice.

Hourly sequence reports should be inspected for windshear clues—thunderstorms, rainshowers, or blowing dust. The temperature and dew point spread should be examined for large differences, i.e. 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, indicating low humidity. Additional signs such as warming trends, gusty winds, cumulonimbus clouds, etc., should be noted.

LLWAS (Low Level Windshear Alert System)—Presently installed at 110 airports in the U.S. this system is designed to detect wind shifts between outlying stations and a reference centerfield station.

SIGMETs Embedded thunderstorms indicate a potential for windshear.

Visual Clues from the Cockpit: The value of recognizing microbursts by visual clues from the cockpit cannot be overemphasized. Pilots must remember that microbursts occur only in the presence of convective weather indicated by cumulus-type clouds, thunderstorms, rain showers, and virga. (Note that other types of windshear can occur in the absence of convective weather.)

Microburst windshear can often be identified by some obvious visual clues such as heavy rain (in a dry or moist environment). This is particularly true if the rain is accompanied by curling outflow, a ring of blowing dust or localized dust in general, flying debris, virga, a rain core with rain diverging away horizontally from the rain core, or tornadic features (funnel clouds, tornados). At night, lightning may be the only visual clue. Pilots must become aware that these visual clues are often the only means to identify windshear.

PIREPS are extremely important indicators in microburst windshear situations. Reports of sudden airspeed changes in the airport approach orlanding corridors provide indication of the presence of

Weather Summary—Predicting Microbursts

  • Convective weather with localized strong winds
  • Heavy precipitation
  • Virga
  • Moderate or greter turbuence
  • 30-50°F temperature/dewpoint spread
  • PIREPs of change in indicated airspeed of > 15 kts

Summary and Notes

When approaching to land wind affects groundspeed and rate of descent.

Headwind Compared to No Wind

  • Slower groundspeed
  • Slower rate of descent-because the groundspeed is slower
  • Higher power setting

Tailwind Compared to No Wind

  • Faster groundspeed
  • Faster rate of descent required-because the groundspeed is faster
  • Lower power setting

Headwind Shearing to Tailwind or Calm

As you fly into the shear the airplane has less wind resistance so

  • IAS goes down
  • Airplane pitches nose down
  • Airplane goes down

Recovery: Add power to regain airspeed. Normally if airspeed is decreasing pitch down but in this case pitch up. Once rate of descent is stabilized—reduce power.

Tailwind Shearing to Headwind or Calm

As you fly into the shear the airplane has more wind resistance so

  • IAS goes up
  • Airplane pitches nose up
  • Airplane goes up

Recovery: Reduce power to regain airspeed. Normally if airspeed is increasing pitch up but in this case maintain pitch. Once rate of descent is stabilized—add power.

Low Level Wind Shear

Usually found around:

  • Thunderstorms
  • Fronts
  • Low-level Inversions
  • Mountain Waves

Microburst Probablilty

Microbursts can be found when there is:

  • Convective weather with localized strong winds
  • Heavy Precipitation
  • Virga
  • Moderate or greater turbulence
  • 30-50° temperature/dewpoint fluctuation
  • Pireps of IAS changes of greater than 15 kts.

Captain Warren VanderBurgh talks about how windshear resulted in several airline crashes and how you should respond when encountering windshear.

Search Pilot Forums

September 20th, 2008

There are lots of type clubs with forums that have great information. Their serach functions often aren’t great and often you have to belong to the club to search the articles. Sometimes Google can help you find articles on specific topics. If the original link doesn’t work, use the cache. Here are a few sites:

Cessna Owner Organization

Piper Owner Society

Wind Shear

September 20th, 2008

The Aviation Safety Network database contains 69 wind-shear accidents, most of which did not result in fatalities. Three accidents—New Orleans in 1975, New York in 1982, and Dallas-Fort Worth crash in 1985—prompted NASA to begin a program to understand and detect wind shear. As a result of the program, wind-shear alert systems have been installed at over 100 large airports and airliners are required to have on-board wind-shear sensor systems. There has only been one wind-shear accident in airliners in the US since the sensors were installed. (Charlotte, NC). The NTSB database lists 127 accidents where wind shear was listed in the probable causes.

There are several questions on wind shear on the FAA Knowledge tests, especially on the Instrument Test. The questions can be answered by referring to several FAA publications.

Instrument Flying Handbook p 10-25
Wind shear can be defined as a change in wind speed and/or wind direction in a short distance. It can exist in a horizontal or vertical direction and occasionally in both. Wind shear can occur at all levels of the atmosphere but is of greatest concern during takeoffs and landings. It is typically associated with thunderstorms and low-level temperature inversions; however, the jet stream and weather fronts are also sources of wind shear.

As Figure 10-17 illustrates, Figure 10-17 Wind Shearwhile an aircraft is on an instrument approach, a shear from a tailwind to a headwind causes the airspeed to increase and the nose to pitch up with a corresponding balloon above the glide path. A shear from a headwind to a tailwind has the opposite effect, and the aircraft will sink below the glide path. A headwind shear followed by a tailwind/downdraft shear is particularly dangerous because the pilot has reduced power and lowered the nose in response to the headwind shear. This leaves the aircraft in a nose-low, power-low configuration when the tailwind shear occurs, which makes recovery more difficult, particularly near the ground. This type of wind shear scenario is likely while making an approach in the face of an oncoming thunderstorm.

Pilots should be alert for indications of wind shear early in the approach phase and be ready to initiate a missed approach at the first indication. It may be impossible to recover from a wind shear encounter at low altitude.

Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge p 12-11
Low-Level Wind Shear
Wind shear is dangerous to an aircraft. It can rapidly change the performance of the aircraft and disrupt the normal flight attitude. For example, a tailwind quickly changing to a headwind causes an increase in airspeed and performance. Conversely, a headwind changing to a tailwind causes a decrease in airspeed and performance. In either case, a pilot must be prepared to react immediately to these changes to maintain control of the aircraft.

Wind shear is a sudden, drastic change in windspeed and/or direction over a very small area. Wind shear can subject an aircraft to violent updrafts and downdrafts as well as abrupt changes to the horizontal movement of the aircraft. While wind shear can occur at any altitude, low-level wind shear is especially hazardous due to the proximity of an aircraft to the ground. Directional wind changes of 180° and speed changes of 50 knots or more are associated with low-level wind shear. Low-level wind shear is commonly associated with passing frontal systems, thunderstorms, and temperature inversions with strong upper level winds (greater than 25 knots).


During an inadvertent takeoff into a microburst, the plane may first experience a performance-increasing headwind (1), followed by performance-decreasing downdrafts (2), followed by a rapidly increasing tailwind (3). This can result in terrain impact or flight dangerously close to the ground (4). An encounter during approach involves the same sequence of wind changes and could force the plane to the ground short of the runway.

AOPA Thunderstorms
Hazardous turbulence is present in all thunderstorms; and in a severe thunderstorm, it can damage an airframe. Strongest turbulence with the cloud occurs with shear between updrafts and downdrafts. Outside the cloud, shear turbulence has been encountered several thousand feet above and 20 miles laterally from a severe storm. A low level turbulent area is the shear zone between the plow wind and surrounding air. Often, a “roll cloud” on the leading edge of a storm marks the eddies in this shear. The roll cloud is most prevalent with cold frontal or squall line thunderstorms and signifies an extremely turbulent zone. The first gust causes a rapid and sometimes drastic change in surface wind ahead of an approaching storm. Figure 113 shows a schematic cross section of a thunderstorm with areas outside the cloud where turbulence may b encountered.


Aviation Weather p 88

Wind Shear With a Low-Level Temperature Inversion
Eddies in the shear zone cause airspeed fluctuations as an aircraft climbs or descends through an inversion. An aircraft most likely is either climbing from takeoff or approaching to land when passing through an inversion; therefore, airspeed is slow—only a few knots greater than stall speed. The fluctuation in airspeed can induce a stall precariously close to the ground.

The FAA has an Advisory Circular AC 00-54 on Wind Shear that covers conditions that lead to wind shear, including thunderstorms, inversions, and microbursts. Even though it was written in 1988, the information is still relevant and should be required reading for every pilot. Sporty’s used it as the basis of their IFR training tape on wind shear and it’s a bit easier to follow than the pdf. It has enough good information for its own post.

Wind shear is also important in the formation of cyclones and hurricanes. The Weather Underground has an introduction to the topic. The University of Wisconsin has maps from the GOES satellite of wind shear conditions in the Atlantic.

Test you knowledge of wind shear.

Talk like a pilot!

September 19th, 2008

In honor of Talk Like a Pirate day, (Sept 19th) I thought I’d put up some phrases you can use to sound like a pilot.

Pilot: We’re preflighted and ready to go. We’re ready to bore some holes in the sky.
Instructor: OK Let’s kick the tires and light the fires.

Pilot: Barnstormer 1EE ready for taxi.
Tower: Standby

Tower: Barnstormer 1EE bird activity south of the airport. Cleared for takeoff.
Pilot: Roger that. Cleared for takeoff.

Co-pilot: More right rudder, Scotty!
Pilot: Wilco

ATC: Barnstormer 1EE Traffic at your 2 o’clock . Six miles.
Pilot: We’re looking. 1EE

Pilot: Barnstormer 1EE has the traffic in sight.
ATC: Roger

ATC: Barnstormer 1EE do you have the traffic?
Pilot: Negative. 1EE

Tower: Barnstormer 1EE turn left to 220 caution wake turbulence from the departing regional. I’ve got a Cessna two miles ahead on your right at 2,500, there’s a Piper taking off behind you.
Pilot: Roger

After flying for while in the practice area you return to the field.
Pilot: Barnstormer 1EE over Avila at 2 thousand five hundred with ATIS Delta.
Tower: Barnstormer 1EE state your intentions.
Pilot: Barnstormer 1EE inbound for full stop landing.

Tower: Barnstormer 1EE extend downwind 2 miles for waterfall on final.
Pilot: Say again. 1EE.

Tower: Barnstormer 1EE extend downwind 2 miles for ducks and geese on final.
Pilot: Extending downwind. 1EE.

Tower: Barnstormer 1EE cleared to land number 2 following the Brasilia.
Pilot: Barnstormer 1EE cleared to land number 2.

Instructor: There’s a flock of geese on the runway. Let’s get out of Dodge.
Pilot to Tower: Barnstormer 1EE going around.

Instructor: Looks like you’re lined up for the landing. Now just keep the pointy end forward and the dirty side down.
Pilot: Groan.

Later after a poor landing.
Pilot: How many landings should I log for that?
Instructor: “Did we land, or were we shot down?”
Pilot: It’s a successful landing if you walk away and can use the plane again.

Tower: Take the next left if able and contact ground point 6.
Pilot: Left and ground point 6.

The first thing to remember when talking like a pilot is that you must use hand gestures. And not the wimpy finger-pointing gestures that the politicians use, but big, exuberant ones. Pretend you are French or Italian—but without the accent. Extra points for using your hips. Double points if pen and paper are involved.

More right


Always refer to yourself as we.

How to Use: Q: Can you fix it?
We’ll sure try.
How Not to Use: No examples. It’s always appropriate.


I’m busy right now but I’ll be with you in a moment. No response is necessary.

How to Use: You’re in the middle of something and can’t stop listen and work at the same time.
Q: Did you see what your son has done now?
Reply: Standby
How Not to Use: You’re in the middle of something and can’t stop or listen and work at the same time.
Q: I’ve cut myself and I’m bleeding all over the floor.
Reply: Standby

Roger that

I have received your communication. I don’t necessarily agree, disagree, or even care, but I have heard what you said.

How Not to Use: Q: The Wilsons have invited us to dinner on Thursday.
Reply: Roger that.


I have heard and understand what you said and I “Will Comply” with your instructions.

How to Use: Request: Can you fax this to these three people and then mail the original to the third person on the list?
Reply: Wilco

State your intentions

Tell me what you you plan to do next.

How to Use: Q: Dad, Can I borrow the car tonight?
Reply: State your intentions.
How not to Use: Your significant other unbuttons two shirt buttons and sits on your lap.
Response: State your intentions.

Let’s get out of Dodge.

Useful for indicating that a go-around is desired or it’s too busy at an uncontrolled field and you’ll go somewhere else.

How to Use: You’re in the middle of a crowded mall and you can’t find what you were looking for anyway.
Statement: Let’s get out of Dodge.



How to Use: Q: Did you see the game on Saturday.
Reply: Negative.
How not to Use: A husband suspects his wife is having an affair with a pilot but she keeps denying it until finally the husband just knew when his wife said:
Honey, I’ve told you once, I’ve told you twice, I’ve told you niner thousand times, negative on the affair …

Say again

Please repeat as I wasn’t paying attention and I think you might have said something important. Alternatively, You can’t possibly have said what I think you just said.

How to Use: Q: Can I get my eyebrow pierced?
Reply: Say again.
How Not to Use: Q: …Blah blah blah… blah blah… car noise blah blah..
Reply: Say again.

If Able

How to Use: San Jose Tower: American 751 heavy, turn right at the end if able. If not able, take the Guadalupe exit off of Highway 101 back to the airport.

Useful phrases for sounding like a pilot

Kick the tires and light the fires.
We’re ready to bore/burn some holes in the sky.
Keep the pointy side forward and the dirty side down.
It’s a successful landing if you walked away.
How many landings should I log that one as?
More right rudder, Scotty!
I found this part in the PMA section of the Ace Hardware store.
There are old pilots and bold pilots—but no old bold pilots.
Aviate. Navigate. Communicate.

You’re not a real pilot until you’ve taken the bus home.

Mnemonics and Mantras.

September 18th, 2008

There are lots of mnemonics for remembering to do things in and around the plane. Some important things aren’t really mnemonics but are more like mantras.

Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.—For the big picture of flying.
Radios, Mixture, Master, Mags—For shutdown.

I have my favorite mnemonics for various phases of flight—Why I disike GUMPS—and to remember things like required equipment for VFR/IFR flight TOMATOFLAAMES and GRABCARD.

There are lots more out there. Here are some links to sites I’ve found useful.

Aviation Acronyms and Mnemonics by Scott Todd, CFI.

Acronyms and Mnemonics by Linda Dowdy, CFI.

Memorization Acronyms by JetCareers.com Forum.

Type Clubs and Aviation Groups

September 17th, 2008

This is a collection of type clubs, associations, and web pages dedicated to specific aircraft. Some of the web sites look like they have not been updated in a while, but they still have some interesting information. Active or interesting sites are indicated with bold text links.

General Interest Associations

AOPA With a membership base of more than 400,000, or half of all pilots with current medical certificates in the United States, AOPA is the largest, most influential aviation association in the world. AOPA provides flight planning services, training though the Air Safety Foundation, information on Aircraft ownership, and government advocacy.

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) The Leader in Recreational Aviation, an international 170,000-member organization encouraging and supporting recreational and sport aviation, and the Home of EAA AirVenture, The World’s Largest Aviation Event.

International Organization of Women Pilots Our organization was founded in 1929 by 99 licensed women pilots for the mutual support and advancement of aviation.

The National Business Aviation Association represents the aviation interests of more than 8,000 companies which own or operate general aviation aircraft as an aid to the conduct of their business, or are involved with business aviation.

California Pilots Association The California Pilots Association is a non-profit public benefit California Corporation formed in 1949. The mission of our statewide volunteer organization is to promote and preserve the state’s general aviation airports. We have long recognized that the state’s general aviation airports are more than irreplaceable transportation infrastructure assets. They also serve as disaster recovery centers – most recently demonstrated during the annual wild fires across the state, and in the past during the major earthquakes.

Canadian Owners and Pilots Association As the recognized voice of general aviation in Canada, the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association has spent five decades supporting and defending the right of Canadians to enjoy the freedom of Canadian airspace. Since its founding in 1952, COPA has been dedicated to opening doors and removing barriers to the growth of aviation. COPA raises the awareness of important issues facing the flying community, promotes air safety through education and works to lower the cost of flying.

Colorado Pilots Association The Colorado Pilots Association is an organization of pilots and aviation supporters dedicated to the furtherance and enhancement of general aviation interests in the state of Colorado.

Associated Pilots of Iowa We are a grass-roots organization which includes pilots, spouses, families, and people who are just interested in general aviation. Our goals are to promote flying safety and pilot proficiency, speak to regulators with a unified voice, and to have family fun in flying-related activities.

Missouri Pilots Association Welcome to the Missouri Pilot’s Association web page. The MPA is more than just another flying club; it is a body of pilots and other like-minded people whose focus is on general aviation in Missouri both now and for its future. It is successful. The MPA has become the envy of many a state for its strength and unity.

Oregon Pilots Association We are the Oregon Pilots’ Association. Our goal is to promote aviation in the State of Oregon and to provide information to pilots and anyone interested in general aviation.

International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) AOPA is a nonprofit federation of 53 autonomous, nongovernmental, national general aviation organizations. IAOPA has represented international general aviation for more than 35 years.

Type Clubs


Cessna Pilots Association A unique technical information service for Cessna owners. With more than 14,000 members, CPA is aviation’s largest type club.

The Cessna Owner Organization has been assisting Cessna owners for over 33 years, supporting Cessnas from 120’s to Citations.

Cessna Advanced Aircraft Club is a new forum for Cessna 300,350, and 400 pilots.

Cardinal Flyers We are an affinity group, an organization of individuals who own, operate or are interested in the Cessna 177 Cardinal, a single engine aircraft made by Cessna from 1968 through 1978. We are a virtual community of over 2000 people who exchange knowledge, experiences, information and wisdom through various on-line forums and at in-person events literally around the world.

The Twin Cessna Flyer

Skymaster Owners and Pilots The site hasn’t been updated in a while, but it has good information.


Piper Owner Society/Cherokee Pilots Association The Piper Owner Society has been assisting Piper owners for over 20 years, supporting Pipers from Cubs to Meridians. We are an organization dedicated to providing the best information available to our members. The Cherokee Pilots Association is the owner group devoted solely to Piper Cherokee Aircraft. Formed in 1980, the association has continued to grow in size and services to its 4,500 members. The Cherokee Pilots Association has now been absorbed by the Piper Owner Society.

International Comanche Society An organization formed in 1972; with over 3,000 Comanche owners, pilots, and others who love these aircraft, singles and twins. We exchange information and experiences about our airplanes, we make friends, and we have fun! We also help members with their technical needs, including parts, our publications, and members maintenance tips.

Clipped Wing Cubs Here you will find information on the Clipped Wing Cub (CWC) in its many different forms.

Short Wing Piper Club The Short Wing Piper Club is a group of aviation enthusiasts who own, fly, or simply admire five of Mr. Piper’s best aircraft, the Clipper, Vagabond, Pacer, Tri-Pacer, and Colt, built between 1948 and 1963. We number nearly 3000 members in 20 countries. and provide information, help and support for the operation, maintenance and use of the five Piper aircraft models we represent.


American Bonanza Society The American Bonanza Society represents a group of people who have a common interest. We are the nearly 10,000 owners and pilots of Bonanza, Baron, and Travel Air type aircraft who have banded together to share information and experiences involving the operation and maintenance of the Beech-produced aircraft.

BeechTalk—The Quintessential Beechcraft Owners and Pilots Group. “BeechTalk™ is the quintessential Beechcraft Owners & Pilots Group providing a forum for the discussion of technical, practical, and entertaining issues relating to all Beech aircraft. These include the Bonanza (both V-tail and straight-tail models), Baron, Debonair, Duke, King Air, Sierra, Skipper, Sport, Sundowner, Musketeer, Travel Air, Starship, Queen Air, BeechJet, and Premier lines of airplanes, turboprops, and turbojets.” It looks like they have a pretty active group there. General discussion is open but you need to login to view aircraft specific forums. Login is free. Lots of good info on all aspects of flying. Unfortunately the site is infested with religious nutjobs, gun nuts, conspiracy theorists, and teabaggers who inject rants into a lot of the airplane related posts so you’ll need a lot of patience if you go there often.

T-34 Association The T-34 Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation promoting the safe enjoyment of the Beechcraft T-34 Mentor. The Mentor is known for its honest flight characteristics, aerobatic flight capabilities, and formation flying. The tandem seat trainer was built for the U.S. Navy and Air Force, and sold to many other military training commands around the world.


Mooney Owners of America Your Independent Association Of Mooney Owners Your Only Source For The MOONEY PILOT Magazine.

Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association MAPA is a service and support organization for owners and operators of all models of Mooney aircraft.

Other Groups

Seaplane Pilots Association The Seaplane Pilots Association’s publishes WaterFlying.

Be A Pilot AOPA’s site for anyone how is interested in becoming a pilot.

Other Aircraft

Aerostar Owners Association The Association offers the Aerostar Owner a unique opportunity to tap an invaluable source of information concerning the care and feeding of this fine airplane.

American Yankee Association AYA is the international type club for owners and pilots of Grumman American light aircraft.

International Stinson Club Membership is open to anyone interested in the operation, restoration, history and heritage of Stinson aircraft.

Stinson 108 Voyager and Flying Station Wagon Page Featured here is information and images about Stinson 108 series airplanes. Also included is information about earlier Stinson light aircraft; the model HW75, Model 10/10A, O-49, YO-54, and the model 76 L-5 Sentinel.

Skyhawk Association The Skyhawk Association provides an on-going fraternal-social affiliation of individuals who have maintained, flown or foster, encourage, and support the " A-4 Skyhawk" aircraft; and who are dedicated to the perpetuation of the legend, history, traditions, and camaraderie associated with the greatest attack aircraft ever built.

Links checked 2010-10-19.

FAA Medicals—Duration

September 16th, 2008

The FAA recently changed the duration of medicals for persons under 40 years of age. The duration of first-class medicals for pilots under 40 years is now 1 year instead of 6 months. The duration of third-class medicals is now 5 years instead of 3 years. The duration of second-class medicals did not change. It is more complicated now (hence the table), but the holder of a first or second class medical certificate may exercise privileges of a lower certificate if the time period of the primary certificate has expired. Like most other regulations that involve months, the time period is until the end of the month in which the was issued.

Under 40 years of age:

  • First class duration—12 months
  • Second class duration—12 months
  • Third class duration-60 months

Over 40 years of age:

  • First class duration—6 months
  • Second class duration—12 months
  • Third class duration-24 months

A person who obtains a first-class medical certificate may exercise privileges requiring that certificate until the end of the 6th or 12th month following the date of the certificate. They may exercise privileges requiring a second-class medical certificate until the end of the 12 month following the date of the certificate. They may exercise privileges requiring a third-class medical certificate (basic private pilot flying—not for hire) until the end of the 60th or 36th month following the date of the certificate.

There are exceptions to the general rule described above and they can be found in the table in 14 CFR §61.23 Medical certificates: Requirement and duration..

Update: 2018-10-14 There are now additional classes of medical: Basic Med and Sport pilot that are available in place of Third Class for pilots flying certain aircraft.

14 CFR § 61.113(i) Restricts pilots flying under Basic Med to aircraft under 6,000 lbs., altitudes less than 18,000′, airspeed less than 250 kts, and aircraft certificated with 6 occupants or fewer. At the moment, Basic Med only applies to the US and the Bahamas. To fly under Basic Med you must also have a valid driver’s license. You must also have had a valid FAA medical at any time since July 14, 2006—including Special Issuances. As long as you do not develop any of the conditions listed in the training course, you are good to go.

SPort pilots do not require an FAA medical or any physical to fly Light Sport aircraft. As long as they have not had an FAA medical denies, they my use a valid driver’s license to fly light sport aircraft. There are limitations on passengers, aircraft weight, speed, and altitude as well. See §61.315 Privileges and Limits for details.

FAA Medicals—When are they required?

September 16th, 2008


14 CFR §61.23 Medical certificates: Requirement and duration.

  • (a) Operations requiring a medical certificate. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a person—
    • (1) Must hold a first-class medical certificate when exercising the privileges of an airline transport pilot certificate;
    • (2) Must hold at least a second-class medical certificate when exercising the privileges of a commercial pilot certificate; or
    • (3) Must hold at least a third-class medical certificate—
      • (i) When exercising the privileges of a private pilot certificate;
      • (ii) When exercising the privileges of a recreational pilot certificate;
      • (iii) When exercising the privileges of a student pilot certificate;
      • (iv) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate and acting as the pilot in command;
      • (v) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate and serving as a required pilot flight crewmember;
      • (v) When taking a practical test in an aircraft for a recreational pilot, private pilot, commercial pilot, or airline transport pilot certificate, or for a flight instructor certificate; or
      • (vii) When performing the duties as an Examiner in an aircraft when administering a practical test or proficiency check for an airman certificate, rating, or authorization.
  • (b) Operations not requiring a medical certificate. A person is not required to hold a valid medical certificate—
    • (1) When exercising the privileges of a student pilot certificate while seeking—
      • (i) A sport pilot certificate with glider or balloon privileges; or
      • (ii) A pilot certificate with a glider category rating or balloon class rating;
    • (2) When exercising the privileges of a sport pilot certificate with privileges in a glider or balloon;
    • (3) When exercising the privileges of a pilot certificate with a glider category or balloon class rating;
    • (4) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with—
      • (i) A sport pilot rating in a glider or balloon; or
      • (ii) A glider category rating;
    • (5) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate if the person is not acting as pilot in command or serving as a required pilot flight crewmember;
    • (6) When exercising the privileges of a ground instructor certificate;
    • (7) When serving as an examiner or check airman during the administration of a test or check for a certificate, rating, or authorization conducted in a flight simulator or flight training device; or
    • (8) When taking a test or check for a certificate, rating, or authorization conducted in a flight simulator or flight training device.

Note that sport pilot, balloon, and glider certificates do not require FAA medicals.

Some interesting things to note about this regulation as it relates to CFIs. CFIs are required to hold a commercial certificate, however they are not required to hold a second-class medical certificate. In fact, they may take the practical tests for commercial and instructor certificates with just a third-class medical. If they are not acting as PIC they do not even require a medical certificate. So, an instructor may give a Biennial Flight Review to a pilot who is current without having a current medical certificate. If they give a flight review to someone who is not current, then they would be acting as PIC and would therefore be required to have a current medical. Likewise, if they are acting as a required crewmember, e.g. safety pilot, then they would be required to have a current medical. If the CFI is instructing in an aircraft that requires two crew members, then a medical certificate is required.

Note the use of the term when exercising the privileges of. A pilot may not act as PIC unless they have a appropriate medical, but they may log PIC time if their medical has expired and an appropriately rated pilot agrees to act as PIC. This is discussed in another article.

14 CFR §61.3 Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations.

  • (c) Medical certificate. (1) A person may serve as a required pilot flight crewmember of an aircraft only if that person holds the appropriate medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter, or other documentation acceptable to the FAA, that is in that person’s physical possession or readily accessible in the aircraft. Paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides certain exceptions to the requirement to hold a medical certificate.
  • (2) A person is not required to meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section if that person—…

There are different rules for gliders, balloons, weight-shift, and sport pilots that are covered in the reglualtion that I’ve left out. It can get rather complicated but the regulation is fairly straightforward.

AOPA Weekly Question

Question: Am I required to have a current medical to act as a safety pilot while my friend (who has a current medical) practices instrument approaches?

Answer: Yes, a safety pilot is always required to have a current medical. When operating an aircraft under simulated instrument conditions, FAR 91.109(b) requires a qualified safety pilot be in the other control seat. The safety pilot is considered a “required pilot flight crewmember” and is therefore required to hold at least a current third class medical certificate per FAR 61.3(c)(1), even if that person is not acting as the PIC. For more information, view our subject report.

The FAA will be updating the rules for third-class medicals. This rule is expected to be effective on May 1, 2017 unless the new administration holds it up.

Cherokee 140 Notes

September 15th, 2008

I just refurbished a 1968 Piper Cherokee 140 and liked the result so much that I decided to keep it and rent it out. This post is a collection of articles on buying and flying the Cherokee.

Image from original Piper marketing literature.

My Cherokee
My Cherokee


Fred Weick, the designer of the Ercoupe, designed the Cherokee at the Vero Beach facility of Piper. The aircraft was a replacement for the tube and fabric high-wing TriPacer. It was Piper’s first all metal aircraft. The type certificate was issued on October 31, 1960 and production began in early 1961. Piper built over 10,000 Cherokee 140s and many, many variants followed the same basic design. This Cherokee was manufactured in 1968 as a four seater powered by a fixed pitch Lycoming O-320-E2A. It develops 150 hp at full throttle for takeoff and 140 hp for cruise. A new engine costs about $16,000 plus install. You can cruise at 100 kts using 8.5 gph. The integral wing tanks hold 50 gallons of 100LL and this aircraft has an autogas STC. The wheel pants are off so that students can pre-flight the tires—and we can change them—easily.

The engine was pretty worn out on this plane, so we updated it to a new engine with 160 hp available for takeoff.


Wikipedia entry on the history of the Cherokee. Piper used the Cherokee name on many aircraft that are a far cry from the original 4 seater. The Cherokee Six for example is a six-passenger retractable.

PilotFriend has a good article on the handling characteristics of the PA28-140. It compares the handling to Cessna’s so it is a good review of the differences that a Cessna pilot (like me) will see when transitioning. One big gotcha—the nose wheel of the Cherokee follows the rudder pedals. You need to be careful on cross-wind landings to be sure the nose wheel is lined up with the runway before it touches down.

AOPA has a short article on the safety characteristics of the aircraft.

The Warrior is one derivative of the original Cherokee that is still manufactured by Piper. It comes with a 160 hp Lycoming 0-320 4 cylinder like the early models. Its gross weight is about 300 lbs heavier and its payload about 50 lbs less.


Some models of the Cherokee are certified as both Utility and Normal Category aircraft. The max weight is 200 lbs less for Utility Category and the aft CG limit is far forward.

Cherokee Type Data Sheet
Cherokee Type Data Sheet

Taxi Rwy 29
Taxi to Rwy 29

Fuel Management

September 10th, 2008

When reading about aircraft in publications like Aviation Consumer, I tend to focus on the accident causes and it seems that across all aircraft, around 12% of accidents are caused by fuel exhastion and another 2-4% by fuel contamination. This usually puts fuel mismanagement in third or fourth place among accident causes. Inexplicably, fuel exhaustion accounts for 22% of Cessna 210 accidents putting it in the number one position. On the low end, only 3% of the accidents in a Grumman Tiger are due to fuel exhaustion.

My general impressions are confirmed by the Nall Report—an annual safety report that presents an overview of the previous year’s general aviation accident statistics, including trends and contributing factors. It is published by the Aviation Safety Foundation (Link) Fuel Mismanagement has consistently been the cause of around 10% of pilot-caused accidents, though there was a slight downtrend in 2006.

The FARs are clear on the fuel requirements for VFR and IFR flight.

 Nall Report 2005 Pilot Induced Accidents
Nall Report 2005 Pilot Induced Accidents
 Nall Report 2006 Pilot Induced Accidents
Nall Report 2006 Pilot Induced Accidents

If you are in compliance with the FARs (Fuel for VFR and IFR Flight) you should have at least enough fuel to get to your destination and then some. Aircraft engines are pretty consistent in fuel burn at cruise so you should be able to figure out how much fuel you will burn per hour. It also shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out how long you’ve been in the air. Simple arithmetic should tell you if you have less than an hours worth of fuel left and need to get on the ground. One of the most infamous fuel exhaustion crashes is the Avianca Flight 52 crash in 1990. More recently the Brazilian football team crash appears to have been due to fuel exhaustion.

The NTSB database lists 8 fuel exhaustion accidents so far in 2008 and 11 in 2007. None were fatal.

FAR 27.1337

Aircraft fuel gauges have a well-deserved reputation for being unreliable and the FARs only require that fuel gauges read correctly when they are empty!

§ 27.1337 Powerplant instruments.
(b) Fuel quantity indicator. Each fuel quantity indicator must be installed to clearly indicate to the flight crew the quantity of fuel in each tank in flight. In addition—
(1) Each fuel quantity indicator must be calibrated to read “zero” during level flight when the quantity of fuel remaining in the tank is equal to the unusable fuel supply determined under §27.959;

(4) There must be a means to indicate the amount of usable fuel in each tank when the airplane is on the ground (such as by a stick gauge);

Readng the Gauges

As shown above, the FARs require that fuel gauges must read zero when they are empty, but I suspect that most pilots do not know exactly what the gauges will look like on the plane they are flying when the tanks are empty. They can be calibrated by your A&P so that they do read empty, but the rest of the readings don’t necessarily mean anything. This Cessna is particularly bad at showing low levels. I can’t really see any difference between empty or 5 gals in each tank, though my A&P swears he can see a difference. If I owned this 182 I’d have the gauges calibrated to read exactly 0 when the tanks were empty. The Cherokee 140 is much better at showing zero fuel. If the RHS side of the needle is left of the zero mark, then you are out of fuel.

 Fuel Gauges—Cessna 182
Fuel Gauges—Cessna 182
 Pilots View of Fuel Gauges—Cessna 182
Pilots View of Fuel Gauges—Cessna 182
 Fuel Gauges—Cherokee 140
Fuel Gauges—Cherokee 140

These pictures (the Cessna especially) highlight the fact that you should never rely on fuel gauges to indicate whether you have enough fuel to reach your destination. Fuel gauges should be used to warn you of unusual fuel situations—leaking fuel tanks, forgetting to put the fuel cap on, siphoning of fuel from the vent lines—but never for determining how much fuel remains.

Understanding Your Fuel System

Fuel starvation accidents occur when there is fuel in the tanks but it is not making it to the engine. This is usually due to pilots not understanding the fuel management system. Several high-profile accidents highlight the need to understand your fuel system. John Denver’s accident involved taking off without refueling and then losing control of the aircraft when switching tanks. The loss of control was most likely caused by the unfamiliarity of the pilot with the fuel selector and its location above the pilot’s left shoulder. A recent accident in a Cessna 150 underscores the fact that you need to understand the fuel system on the airplane you are flying. Most Cessna 150s have a fuel selector that is either on or off. This aircraft had been modified to have On/Off and Left/Right like many other Cessnas. The pilot did not, for some reason, notice this and had a fuel starvation accident when he had a tank on the right hand side of the plane that was full of fuel. Another example occurred in 2006 when a student pilot turned the fuel selector in a PA28 to OFF when performing a GUMPS check in the pattern. (Another reason Why I Dislike GUMPS.)

Fuel Contamination

There are three contaminants often found in 100LL: water, jet fuel, and dirt. Water can get into fuel from condensation or from re-fueling, jet fuel from inattentive re-fueling, and dirt from the fuel.

Water and Ice

David Board relates an unusual story where he thinks that water got into his fuel while flying through clouds and moisture, then froze that night when he landed. When he drained the sumps before takeoff, he didn’t find any water. When he descended to sea level, where the temperature was above freezing, the ice thawed and sank to the bottom of the fuel tank. The engine stalled on final, but he was able to make a safe landing.

If tanks are kept full when the aircraft is tied down, there is less air in the fuel tank, hence the potential for condensation is reduced.

I have only experienced one occurrence of water in the fuel—even though I have been tying down my Cherokee outside since 2008. I had gone to Catalina to help ferry kids back from an weeks vacation. I was a little early so I pre-flighted the Cessna 210 that had been tied down all week. There was about ½ inch of water in the fuel tester—probably from condensation.

It can happen to large aircraft as well. The Boeing 777 that landed short of London Heathrow Airport in 2008 most likely lost power to its engines because of ice in the fuel tanks.

Jet A Contamination

At the moment, there are only two types of fuel available at most airports, 100LL and Jet A. Most fuelers know that small planes use 100LL so fueling with Jet A instead shouldn’t be a problem. Also, the Jet A nozzles are supposed to be too large to fit into planes that use 100LL. There are exceptions, as Mike Busch found out when his T310 was fueled with Jet A. It also happened to an PA31 flyer. These two pilots caught the fueler in the act but another pilot was not so lucky. A Cessna 421 crashed after being refueled with Jet A instead of 100LL.

Some large twins use Jet A (the Piper Cheyenne and Mitsubishi MU2 come to mind) so if I was flying a twin I’d make sure I watched the ground crew fuel the airplane. The same confusion can arise with large singles like the Pilatus, Malibu, and EADS Socata TBMs use Jet A while similar-sized aircraft like the Piper Mirage do not. There are not a lot of Diamonds running the Thielert diesels but as more GA aircraft start using Jet A, mis-fueling incidents will most likely abound.

There are at least two good ways to distinguish pure 100LL from kerosine-contaminated 100LL. One is by odor: Jet A has a very distinctive odor that is detectable even in small concentrations. The other (and probably best) is by using the paper-towel test: A few drops are placed on a paper towel (or a sheet of paper) and allowed to evaporate completely. Pure 100LL will not leave an oily ring on the towel, but even small amounts of Jet A contamination will leave an obvious ring. Also, Jet fuel is heavier than 100 LL so Jet A should come out first.

Other Contaminants

I’ve seen pilots drop dipsticks and chains into fuel tanks and I’ve gotten dirt out of sumps but I’m not aware of any accidents attributed to foreign objects/dirt in the fuel tanks—though I suspect there are some.

Fuel for VFR and IFR Flight

September 8th, 2008

14 CFR §91.151 Fuel requirements for flight in VFR conditions.

  • (a) No person may begin a flight in an airplane under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed—
    • (1) During the day, to fly after that for at least 30 minutes; or
    • (2) At night, to fly after that for at least 45 minutes.
  • (b) No person may begin a flight in a rotorcraft under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed, to fly after that for at least 20 minutes.

14 FR §91.167 Fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions.

  • (a) No person may operate a civil aircraft in IFR conditions unless it carries enough fuel (considering weather reports and forecasts and weather conditions) to—
    • (1) Complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing;
    • (2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, fly from that airport to the alternate airport; and
    • (3) Fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed or, for helicopters, fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruising speed.
  • (b) Paragraph (a)(2) of this section does not apply if:
    • (1) Part 97 of this chapter prescribes a standard instrument approach procedure to, or a special instrument approach procedure has been issued by the Administrator to the operator for, the first airport of intended landing; and
    • (2) Appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate the following:
      • (i) For aircraft other than helicopters. For at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.
      • (ii) For helicopters. At the estimated time of arrival and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 1,000 feet above the airport elevation, or at least 400 feet above the lowest applicable approach minima, whichever is higher, and the visibility will be at least 2 statute miles.


You may not begin a VFR flight in an airplane unless you have enough fuel to arrive at the first point of intended landing (your destination) and then fly at normal speed for 30 minutes during the day and 45 minutes at night. The regulation covers the planning of the flight. If weather or winds change en-route you do not have to land if you do not have the required reserves.

No person may operate an airplane in IFR conditions—this is not the same as under an IFR flight plan—unless they have enough fuel to arrive at the first point of intended landing (your destination), then fly to the alternate airport, and fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed. The 1-2-3 rule determines whether an alternate is required. For 1 hour before or after the ETA the ceiling is forecast to be at least 2,000′, and visibility is at least 3 statute miles.

Notice the subtle differences between the two rules. VFR flight may not begin unless the required minimums are met. IFR flight may not continue unless the required minimum reserves are maintained. Both VFR and IFR operations require checking the wind and weather forecasts. IFR operations must consider actual weather conditions, and if conditions change such that the reserves will not be met, the pilot has an obligation to land. The FAR doesn’t explicitly say this and gives no guidance as to how the pilot should make the decisions as to where to land. The NTSB reports are full of accidents that occurred because the pilot did not adhere to this rule.

Real World Reserves

Mike Busch
Mike Busch, who runs his T310 Lean of Peak, does a lot of cross-country flying. He describes his fuel reserve strategy in conjunction with his leaning approach. If my objective is to go far, then I lean so that my GPS-coupled fuel totalizer system shows forecast fuel remaining at my destination to be not less than my target minimum fuel reserve (which for me is one hour of fuel at cruise fuel-flow). If the totalizer forecasts that I will arrive at my destination with less fuel than this, then I lean further until the totalizer does show enough reserve fuel. If I find that I cannot lean enough to achieve the necessary fuel-reserve figure without experiencing engine roughness, then I know I’ll need to make a fuel stop. Note that he continually assesses his reserves using the fuel totalizer and GPS and lands if he finds that he does not have a 1 hour reserve.

John Deakin
My personal absolute minimum fuel remaining with excellent weather, lots of airports very close to my destination, and when I’m feeling frisky, is 10 gallons, in my own airplane. I know how much fuel each tank holds to the tenth of a gallon, exactly where it is during flight, and how much I’m burning, with several cross references to back that up. That meets the regulatory requirement, and it meets mine, but you can bet I’m paying attention during that last hour or two! Link His Bonanza V35 burns around 12.7 gph in cruise, which is about 47 minutes.

The FARs require a minimum of 45 minutes fuel remaining at night, 30 minutes in the daytime, and 20 minutes for helicopters. I think most of us can agree those are NOT conservative figures! Only under very unusual circumstances will I approach those limits deliberately.Link

Anonymous ASR Report

I was able to determine that we had more than a gal of fuel after landing at INS AFB. … Climbing to altitude and maintaining altitude must have taken more fuel. The engine was leaned and checked regularly. To keep this from happening again to me, I will always carry 2 hours of fuel extra… Link

Bo Henriksson

Bo relates an experience that we can learn from. I’ve also revised my personal fuel reserves, realizing that the FAA-mandated ones are just that — minimums. I don’t plan to ever land with less than an hour in the tanks, irrespective of the circumstances. Worse weather mandates more padding and this has done wonders for my ulcer.

NBAA Reserves

NBAA reserves show up in flying magazines all the time when the specs for business aircraft are presented.

The NBAA IFR Reserves is defined as the route of flight in the profile that begins at the “K–L” leg and goes through to the end of the flight profile. This is where the aircraft begins its missed approach to divert to an alternate.

The “K-L leg” of the profile is a 200 NM distance that is done at an optimum rate of climb to 5,000′ after missed approach, holding for 5 minutes at loiter power for clearance, optimum rate of climb enroute to optimum cruise altitude, economy cruise to alternate, and then a descent enroute to Sea Level at 3,000 feet per minute max and land. Upon landing, fuel reserve should meet IFR minimums as appropriate for loitering at 5,000 feet.

Basically, this is a way to compare the endurance of different aircraft on a consistent basis and doesn’t really have anything to do with legal reserves.

Bingo Fuel

This is a military term that first I ran across while researching this article. The same day I read a Flying Magazine article referencing the term when a pilot decided to fly to the alternate rather than attempt a landing in deteriorating weather. We’re at bingo fuel right now, so I guess we’ll mosey over to Orlando. (Flying – Oct 2008, Dick Karl). Bingo Fuel is the fuel required to return to base on a mission, or alternatively to fly to the divert field. Here is a story of someone who got painted into a corner and went below bingo fuel. Here is another.

Aircraft Categories

September 7th, 2008

Certification of Aircraft is covered by PART 23–AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: NORMAL, UTILITY, ACROBATIC, AND COMMUTER CATEGORY AIRPLANES Among other things it sets out the four types of aircraft that are normally flown in Part 91 operations.

FAR §23.3 Airplane categories.
(a) The normal category is limited to airplanes that have a seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of nine or less, a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less, and intended for nonacrobatic operation. Nonacrobatic operation includes:

  • (1) Any maneuver incident to normal flying;
  • (2) Stalls (except whip stalls); and
  • (3) Lazy eights, chandelles, and steep turns, in which the angle of bank is not more than 60 degrees.

(b) The utility category is limited to airplanes that have a seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of nine or less, a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less, and intended for limited acrobatic operation. Airplanes certificated in the utility category may be used in any of the operations covered under paragraph (a) of this section and in limited acrobatic operations. Limited acrobatic operation includes:

  • (1) Spins (if approved for the particular type of airplane); and
  • (2) Lazy eights, chandelles, and steep turns, or similar maneuvers, in which the angle of bank is more than 60 degrees but not more than 90 degrees.

(c) The acrobatic category is limited to airplanes that have a seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of nine or less, a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less, and intended for use without restrictions, other than those shown to be necessary as a result of required flight tests.
(d) The commuter category is limited to propeller-driven, multiengine airplanes that have a seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of 19 or less, and a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 19,000 pounds or less. The commuter category operation is limited to any maneuver incident to normal flying, stalls (except whip stalls), and steep turns, in which the angle of bank is not more than 60 degrees.
(e) Except for commuter category, airplanes may be type certificated in more than one category if the requirements of each requested category are met.


Parts of this regulation need explanation/clarification. Let’s start with some definitions.

STALL—A rapid decrease in lift caused by the separation of airflow from the wing’s surface brought on by exceeding the critical angle of attack. A stall can occur at any pitch attitude or airspeed.

WHIP STALL—A whip stall is generally considered a stall during a rapid pitch up. In such a case the angular momentum (in pitch) causes the airplane to go deeper into the stall than it otherwise would. Done with enough agressiveness and/or in a steep enough attitude and you will actually drop backwards before the nose falls at which point the nose will “whip” downward “with great enthusiasm”. (Lance Fisher) A “Whip Stall” is entered from a “Tail Slide” in which the aircraft is not quite vertical, after slidding aft the weight of the engine causes the nose to pitch forward VERY, read EXTREMELY, rapidly. I’ve done them in a Stearman, I would not consider them in a lesser plane… (Tom)

LAZY EIGHTS, CHANDELLES, AND STEEP TURNS—These are maneuvers required for the commercial certificate. Linda Dowdy explains how to do a chandelle. And Gary Wing has a video explaining chandelles.

Greg Gordon explains how to do a lazy eight. For the commercial PTS the bank angle for chandelles is 30° and the bank angle in chandelles does not exceed 45°. Steep turns are just that, turns with a bank angle greater that 60°. The commercial PTS only requires steep turns of 50°. All of these maneuvers impose greater than normal loads on the wings and tail but as long as the bank angle is not greater than 60° they may be performed in a Normal category aircraft. The chart below shows how the load factor increases as angle of bank increases.

Load Factor

SPINS—Pilots are trained about spin awareness because of the enormous number of accidents that occur from stall-spin entry near the ground—often on approach to landing. Spins are not approved in Normal category aircraft, however, many aircraft are certificated for spins or in the Utility category when the CG is located forward. The reason is that “generally, an airplane becomes less controllable, especially at slow flight speeds, as the center of gravity is moved further aft. An airplane which cleanly recovers from a prolonged spin with the center of gravity at one position may fail completely to respond to normal recovery attempts when the center of gravity is moved aft by 1 or 2 inches.” Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge 3-34.

The Type Certificate Data Sheet for most aircraft certified under CAR 3 or FAR Part 23 can be found at the FAA Regulatory and Guidance website. It lists limitations and information required for type certification including airspeed limits, weight limits, thrust limitations, etc. Older models may not be in the database. The information in the TCDS includes the certification category, and if an aircraft is certificated in multiple categories, the limitations for each category. For example, the Cessna 182 and Cessna 210 are only certificated in the Normal category. Some years of the Piper Cherokee 140 are certificated as Normal and Utility category. This is an excerpt for the Cherokee.

Cherokee Type Data Sheet

Notice that the CG limits for Normal allow a CG that is much farther aft than the CG limits for Utility category. The Utility category also has a lower gross weight limit.

AOPA Weekly Question
Question: When did the FAA start utilizing the various airplane airworthiness standard categories?

Answer: The effective date was Nov. 13, 1945, enacted by the then current Part 3 of the U.S. Civil Aviation Regulations. The airworthiness categories—normal, utility, and aerobatic—were determined based upon factors such as strength, operation, and serviceability. Normal category airplanes were intended for nonaerobatic, nonscheduled passenger, and cargo operations. Utility category airplanes were permitted to operate under limited aerobatic maneuvers such as steep turns, stalls, lazy eights, and chandelles (excluding snap and inverted maneuvers). Aerobatic category airplanes did not have any specific operational restrictions unless disclosed by any required flight tests. The appropriate category suffix (i.e., N for normal) is listed on the airworthiness certificate. Not much has changed today based upon the now current FAR 23.3 “Airplane Categories.”

Identifying Parts Under the Cowl

August 19th, 2008

This is a work in progress for identifying engine parts.

This screen shows individual parts.

This screen is more quiz-like. Roll over the engine to see parts labelled. You can use the Show/Hide button to see all of the parts that are labelled. We still need to verify some of the parts and some need to be identified.

Radio Frequencies

August 14th, 2008

I recently refurbished an older Cherokee with a very old radio. I’ve also been working on some older Cessnas with very old radios and I got to wondering if they were still legal for flight. I remember reading somewhere that old radios used 360 channels and are no longer legal for flight. Current radios have either 720 or 760 channels with 25 kHz spacing. So I set out to determine what is legal, what is acceptable, and what is ideal.

I’ve used KX155s for years and to set a frequency that ends in 25 you pull out the small knob and twist. The radio will not display the full frequency, but it is set to it. So for example, 127.725 is the local approach control frequency and it displays on the KX155 as 127.72. The older radios that I’ve run across lately only display 127.72, but they are work fine in the air. My first guess was that they actually set the frequency to 127.725 but it doesn’t display. (This is actually the case—see below.)

Unacceptable Radios

A quick search of the FARs and AIM didn’t yield anything. My first google hit when researching this topic was an FCC list of Unacceptable Aircraft Radios. It states The radios listed below are not acceptable for use in aircraft after January 1, 1997. You may continue to use your aircraft radio so long as it does not appear on the list below. The radios I was working with are not on the list, so they are acceptable for flight. That still leaves the question of why are some radios acceptable and some are not.

Radio Frequencies

The FAA web site has an Advisory Circular that sheds some light on what happened. AC 90-50D Requirements for 760-Channel VHF Radio for Aeronautical Operations. This document was issued in 1992 and describes how we got to the 760 channels on VHF radios used in aircraft. The previous radio spectrum that was allocated for aeronautical use was between 118.000 and 135.975 and channels were separated by 50 kHZ. Some quick arithmetic shows that 136.000 – 118.000 = 18,000 kHz to be split up in 50 kHz chunks. 18,000/50 is 360. The last frequency (136.000) isn’t available so we don’t have to add 1. Reducing the bandwidth requirements to 25 kHz doubles the number of frequencies available for assignment to 720. The FAA started using 25 kHz assignments for high-altitude enroute sectors in 1977 and radios were manufactured to receive 720 channels.

The FAA expanded the use of 25 kHz spacing to enroute, terminal, and flight advisory frequencies in 1984. So did that eliminate the use of 360 Channel radios? Short answer—No. Remember the list of Unacceptable Radios above. Following the 1983 U.S. ratification of the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC ’79) provisions, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in 1984, promulgated an amendment to the FCC rules and regulations concerning frequency stability tolerances for aviation services. The frequency stability tolerances for the aeronautical mobile band were reduced from 0.005 percent to 0.003 percent for all new and replacement radios installed after January 3, 1985, and for all radios after January 1, 1990. The FCC delayed the January 1, 1990, implementation date to January 1, 1997. The frequency stability tolerance of 0.003 percent is necessary for full implementation of 25 kHz assignments.

760 Channels

Another WARC ’79 provision reallocated the 136.000 to 136.975 MHz band to the aeronautical mobile services. The FCC has released a final report and order, dated July 5, 1990, that permits operation of aviation services in this band. So increasing the aviation band by 1,000 kHz allowed 40 more channels—760 total.

Older Radios in Aircraft

From the FCC page Aircraft Stations As of January 1, 1997, each VHF aircraft radio used on board a U.S. aircraft must be type accepted by the FCC as meeting a 30 parts-per-million (ppm) frequency tolerance (47 C.F.R. § 87.133). The vast majority of aircraft radios that have been type accepted under the 30 ppm frequency tolerance utilize 25 kHz spacing and have 720 or 760 channels….There is no requirement, however, for an older radio to be removed from an aircraft in cases where the pilot does not intend to use it to transmit radio signals (e.g., receive-only operation, an integral part of a navigation/communications unit, or decoration in a vintage aircraft). Surprisingly, some 360 channel radios are legal for transmission and still flying. This is one:

Genave Alpha/600

You can still buy used 720 channel radios and some are perfectly legal for use. Narco COM-811, ARC (Cessna) RT-328T and Collins VHF-251 are examples. Also popular are the Narco 12D that were installed in many Cessnas.

Narco 12D

According to PDF from Eastern Aviation “Tube type, crystal control, and early transistor radio technology of
the 60’s and 70’s is unable to keep your transmitter stable and sharp enough to transmit on the right frequency without spilling signal over to adjacent frequencies.” I haven’t been able to find any 90 channel radios that are legal for transmission—I doubt if there are any since they would predate transistors. Here is one that is not approved.

Narco MK12A

Operating in Class B, Class C, and Class D

From the FARs:
14 CFR §91.131 Operations in Class B airspace.
(c) Communications and navigation equipment requirements. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, no person may operate an aircraft within a Class B airspace area unless that aircraft is equipped with—…
(2) For all operations. An operable two-way radio capable of communications with ATC on appropriate frequencies for that Class B airspace area.

14 CFR §91.130 Operations in Class C airspace.
(c) Communications. Each person operating an aircraft in Class C airspace must meet the following two-way radio communications requirements:

  • (1) Arrival or through flight. Each person must establish two-way radio communications with the ATC facility (including foreign ATC in the case of foreign airspace designated in the United States) providing air traffic services prior to entering that airspace and thereafter maintain those communications while within that airspace.
  • (2) Departing flight. Each person—
    • (i) From the primary airport or satellite airport with an operating control tower must establish and maintain two-way radio communications with the control tower, and thereafter as instructed by ATC while operating in the Class C airspace area; or
    • (ii) From a satellite airport without an operating control tower, must establish and maintain two-way radio communications with the ATC facility having jurisdiction over the Class C airspace area as soon as practicable after departing.

14 CFR § 91.129 Operations in Class D airspace.
c) Communications. Each person operating an aircraft in Class D airspace must meet the following two-way radio communications requirements:

  • (1) Arrival or through flight. Each person must establish two-way radio communications with the ATC facility (including foreign ATC in the case of foreign airspace designated in the United States) providing air traffic services prior to entering that airspace and thereafter maintain those communications while within that airspace.
  • (2) Departing flight. Each person—
    • (i) From the primary airport or satellite airport with an operating control tower must establish and maintain two-way radio communications with the control tower, and thereafter as instructed by ATC while operating in the Class D airspace area; or
    • (ii) From a satellite airport without an operating control tower, must establish and maintain two-way radio communications with the ATC facility having jurisdiction over the Class D airspace area as soon as practicable after departing.

The key to determining whether your radio is acceptable for use in a particular airspace is whether you can use it to communicate with ATC. ATC in this case means the tower—and approach and departure control in Class B and Class C. A quick look through the A/FD shows that 360 Channel radios are still useful. They don’t pick up some UNICOM frequencies, 122.975 at Sun Valley AZ and Columbia, CA are the first two I ran across. However, radios aren’t required at these airports. The 360 channel radios won’t pick up quite a few ASOS and ATIS frequencies—but that isn’t a requirement for entry to Class B, C, or D airspace. A review of the San Diego and San Francisco VFR Terminal Area Charts shows all approach frequencies as being accessible with a 360 channel radio. You couldn’t land at Ramona (119.875) but otherwise all of the towers are within the 360 channel band. None of the frequencies I found are outside of the 720 channel range (136.00-136.975)—but I’m sure there are some.

If you are flying into Palm Springs from the Northeast-Southwest, SOCAL approach uses 135.275 so you wouldn’t be able to communicate with them. But KPSP is a Class D within a TRSA so communication is not required.

Before 360 Channels

According to Roger McGuinn in 1959 Ed King formed King Radio Corporation where he designed and handmade the first low cost 90 channel crystal controlled VHF transceiver for light aircraft. His first successful radio was the KY 90 VHF COMM Transceiver.

8.33 kHz Spacing

From International Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Europe: IAOPA has won significant concessions on the spread of 8.33 kHz radio with an agreement across Europe that they will not be mandated below FL195 until at least 2013 and possibly later.

Eurocontrol claims there aren’t enough frequencies to go round and is demanding that every aircraft re-equip with 8.33 kHz-spaced radios, a demand that is estimated to cost the European GA industry some 2 billion Euros. But IAOPA has demonstrated that this expenditure would be unnecessary if Europe got its act together on the existing frequencies. At the moment frequencies are allocated by individual countries, with each VHF frequency having an exclusive zone of up to 300nm around it. Huge numbers of frequencies have been allocated but are virtually or completely unused. IAOPA has pointed out that if the 27 frequency allocation offices in Europe were replaced by two people in Brussels, far better use could be made of the spectrum. The 27 offices disagree.

Holding Patterns

June 30th, 2008

AIM 5−3−8. Holding i.
An ATC clearance requiring an aircraft to hold at a fix where the pattern is not charted will include the following information: (See FIG 5−3−2.)
1. Direction of holding from the fix in terms of the eight cardinal compass points (i.e., N, NE, E, SE, etc.).
2. Holding fix (the fix may be omitted if included at the beginning of the transmission as the clearance limit).
3. Radial, course, bearing, airway or route on which the aircraft is to hold.
4. Leg length in miles if DME or RNAV is to be used (leg length will be specified in minutes on pilot request or if the controller considers it necessary).
5. Direction of turn if left turns are to be made, the pilot requests, or the controller considers it necessary.
6. Time to expect further clearance and any pertinent additional delay information.

Holding Procedures

There are 3 entries an aircraft can use to enter a hold. Originally the FAA mandated the entry, today you can enter every hold from a direct entry if you desire
Holding Entry

Altitude (MSL)    Airspeed (KIAS)    Leg Time
MHA - 6,000'           200           1 minute
6,001' - 14,000’       230           1 minute 30 Seconds
14,001' and above      265           1 minute 30 Seconds

If you are given a fix along an airway, you can add that waypoint in ForeFlight easily. For example, if you are asked to hold at 10 DME on the 127 radial of MQO, add it to you route with MQO/127/10.

This document covers the holding patterns that are on the FAA Instrument Knowledge Test. (Requires Flash)

This is the best video I’ve seen for understanding how to enter a hold at a VOR or fix.

Sometimes they throw you a curve and have you hold at a DME distance or some direction not around a VOR. This technique works for any type of hold.

And here’s a good video for the knowledge test prep.

And here’s a good video. It’s long and detailed—more of a discussion than a concise lesson.

Primary and Supporting Method for IFR

June 29th, 2008

Attitude Instrument Flying—Primary and Supporting Method

Update: 2017-02-18 The FAA has decided that they will no longer ask questions on this method on the Instrument Rating Airplane (IRA) Knowledge Test.

The Instrument Flying Handbook is the source for the questions on the FAA Knowledge Test about the primary and supporting instrument method. Bold added for emphasis. Portions were left out. A summary of the Primary and Supporting Method in Tabular form is here. I used the 2001 version in this summary because the graphics are a bit clearer, and some of the questions and answers (like the list of Pitch and Bank instruments below) are repeated verbatim on the test. This document is no longer available on the FAA website but you can download a PDF version here. The 2007 version of Instrument Flying Handbook discusses the same concepts using different graphics and using a Primary Flight Display (PFD).

Primary and Supporting Method

Another basic method for presenting attitude instrument flying classifies the instruments as they relate to control function as well as aircraft performance. All maneuvers involve some degree of motion about the lateral (pitch), longitudinal (bank/roll), and vertical (yaw) axes. Attitude control is stressed in this handbook in terms of pitch control, bank control, power control, and trim control. Instruments are grouped as they relate to control function and aircraft performance as follows:

Pitch Instruments

  • Attitude Indicator
  • Altimeter
  • Airspeed Indicator
  • Vertical Speed Indicator

Bank Instruments

  • Attitude Indicator
  • Heading Indicator
  • Magnetic Compass
  • Turn Coordinator

Power Instruments

  • Airspeed Indicator
  • Engine Instruments
  • Manifold Pressure Gauge (MP)
  • Tachometer/RPM
  • Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR)—Jet

For any maneuver or condition of flight, the pitch, bank, and power control requirements are most clearly indicated by certain key instruments. The instruments that provide the most pertinent and essential information will be referred to as primary instruments. Supporting instruments back up and supplement the information shown on the primary instruments. Straight-and-level flight at a constant airspeed, for example, means that an exact altitude is to be maintained with zero bank (constant heading) at a constant airspeed. The pitch, bank, and power instruments that tell you whether you are maintaining this flight condition are the:

  • 1. Altimeter—supplies the most pertinent altitude information and is therefore primary for pitch.
  • 2. Heading Indicator—supplies the most pertinent bank or heading information, and is primary for bank.
  • 3. Airspeed Indicator—supplies the most pertinent information concerning performance in level flight in terms of power output, and is primary for power.

Although the attitude indicator is the basic attitude reference, this concept of primary and supporting instruments does not devalue any particular flight instrument. The attitude indicator is the only instrument that portrays instantly and directly the actual flight attitude. It should always be used, when available, in establishing and maintaining pitch-and-bank attitudes. …

You will find the terms “direct indicating instrument” and “indirect indicating instrument” used in the following pages. A “direct” indication is the true and instantaneous reflection of airplane pitch-and-bank attitude by the miniature aircraft relative to the horizon bar of the attitude indicator. The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical speed indicator give supporting (“indirect”) indications of pitch attitude at a given power setting. The heading indicator and turn needle give supporting indications for bank attitude.

Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers

Straight-and-Level Flight

Pitch Control

The pitch attitude of an airplane is the angle between the longitudinal axis of the airplane and the actual horizon. In level flight, the pitch attitude varies with airspeed and load. For training purposes, the latter factor can normally be disregarded in small airplanes. At a constant airspeed, there is only one specific pitch attitude for level flight. At slow cruise speeds, the level-flight attitude is nose-high; at fast cruise speeds, the level-flight attitude is nose-low.

The pitch instruments are the attitude indicator, the altimeter, the vertical speed indicator, and the airspeed indicator.

Attitude Indicator

The attitude indicator gives you a direct indication of pitch attitude. You attain the desired pitch attitude by using the elevator control to raise or lower the miniature aircraft in relation to the horizon bar. This corresponds to the way you adjust pitch attitude in visual flight by raising or lowering the nose of the airplane in relation to the natural horizon. However, unless the airspeed is constant, and until you have established and identified the level-flight attitude for that airspeed, you have no way of knowing whether level flight, as indicated on the attitude indicator, is resulting in level flight as shown on the altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and airspeed indicator. If the miniature aircraft of the attitude indicator is properly adjusted on the ground before takeoff, it will show approximately level flight at normal cruise speed when you complete your level-off from a climb. If further adjustment of the miniature aircraft is necessary, the other pitch instruments must be used to maintain level flight while the adjustment is made.


At constant power, any deviation from level flight (except in turbulent air) must be the result of a pitch change. Therefore, the altimeter gives an indirect indication of the pitch attitude in level flight, assuming constant power. Since the altitude should remain constant when the airplane is in level flight, any deviation from the desired altitude signals the need for a pitch change. If you are gaining altitude, the nose must be lowered.

The rate of movement of the altimeter needle is as important as its direction of movement for maintaining level flight without the use of the attitude indicator. An excessive pitch deviation from level flight results in a relatively rapid change of altitude; a slight pitch deviation causes a slow change. Thus, if the altimeter needle moves rapidly clockwise, assume a considerable nose-high deviation from level-flight attitude. Conversely, if the needle moves slowly counterclockwise to indicate a slightly nose-low attitude, assume that the pitch correction necessary to regain the desired altitude is small.

When a pitch error is detected, corrective action should be taken promptly, but with light control pressures and two distinct changes of attitude: (1) a change of attitude to stop the needle movement, and (2) a change of attitude to return to the desired altitude.

As a rule of thumb, for errors of less than 100 feet, use a half-bar-width correction. [Figures 5-9 and 5-10] For errors in excess of 100 feet, use an initial full-bar-width correction.

Vertical Speed Indicator

The vertical speed indicator gives an indirect indication of pitch attitude and is both a trend and a rate instrument. As a trend instrument, it shows immediately the initial vertical movement of the airplane, which, disregarding turbulence, can be considered a reflection of pitch change. To maintain level flight, use the vertical speed indicator in conjunction with the altimeter and attitude indicator. Note any “up” or “down” trend of the needle from zero and apply a very light corrective elevator pressure. As the needle returns to zero, relax the corrective pressure. If your control pressures have been smooth and light, the needle will react immediately and slowly, and the altimeter will show little or no change of altitude.

Used as a rate instrument, the lag characteristics of the vertical speed indicator must be considered.

Lag refers to the delay involved before the needle attains a stable indication following a pitch change. Lag is directly proportional to the speed and magnitude of a pitch change. If a slow, smooth pitch change is initiated, the needle will move with minimum lag to a point of deflection corresponding to the extent of the pitch change, and then stabilize as the aerodynamic forces are balanced in the climb or descent. A large and abrupt pitch change will produce erratic needle movement, a reverse indication, and introduce greater time delay (lag) before the needle stabilizes. Pilots are cautioned not to chase the needle when flight through turbulent conditions produces erratic needle movements. When using the vertical speed indicator as a rate instrument and combining it with the altimeter and attitude indicator to maintain level flight, keep this in mind: the amount the altimeter has moved from the desired altitude governs the rate at which you should return to that altitude. A rule of thumb is to make an attitude change that will result in a vertical-speed rate approximately double your error in altitude. For example, if altitude is off by 100 feet, your rate of return should be approximately 200 feet per minute (fpm). If it is off more than 100 feet, the correction should be correspondingly greater, but should never exceed the optimum rate of climb or descent for your airplane at a given airspeed and configuration.

A deviation more than 200 fpm from the desired rate of return is considered overcontrolling. For example, if you are attempting to return to an altitude at a rate of 200 fpm, a rate in excess of 400 fpm indicates overcontrolling. When you are returning to an altitude, the vertical speed indicator is the primary pitch instrument. Occasionally, the vertical speed indicator is slightly out of calibration and may indicate a climb or descent when the airplane is in level flight. If you cannot adjust the instrument, you must take the error into consideration when using it for pitch control. For example, if the needle indicates a descent of 200 fpm while in level flight, use this indication as the zero position.

Airspeed Indicator

The airspeed indicator presents an indirect indication of the pitch attitude. At a constant power setting and pitch attitude, airspeed remains constant. As the pitch attitude lowers, and the nose should be lowered. A rapid change in airspeed indicates a large pitch change, and a slow change of airspeed indicates a small pitch change.

The apparent lag in airspeed indications with pitch changes varies greatly among different airplanes and is due to the time required for the airplane to accelerate or decelerate when the pitch attitude is changed. There is no appreciable lag due to the construction or operation of the instrument. Small pitch changes, smoothly executed, result in an immediate change of airspeed.

Pitch control in level flight is a question of cross-check and interpretation of the instrument panel for the instrument information that will enable you to visualize and control pitch attitude. Regardless of individual differences in cross-check technique, all pilots should use the instruments that give the best information for controlling the airplane in any given maneuver. Pilots should also check the other instruments to aid in maintaining the important, or primary, instruments at the desired indication.

As noted previously, the primary instrument is the one that gives the most pertinent information for any particular maneuver. It is usually the one you should hold at a constant indication. Which instrument is primary for pitch control in level flight, for example? This question should be considered in the context of specific airplane, weather conditions, pilot experience, operational conditions, and other factors. Attitude changes must be detected and interpreted instantly for immediate control action in high-performance airplanes. On the other hand, a reasonably proficient instrument pilot in a slower airplane may rely more on the altimeter for primary pitch information, especially if it is determined that too much reliance on the attitude indicator fails to provide the necessary precise attitude information. Whether the pilot decides to regard the altimeter or the attitude indicator as primary depends on which approach will best help control the attitude.

In this handbook, the altimeter is normally considered as the primary pitch instrument during level flight.

Bank Control

The bank attitude of an airplane is the angle between the lateral axis of the airplane and the natural horizon. To maintain a straight-and-level flight path, you must keep the wings of the airplane level with the horizon (assuming the airplane is in coordinated flight). Any deviation from straight flight resulting from bank error should be corrected by coordinated aileron and rudder pressure.

The instruments used for bank control are the attitude indicator, the heading indicator, and the turn coordinator.

Attitude Indicator

The attitude indicator shows any change in bank attitude directly and instantly. On the standard attitude indicator, the angle of bank is shown pictorially by the relationship of the miniature aircraft to the artificial horizon bar, and by the alignment of the pointer with the banking scale at the top of the instrument. On the face of the standard 3-inch instrument, small angles of bank can be difficult to detect by reference to the miniature aircraft, especially if you lean to one side or move your seating position slightly. The position of the scale pointer is a good check against the apparent miniature aircraft position. Disregarding precession error, small deviations from straight coordinated flight can be readily detected on the scale pointer. The banking index may be graduated as shown in , or it may lack the 10° and 20° indexes.

… the obvious advantage of the attitude indicator is that you get an immediate indication of both pitch attitude and bank attitude in a single glance. Even with the precession errors associated with many attitude indicators, the quick attitude presentation requires less visual effort and time for positive control than other flight instruments.

Heading Indicator

The bank attitude of an aircraft in coordinated flight is shown indirectly on the heading indicator, since banking results in a turn and change in heading. Assuming the same airspeed in both instances, a rapid movement of the heading indicator needle (or azimuth card in a directional gyro) indicates a large angle of bank, whereas a slow movement of the needle or card reflects a small angle of bank. If you note the rate of movement of the heading indicator and compare it to the attitude indicator’s degrees of bank, you will learn to look for important bank information on the heading indicator. This is especially the case when the attitude indicator’s precession error makes a precise check of heading information necessary in order to maintain straight flight.

When you note deviations from straight flight on the heading indicator, make your correction to the desired heading using a bank angle no greater than the number of degrees to be turned. In any case, limit your bank corrections to a bank angle no greater than that required for a standard-rate turn. Use of larger bank angles requires a very high level of proficiency, and normally results in overcontrolling and erratic bank control.

Turn Coordinator

The miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator gives you an indirect indication of the bank attitude of the airplane. When the miniature aircraft is level, the airplane is in straight flight. If the ball is centered, a left deflection of the miniature aircraft means the left wing is low and the airplane is in a left turn. Thus, when the miniature aircraft is in a stabilized deflection, the airplane is turning in the direction indicated. Return to straight flight is accomplished by coordinated aileron and rudder pressure to level the miniature aircraft. Include the miniature aircraft in your cross-check and correct for even the smallest deviations from the desired position. When the instrument is used to maintain straight flight, control pressures must be applied very lightly and smoothly.

The ball of the turn coordinator is actually a separate instrument, conveniently located under the miniature aircraft because the two instruments are used together. The ball instrument indicates the quality of the turn. If the ball is off center, the airplane is slipping or skidding, and the miniature aircraft under these conditions shows an error in bank attitude. Figures 5-18 and 5-19 show the instrument indications for slips and skids, respectively. If the wings are level and the airplane is properly trimmed, the ball will remain in the center, and the airplane will be in straight flight. If the ball is not centered, the airplane is improperly trimmed (or you are holding rudder pressure against proper trim).

To maintain straight-and-level flight with proper trim, note the direction of ball displacement. If the ball is to the left of center and the left wing is low, apply left rudder pressure (or release right rudder pressure if you are holding it) to center the ball and correct the slip. At the same time apply right aileron pressure as necessary to level the wings, cross- checking the heading indicator and attitude indicator as you center the ball. If the wings are level and the ball is displaced from the center, the airplane is skidding. Note the direction of ball displacement, and use the same corrective technique as for an indicated slip. Center the ball (left ball/left rudder, right ball/right rudder), use aileron as necessary for bank control, and retrim.

To trim the airplane using only the turn coordinator, use aileron pressure to level the miniature aircraft and rudder pressure to center the ball. Hold these indications with control pressures, gradually releasing them as you apply rudder trim sufficient to relieve all rudder pressure. Apply aileron trim, if available, to relieve aileron pressure. With a full instrument panel, maintain a wings-level attitude by reference to all available instruments while you trim the airplane.

Power Control

Power produces thrust which, with the appropriate angle of attack of the wing, overcomes the forces of gravity, drag, and inertia to determine airplane performance. Power control must be related to its effect on altitude and airspeed, since any change in power setting results in a change in the airspeed or the altitude of the airplane. At any given airspeed, the power setting determines whether the airplane is in level flight, in a climb, or in a descent. If you increase the power while in straight-and-level flight and hold the airspeed constant, the airplane will climb; and if you decrease the power while holding the airspeed constant, the airplane will descend. On the other hand, if you hold altitude constant, the power applied will determine the airspeed.

The relationship between altitude and airspeed determines the need for a change in pitch or power. If the airspeed is off the desired value, always check the altimeter before deciding that a power change is necessary. If you think of altitude and airspeed as interchangeable, you can trade altitude for airspeed by lowering the nose, or convert airspeed to altitude by raising the nose. If your altitude is higher than desired and your airspeed is low, or vice versa, a change in pitch alone may return the airplane to the desired altitude and airspeed. [Figure 5-20] If both airspeed and altitude are high or if both are low, then a change in both pitch and power is necessary in order to return to the desired airspeed and altitude.

For changes in airspeed in straight-and-level flight, pitch, bank, and power must be coordinated in order to maintain constant altitude and heading. When power is changed to vary airspeed in straight-and-level flight, a single-engine, propeller-driven airplane tends to change attitude around all axes of movement. Therefore, to maintain constant altitude and heading, you will need to apply various control pressures in proportion to the change in power. When you add power to increase airspeed, the pitch instruments will show a climb unless you apply forward-elevator control pressure as the airspeed changes. When you increase power, the airplane tends to yaw and roll to the left unless you apply counteracting aileron and rudder pressures. Keeping ahead of these changes requires an increase in your cross-check speed, which varies with the type of airplane and its torque characteristics, the extent of power and speed change involved, and your technique in making the power change.

Straight and Level Flight

The basic attitude is established and maintained on the attitude indicator, and the specific pitch, bank, and power control requirements are detected on these primary instruments:

Altimeter—Primary Pitch
Heading Indicator—Primary Bank
Airspeed Indicator—Primary Power

Supporting pitch-and-bank instruments are shown in the illustrations. The supporting power instrument is the manifold pressure gauge (or tachometer if the propeller is fixed-pitch).

Straight and Level

As you make a smooth power reduction to approximately 15″ Hg (underpower), the manifold pressure gauge becomes the primary power instrument. [Figure 5-23] With practice, you will be able to change a power setting with only a brief glance at the power instrument, by sensing the movement of the throttle, the change in sound, and the changes in the feel of control pressures.
Straight and Level Reduced Airspeed

As the thrust decreases, increase the speed of your cross- check and be ready to apply left rudder, back-elevator, and aileron control pressure the instant the pitch-and-bank instruments show a deviation from altitude and heading. As you become proficient, you will learn to cross-check, interpret, and control the changes with no deviation of heading and altitude. Assuming smooth air and ideal control technique, as airspeed decreases, a proportionate increase in airplane pitch attitude is required to maintain altitude. Similarly, effective torque control means counteracting yaw with rudder pressure.

As the power is reduced, the altimeter is primary for pitch, the heading indicator is primary for bank, and the manifold pressure gauge is momentarily primary for power (at 15″ Hg in this example). Control pressures should be trimmed off as the airplane decelerates. As the airspeed approaches the desired airspeed of 100 knots, the manifold pressure is adjusted to approximately 18″ Hg and becomes the supporting power instrument. The airspeed indicator again becomes primary for power. [Figure 5-24]

Straight and Level Reduced Airspeed

Airspeed Changes in Straight-and-Level

Flight Practice of airspeed changes in straight-and-level flight provides an excellent means of developing increased proficiency in all three basic instrument skills, and brings out some common errors to be expected during training in straight-and-level flight. Having learned to control the airplane in a clean configuration (minimum drag conditions), you can increase your proficiency in cross-check and control by practicing speed changes while extending or retracting the flaps and landing gear. While practicing, be sure you comply with the airspeed limitations specified in your POH/AFM for gear and flap operation.

Sudden and exaggerated attitude changes may be necessary in order to maintain straight-and-level flight as the landing gear is extended and the flaps are lowered in some airplanes. The nose tends to pitch down with gear extension, and when flaps are lowered, lift increases momentarily (at partial flap settings) followed by a marked increase in drag as the flaps near maximum extension.

Control technique varies according to the lift and drag characteristics of each airplane. Accordingly, knowledge of the power settings and trim changes associated with different combinations of airspeed, gear and flap configurations will reduce your instrument cross-check and interpretation problems.

For example, assume that in straight-and-level flight, an airplane indicates 145 knots with power at 22″ Hg manifold pressure/2,300 RPM, gear and flaps up. After reduction in airspeed, with gear and flaps fully extended, straight-and- level flight at the same altitude requires 25″ Hg manifold pressure/2,500 RPM. Maximum gear extension speed is 125 knots; maximum flap extension speed is 105 knots. Airspeed reduction to 95 knots, gear and flaps down, can be made in the following manner:

  • 1. Increase RPM to 2,500, since a high power setting will be used in full drag configuration.
  • 2. Reduce manifold pressure to 10″ Hg. As the airspeed decreases, increase cross-check speed.
  • 3. Make trim adjustments for an increased angle of attack and decrease in torque.
  • 4. As you lower the gear at 125 knots, the nose may tend to pitch down and the rate of deceleration increases. Increase pitch attitude to maintain constant altitude, and trim off some of the back-elevator pressures. If you lower full flaps at this point, your cross-check, interpretation, and control must be very rapid. A less difficult technique is to stabilize the airspeed and attitude with gear down before lowering the flaps.
  • 5. Since 18″ Hg manifold pressure will hold level flight at 95 knots with the gear down, increase power smoothly to that setting as the airspeed indicator shows approximately 100 knots, and retrim. The attitude indicator now shows approximately two-and-a-half bar width nose-high in straight-and-level flight.
  • 6. Actuate the flap control and simultaneously increase power to the predetermined setting (25″ Hg) for the desired airspeed, and trim off the pressures necessary to hold constant altitude and heading. The attitude indicator now shows a bar-width nflight at 95 knots.

Trim Technique

Proper trim technique is essential for smooth and precise aircraft control during all phases of flight. By relieving all control pressures, it is much easier to hold a given attitude constant, and you can devote more attention to other cockpit duties.

Straight Climbs and Descents


For a given power setting and load condition, there is only one attitude that will give the most efficient rate of climb. The airspeed and the climb power setting that will determine this climb attitude are given in the performance data found in your POH/AFM. Details of the technique for entering a climb vary according to airspeed on entry and the type of climb (constant airspeed or constant rate) desired. (Heading and trim control are maintained as discussed under straight- and-level flight.)


To enter a constant-airspeed climb from cruising airspeed, raise the miniature aircraft to the approximate nose-high indication for the predetermined climb speed. The attitude will vary according to the type of airplane you are flying. Apply light back-elevator pressure to initiate and maintain the climb attitude. The pressures will vary as the airplane decelerates. Power may be advanced to the climb power setting simultaneously with the pitch change, or after the pitch change is established and the airspeed approaches climb speed. If the transition from level flight to climb is smooth, the vertical speed indicator will show an immediate trend upward, continue to move slowly, then stop at a rate appropriate to the stabilized airspeed and attitude. (Primary and supporting instruments for the climb entry are shown in figure 5-25.)

Entry Constant Speed Climb

Once the airplane stabilizes at a constant airspeed and attitude, the airspeed indicator is primary for pitch and the heading indicator remains primary for bank. [Figure 5-26] You will monitor the tachometer or manifold pressure gauge as the primary power instrument to ensure the proper climb power setting is being maintained. If the climb attitude is correct for the power setting selected, the airspeed will stabilize at the desired speed. If the airspeed is low or high, make an appropriate small pitch correction.

Constant Speed Climb

To enter a constant-airspeed climb, first complete the airspeed reduction from cruise airspeed to climb speed in straight-and-level flight. The climb entry is then identical to entry from cruising airspeed, except that power must be increased simultaneously to the climb setting as the pitch attitude is increased. Climb entries on partial panel are more easily and accurately controlled if you enter the maneuver from climbing speed.

The technique for entering a constant-rate climb is very similar to that used for entry to a constant-airspeed climb from climb airspeed. As the power is increased to the approximate setting for the desired rate, simultaneously raise the miniature aircraft to the climbing attitude for the desired airspeed and rate of climb. As the power is increased, the airspeed indicator is primary for pitch control until the vertical speed approaches the desired value. As the vertical-speed needle stabilizes, it becomes primary for pitch control and the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power control. [Figure 5-27]

Constant Rate Climb

Pitch and power corrections must be promptly and closely coordinated. For example, if the vertical speed is correct, but the airspeed is low, add power. As the power is increased, the miniature aircraft must be lowered slightly to maintain constant vertical speed. If the vertical speed is high and the airspeed is low, lower the miniature aircraft slightly and note the increase in airspeed to determine whether or not a power change is also necessary. [Figure 5-28] Familiarity with the approximate power settings helps to keep your pitch and power corrections at a minimum.

Airspeed Correction Reduce Pitch

Leveling Off

To level-off from a climb and maintain an altitude, it is necessary to start the level-off before reaching the desired altitude. The amount of lead varies with rate of climb and pilot technique. If your airplane is climbing at 1,000 fpm, it will continue to climb at a decreasing rate throughout the transition to level flight. An effective practice is to lead the altitude by 10 percent of the vertical speed shown (500 fpm/ 50-foot lead, 1,000 fpm/100-foot lead).

To level-off at cruising airspeed, apply smooth, steady forward-elevator pressure toward level-flight attitude for the speed desired. As the attitude indicator shows the pitch change, the vertical-speed needle will move slowly toward zero, the altimeter needle will move more slowly, and the airspeed will show acceleration. [Figure 5-29] Once the altimeter, attitude indicator, and vertical speed indicator show level flight, constant changes in pitch and torque control will have to be made as the airspeed increases. As the airspeed approaches cruising speed, reduce power to the cruise setting. The amount of lead depends upon the rate of acceleration of your airplane.

Level Off

To level-off at climbing airspeed, lower the nose to the pitch attitude appropriate to that airspeed in level flight. Power is simultaneously reduced to the setting for that airspeed as the pitch attitude is lowered. If your power reduction is at a rate proportionate to the pitch change, the airspeed will remain constant.


A descent can be made at a variety of airspeeds and attitudes by reducing power, adding drag, and lowering the nose to a predetermined attitude. Sooner or later the airspeed will stabilize at a constant value. Meanwhile, the only flight instrument providing a positive attitude reference, by itself, is the attitude indicator. Without the attitude indicator (such as during a partial-panel descent) the airspeed indicator, the altimeter, and the vertical speed indicator will be showing varying rates of change until the airplane decelerates to a constant airspeed at a constant attitude. During the transition, changes in control pressure and trim, as well as cross-check and interpretation, must be very accurate if you expect to maintain positive control.


The following method for entering descents is effective either with or without an attitude indicator. First, reduce airspeed to your selected descent airspeed while maintaining straight- and-level flight, then make a further reduction in power (to a predetermined setting). As the power is adjusted, simultaneously lower the nose to maintain constant airspeed, and trim off control pressures.

During a constant-airspeed descent, any deviation from the desired airspeed calls for a pitch adjustment. For a constant- rate descent, the entry is the same, but the vertical-speed indicator is primary for pitch control (after it stabilizes near the desired rate), and the airspeed indicator is primary for power control. Pitch and power must be closely coordinated when corrections are made, as they are in climbs. [Figure 5-30]

Constant Speed Descent

Leveling Off

The level-off from a descent must be started before you reach the desired altitude. The amount of lead depends upon the rate of descent and control technique. With too little lead, you will tend to overshoot the selected altitude unless your technique is rapid. Assuming a 500-fpm rate of descent, lead the altitude by 100–150 feet for a level-off at an airspeed higher than descending speed. At the lead point, add power to the appropriate level-flight cruise setting. [Figure 5-31] Since the nose will tend to rise as the airspeed increases, hold forward-elevator pressure to maintain the vertical speed at the descending rate until approximately 50 feet above the altitude, then smoothly adjust the pitch attitude to the level- flight attitude for the airspeed selected.

Level Off Higher Speed

To level-off from a descent at descent airspeed, lead the desired altitude by approximately 50 feet, simultaneously adjusting the pitch attitude to level flight and adding power to a setting that will hold the airspeed constant. [Figure 5-32] Trim off the control pressures and continue with thnormal straight-and-level flight cross-check.

Level Off Descent Airspeed


Standard-Rate Turns

To enter a standard-rate level turn, apply coordinated aileron and rudder pressures in the desired direction of turn. Pilots commonly roll into turns at a much too rapid rate. During initial training in turns, base your control pressures on your rate of cross-check and interpretation. There is nothing to be gained by maneuvering an airplane faster than your capacity to keep up with the changes in instrument indications. On the roll-in, use the attitude indicator to establish the approximate angle of bank, then check the turn coordinator’s miniature aircraft for a standard-rate turn indication. Maintain the bank for this rate of turn, using the turn coordinator’s miniature aircraft as the primary bank reference and the attitude indicator as the supporting bank instrument. [Figure 5-33] Note the exact angle of bank shown on the banking scale of the attitude indicator when the turn coordinator indicates a standard-rate turn.

Constant Airspeed Turn

During the roll-in, check the altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and attitude indicator for the necessary pitch adjustments as the vertical lift component decreases with an increase in bank. If constant airspeed is to be maintained, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power, and the throttle must be adjusted as drag increases. As the bank is established, trim off the pressures applied during pitch and power changes.

To recover to straight-and-level flight, apply coordinated aileron and rudder pressures opposite the direction of turn. If you strive for the same rate of roll-out you used to roll into the turn, you will encounter fewer problems in estimating the lead necessary for roll-out on exact headings, especially on partial-panel maneuvers. As you initiate the turn recovery, the attitude indicator becomes the primary bank instrument. When the airplane is approximately level, the heading indicator is the primary bank instrument as in straight-and- level flight. Pitch, power, and trim adjustments are made as changes in vertical lift component and airspeed occur. The ball should be checked throughout the turn, especially if control pressures are held rather than trimmed off.

Some airplanes are very stable during turns, and slight trim adjustments permit hands-off flight while the airplane remains in the established attitude. Other airplanes require constant, rapid cross-check and control during turns to correct overbanking tendencies. Due to the interrelationship of pitch, bank, and airspeed deviations during turns, your cross-check must be fast in order to prevent an accumulation of errors.

Turns to Predetermined Headings

As long as an airplane is in a coordinated bank, it continues to turn. Thus, the roll-out to a desired heading must be started before the heading is reached. The amount of lead varies with the relationship between the rate of turn, angle of bank, and rate of recovery. For small heading changes, use a bank angle that does not exceed the number of degrees to be turned. Lead the desired heading by one-half the number of degrees of bank used. For example, if you maintain a 10° bank during a change in heading, start the roll-out 5° before you reach the desired heading. For larger changes in heading, the amount of lead will vary since the angle of bank for a standard-rate turn varies with the true airspeed.

Practice with a lead of one-half the angle of bank until you have determined the precise lead suitable to your technique. If your rates of roll-in and roll-out are consistent, you can readily determine the precise amount of lead suitable to your particular roll-out technique by noting the amount that you consistently undershoot or overshoot the headings.

Timed Turns

A timed turn is a turn in which the clock and the turn coordinator are used to change heading a definite number of degrees in a given time. For example, in a standard-rate turn (3° per second), an airplane turns 45° in 15 seconds; in a half-standard-rate turn, the airplane turns 45° in 30 seconds.

Turn Coordinator Calibration

Prior to performing timed turns, the turn coordinator should be calibrated to determine the accuracy of its indications. [Figure 5-34] Establish a standard-rate turn as indicated by the turn coordinator, and as the sweep-second hand of the clock passes a cardinal point (12, 3, 6, 9), check the heading on the heading indicator. While holding the indicated rate of turn constant, note the indicated heading changes at 10- second intervals. If the airplane turns more or less than 30° in that interval, a larger or smaller deflection of the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator is necessary to produce a standard-rate turn. When you have calibrated the turn coordinator during turns in each direction, note the corrected deflections, if any, and apply them during all timed turns.

The same cross-check and control technique is used in making timed turns that you use to execute turns to prede- termined headings, except that you substitute the clock for the heading indicator. The miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator is primary for bank control, the altimeter is primary for pitch control, and the airspeed indicator is primary for power control. Start the roll-in when the clock’s second hand passes a cardinal point, hold the turn at the calibrated standard rate indication (or half-standard rate for small heading changes), and begin the roll-out when the computed number of seconds has elapsed. If the rates of roll-in and roll-out are the same, the time taken during entry and recovery does not need to be considered in the time computation.

If you practice timed turns with a full instrument panel, check the heading indicator for the accuracy of your turns. If you execute the turns without the gyro heading indicator, use the magnetic compass at the completion of the turn to check turn accuracy, taking compass deviation errors into consideration.

Climbing and Descending Turns

To execute climbing and descending turns, combine the technique used in straight climbs and descents with the various turn techniques. The aerodynamic factors affecting lift and power control must be considered in determining power settings, and the rate of cross-check and interpretation must be increased to enable you to control bank as well as pitch changes.

Change of Airspeed in Turns

Changing airspeed in turns is an effective maneuver for increasing your proficiency in all three basic instrument skills. Since the maneuver involves simultaneous changes in all components of control, proper execution requires rapid cross- check and interpretation as well as smooth control. Proficiency in the maneuver will also contribute to your confidence in the instruments during attitude and power changes involved in more complex maneuvers. Pitch and power control techniques are the same as those used during changes in airspeed in straight-and-level flight.

The angle of bank necessary for a given rate of turn is proportional to the true airspeed. Since the turns are executed at a standard rate, the angle of bank must be varied in direct proportion to the airspeed change in order to maintain a constant rate of turn. During a reduction of airspeed, you must decrease the angle of bank and increase the pitch attitude to maintain altitude and a standard-rate turn.

The altimeter and turn coordinator indications should remain constant throughout the turn. The altimeter is primary for pitch control and the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator is primary for bank control. The manifold pressure gauge (or tachometer) is primary for power control while the airspeed is changing. As the airspeed approaches the new indication, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power control.

Two methods of changing airspeed in turns may be used. In the first method, airspeed is changed after the turn is established [Figure 5-38]; in the second method, the airspeed change is initiated simultaneously with the turn entry. The first method is easier, but regardless of the method used, the rate of cross-check must be increased as you reduce power. As the airplane decelerates, check the altimeter and vertical speed indicator for needed pitch changes and the bank instruments for needed bank changes. If the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator shows a deviation from the desired deflection, change the bank. Adjust pitch attitude to maintain altitude. When approaching the desired airspeed, it becomes primary for power control and the manifold pressure gauge (or tachometer) is adjusted to maintain the desired airspeed. Trim is important throughout the maneuver to relieve control pressures.


The 2007 version of Instrument Flying Handbook discusses the same concepts but has a slightly different emphasis, especially as related to the importance of the attitude indicator. I’ve reproduced the first few sections of the PFD version below.

The second method for performing attitude instrument flight is a direct extension of the control/power method. By utilizing the primary and supporting flight instruments in conjunction with the control and power instruments, the pilot can precisely maintain aircraft attitude. This method utilizes the same instruments as the control/power method; however, it focuses more on the instruments that depict the most accurate indication for the aspect of the aircraft attitude being controlled. The four key elements (pitch, bank, roll, and trim) are discussed in detail.

Similar to the control/power method, all changes to aircraft attitude need to be made using the attitude indicator and the power instruments (tachometer, manifold pressure gauge, etc.). The following explains how each component of the aircraft attitude is monitored for performance.

Pitch Control

The pitch of the aircraft refers to the angle between the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the natural horizon. When flying in instrument meteorological conditions, the natural horizon is unavailable for reference, and an artificial horizon is utilized in its place. The only instrument capable of depicting the aircraft attitude is the attitude indicator displayed on the PFD. The attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) is the engine that drives the attitude display. The AHRS unit is capable of precisely tracking minute changes in the pitch, bank, and yaw axes, thereby making the PFD very accurate and reliable. The AHRS unit determines the angle between the aircraft’s longitudinal axis and the horizon line on initialization. There is no need or means for the pilot to adjust the position of the yellow chevron which represents the nose of the aircraft.

Straight-and-Level Flight

In straight-and-level flight, the pilot maintains a constant altitude, airspeed and, for the most part, heading for extended periods of time. To achieve this, three primary instruments need to be referenced in order to maintain these three variables.

Primary Pitch

When the pilot is maintaining a constant altitude, the primary instrument for pitch is the altimeter. As long as the aircraft maintains a constant airspeed and pitch attitude, the altitude should remain constant.

Two factors that cause the altitude to deviate are turbulence and momentary distractions. When a deviation occurs, a change in the pitch needs to be made on the attitude indicator. Small deviations require small corrections while large deviations require larger corrections. Pilots should avoid making large corrections that result in rapid attitude changes, for this may lead to spatial disorientation. Smooth, timely corrections should should be made to bring the aircraft back to the desired attitude.

Pay close attention to indications on the PFD. An increase in pitch of 2.5° produces a climb rate of 450 feet per minute (fpm). Small deviations do not require large attitude changes.

A rule of thumb for correcting altitude deviations is to establish a change rate of twice the altitude deviation, not to exceed 500 fpm. For example, if the aircraft is off altitude by 40 feet, 2 x 40 = 80 feet, so a descent of approximately 100 fpm allows the aircraft to return to the desired altitude in a controlled, timely fashion.

In addition to the primary instrument, there are also supporting instruments that assist the pilot in cross-checking the pitch attitude. The supporting instruments indicate trend, but they do not indicate precise attitude indications. Three instruments (vertical speed, airspeed, and altitude trend tape) indicate when the pitch attitude has changed and that the altitude is changing. When the altitude is constant, the VSI and altitude trend tape are not shown on the PFD. When these two trend indicators are displayed, the pilot is made aware that the pitch attitudchanged and may need adjustment.

The instrument cross-check necessitates utilizing these supporting instruments to better manage altitude control. The VSI and trend tape provide the pilot with information regarding the direction and rate of altitude deviations. The pilot is thus able to make correction to the pitch attitude before a large deviation in altitude occurs. The airspeed indicator depicts an increase if the pitch attitude is lowered. Conversely, when the pitch attitude increases, the pilot should note a decrease in the airspeed.

Primary Bank

When flying in instrument meteorological conditions, pilots maintain preplanned or assigned headings. With this in mind, the primary instrument for bank angle is the heading indicator. Heading changes are displayed instantaneously. The heading indicator is the only instrument that displays the current magnetic heading, provided that it is matched to the magnetic compass with all deviation adjustments accounted for.

There are supporting instruments associated with bank as well. The turn rate trend indicator shows the pilot when the aircraft is changing heading. The magnetic compass is also useful for maintaining a heading; however, it is influenced by several errors in various phases of flight.

Primary Yaw

The slip/skid indicator is the primary instrument for yaw. It is the only instrument that can indicate if the aircraft is moving through the air with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft aligned with the relative wind.

Primary Power

The primary power instrument for straight-and-level flight is the airspeed indicator. The main focus of power is to maintain a desired airspeed during level flight. No other instrument delivers instantaneous indication.

Learning the primary and supporting instruments for each variable is the key to successfully mastering attitude instrument flying. At no point does the primary and supporting method devalue the importance of the attitude indicator or the power instruments. All instruments (control, performance, primary, and supporting) must be utilized collectively.

Primary and Supporting Method for IFR – Table

June 29th, 2008

This is a summary of the information contained in the detailed Primary and Supporting Method for IFR post.

Update: 2017-02-18 The FAA has decided that they will no longer ask questions on this method on the Instrument Rating Airplane (IRA) Knowledge Test.

Questions in the following topic areas have been deleted:
Designation of instruments as “primary” or “secondary” for aircraft control

Primary and Supporting Method for Instrument Flying
Maneuver Primary Supporting
  Pitch Bank Power Pitch Bank Power
Straight and Level Altimeter Heading Indicator Airspeed Indicator Vertical Speed Indicator,
Attitude Indicator
Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Standard-Rate Turn
Altimeter Attitude Indicator
then Turn Coordinator
Airspeed Indicator Attitude Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
Turn Coordinator,
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Standard-Rate Turn
Altimeter Turn Coordinator Airspeed Indicator Vertical Speed Indicator
Attitude Indicator
Turn Coordinator,
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Constant Speed
Climb or Descent
Attitude Indicator Heading Indicator Tach or MP Vertical Speed Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Constant Speed
Climb or Descent
Airspeed Indicator Heading Indicator Tach or MP Vertical Speed Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Constant Rate
Climb or Descent
Attitude Indicator Heading Indicator Tach or MP Vertical Speed Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Constant Rate
Climb or Descent
Vertical Speed Indicator Heading Indicator Airspeed Indicator Attitude Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Changing Airspeed
In Turns
Altimeter Turn Coordinator Tach or MP, then
Airspeed Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator,
Attitude Indicator
Attitude Indicator  

The Attitude Indicator is the only instrument that instantly and directly portrays the actual flight attitude. It should always be used, when available, in establishing and maintaining pitch-and-bank attitudes.

The magnetic compass provides heading information and is considered a bank instrument when used with the heading indicator.

Aviation Weather Services – Supplementary Products

June 23rd, 2008

[The Aviation Weather Services book includes a section on Supplementary Products. These are not likely to be of interest to general aviation pilots, but are included here for completness.]

Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP)

The Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP) is a graphical representation of forecast convective occurrence verifying at 2-, 4 -, and 6-hours after issuance time. Convection, for the purposes of the CCFP forecast, is defined as a polygon of at least 3,000 square miles containing all of the following threshold criteria:

  • • A coverage of at least 25 percent of echoes with at least 40 dBZ composite reflectivity,
  • • A coverage of at least 25 percent of echoes with echo tops of FL250 or greater, and
  • • A forecaster confidence of at least 25 percent.

All three threshold criteria must be met for any area of convection 3,000 square miles or greater to be included in a CCFP forecast. This is defined as the minimum CCFP criteria. Any area of convection, which is forecasted to NOT meet all three of these criteria, is NOT included in a CCFP forecast.

The CCFP is intended to be used as a strategic planning tool for air traffic flow management. It aids in the reduction of air traffic delays, reroutes and cancellations due to significant convection. It is not intended to be used for tactical air traffic flow decisions, in the airport terminal environment, or for pilot weather briefing purposes. The graphical representation is subject to annual revision.


The CCFP is issued by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) from March through October for the 48-contiguous states. Canadian forecasts are included on the product are available for southern Ontario and Quebec between April through September. This area is roughly from north of Wisconsin extending eastward to north of Maine. The CCFP is issued every two hours, eleven times per day.


The CCFP is to be used as a strategic planning tool for air traffic flow management in the 2- to 6-hour forecast period. The product is not intended to be used as a pilot weather briefing tool.

National Convective Weather Forecast (NCWF)

The National Convective Weather Forecast (NCWF) is a near real-time, high resolution display of current and one-hour extrapolated forecasts of selected hazardous convective conditions for the conterminous United States. The NCWF is a supplement to, but does not substitute for, the report and forecast information contained within Convective SIGMETs. The NCWF is intended for use by general aviation, airline dispatchers, and Traffic Management Units.


The NCWF is issued by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) and is updated every five minutes. The product is available on the Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) web page at: http://adds.aviationweather.noaa.gov/convection/java/ and the AWC web site.


The purpose of the National Convective Weather Forecast (NCWF) is to produce a convective hazard field diagnostic and forecast product based on radar data, echo top mosaics, and lightning data. The target audience includes the FAA and other government agencies, pilots, airline dispatchers, aviation meteorologists, and other interested aviation users in the general public. The NCWF is a supplement to, but does not substitute for, the report and forecast information contained in Convective SIGMETs.

Current Icing Product (CIP)

The Current Icing Product (CIP) product combines sensor and numerical data to provide a hourly three-dimensional diagnosis of the icing environment. This information is displayed on a suite of twelve graphics which are available for the 48 contiguous United States, much of Canada and Mexico, and their respective coastal waters.

The CIP product suite is automatically produced with no human modifications. Information on the graphics is determined from observational data including WSR-88D radar, satellite, pilot weather reports, surface weather reports, lightning and computer model output.

FAA policy states the CIP is a supplementary weather product for enhanced situational awareness only and must be used with one or more primary products such as an AIRMET or SIGMET (see AIM 7-1-3).


The CIP product suite is issued hourly 15 minutes after the hour by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC). The products are available through the Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) web site.


The CIP Icing Probability product can be used to identify the current three-dimensional probability of icing. The CIP Icing Severity product can be used to determine the intensity of icing. The CIP Icing Severity – Probability > 25% or Probability > 50% depicts the probability of a given intensity of icing occurring. Finally the Icing Severity plus SLD product can help in determining the threat of SLD which is particularly hazardous to some aircraft.

Icing PIREPs are plotted on single altitude graphics if the PIREP is within 1,000 feet of the graphic’s altitude and has been observed within 75 minutes of the chart’s valid time. On CIP Max product, PIREPs for all altitudes (i.e. 1,000 feet MSL to FL300) are displayed. However, negative reports of icing are not plotted on the CIP Max product in an effort to reduce clutter. The PIREP legend is located on the bottom of each graphic.

Forecast Icing Potential (FIP)

The Forecast Icing Potential (FIP) provides a three-dimensional forecast of icing potential (or likelihood) using numerical weather prediction model output (Figure 9-17). The FIP product suite is automatically generated with no human modifications. It may be used as a higher resolution supplement to AIRMETs and SIGMETs but is not a substitute for them. It is authorized for operational use only by meteorologists and dispatchers. The forecast area covers the 48-contiguous states, much of Canada and Mexico and their respective coastal waters.


The FIP is issued every hour and generates hourly forecast for 3 hours into the future. For example, forecasts issued at 1300Z would be valid for 1400Z, 1500Z and 1600Z. Six-, 9-, and 12-hour forecasts are issued every three hours beginning at 00Z. For example, a forecast suite issued at 0300Z would have valid times at 0900Z, 1200Z and 1500Z respectively. The product is issued by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) and is available through the Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) web site at: http://adds.aviationweather.noaa.gov/icing/icing_nav.php.

Use The FIP is primarily used to help determine the likelihood of icing at the specified forecast valid times.

Aviation Weather Services – Forecast Charts

June 23rd, 2008

Short-Range Surface Prognostic (Prog) Charts

Short-Range Surface Prognostic (Prog) Charts (Figure 8-1) provide a forecast of surface pressure systems, fronts and precipitation for a 2-day period. The forecast area covers the 48- contiguous states, the coastal waters and portions of adjacent countries. The forecasted conditions are divided into four forecast periods, 12-, 24-, 36-, and 48-hours. Each chart depicts a “snapshot” of weather elements expected at the specified valid time.

The Surface Prognostic (Prog) Charts are available at the Aviation Weather Services (ADDS) web site.

Prog Chart Sample

Precipitation areas are enclosed by thick, solid, green lines (Figure 8-4). Standard precipitation symbols are used to identify precipitation types (Figure 8-3). These symbols are positioned within or adjacent to the associated area of precipitation. If adjacent to the area, an arrow will point to the area with which they are associated. A mix of precipitation is indicated by the use of two pertinent symbols separated by a slash (Figure 8-4). A bold, dashed, grey line is used to separate precipitation within an outlined area with contrasting characteristics (Figure 8-4). For instance, a dashed line would be used to separate an area of snow from an area of rain.

Prog Chart Precipitation

Precipitation characteristic are further described by the use of shading. Shading or lack of shading indicates the expected coverage of the precipitation. Shaded areas indicate the precipitation is expected to have more than 50% (broken) coverage. Unshaded areas indicate 30-50% (scattered) coverage.


Short-Range Surface Prognostic (Prog) Charts are issued by the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC) in Camp Springs, MD. The 12- and 24-Hour Surface Prognostic (Prog). Charts are issued four times a day and are termed “Day 1” progs. The 36- and 48- Hour Surface Prog Charts are issued twice daily and are termed “Day 2” progs. They are available on the HPC web site.


Short-Range Surface Prognostic (Prog) Charts can be used to obtain an overview of the progression of surface weather features during the next 48 hours. The progression of weather is the change in position, size, and intensity of weather with time. Progression analysis is accomplished by comparing charts of observed conditions to the 12-, 24-, 36-, and 48-hour progs. Short-Range Surface Prognostic (PROG) Charts make the comprehension of weather details easier and more meaningful.

Low-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts

The Low-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts (Figure 8-10) provide a forecast of aviation weather hazards primarily intended to be used as guidance products for pre-flight briefings. The forecast domain covers the 48 contiguous states and the coastal waters for altitudes 24,000 ft MSL (Flight Level 240 or 400 millibars) and be expected at the specified valid time.

Low Level SIGWX Sample

Flying Categories

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) areas are outlined with a solid red line, Marginal Visual Flight Rules (MVFR) areas are outlined with a scalloped blue line, Visual Flight Rules (VFR) areas are not depicted (Figure 8-12).

Low-Level SIGWX Symbols


Areas of moderate or greater turbulence are enclosed by bold, dashed, yellow lines (Figure 8- 13). Turbulence intensities are identified by standard symbols (Figure 8-11). The vertical extent of turbulence layers is specified by top and base heights separated by a slant. The intensity symbols and height information may be located within or adjacent to the forecasted areas of turbulence. If located adjacent to an area, an arrow will point to the associated area. Turbulence height is depicted by two numbers separated by a solidus /. For example, an area on the chart with turbulence indicated as 240/100 indicates the turbulence can be expected from the top at FL240 to the base at 10,000 feet MSL. When the base height is omitted, the turbulence is forecast to reach the surface. For example, 080/ identifies a turbulence layer from the surface to 8,000 feet MSL. Turbulence associated with thunderstorms is not depicted on the chart.

Freezing Levels

The freezing level at the surface is depicted by a blue, saw-toothed symbol (Figure 8-11). The surface freezing level separates above-freezing from below-freezing temperatures at the Earth’s surface. Freezing levels above the surface are depicted by fine, green, dashed lines labeled in hundreds of feet MSL beginning at 4,000 feet using 4,000 foot intervals. If multiple freezing levels exist, these lines are drawn to the highest freezing level.


Low-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts are issued four times per day by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in Kansas City, Missouri (Table 8-2). Two charts are issued; a 12-hour and a 24-hour prog. Both are available on the AWC web site.


The Low-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts provide an overview of selected aviation weather hazards up to 24,000 feet MSL (FL240 or 400 millibars) at 12- and 24-hours into the future.

Mid-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Chart

The Mid-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Chart provides a forecast of
significant en route weather phenomena over a range of flight levels from 10,000 ft MSL to
FL450, and associated surface weather features. The chart depicts a “snapshot” of weather
expected at the specified valid time.

The Mid-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Chart is available on the Aviation Weather Center
web site.

Mid-Level SIGWX Sample


The abbreviation CB is only included where it refers to the expected occurrence of an area of
widespread cumulonimbus clouds, cumulonimbus along a line with little or no space between
individual clouds, cumulonimbus embedded in cloud layers, or cumulonimbus concealed by
haze. It does not referto isolated or scattered cumulonimbus not embedded in cloud layers or concealed by haze. Cumulonimbus clouds (CBs) are depicted by enclosed (red) scalloped lines. The identification and characterization of each cumulonimbus area appears within or adjacent to the outlined area. If the identification and characterization is adjacent to an outlined area, an arrow points to the appropriate cumulonimbus area.

Surface Frontal Positions and Movements
Surface fronts are depicted using the standard symbols found on the Surface Analysis Chart.
(Figure 8-2). An arrow identifies the direction of frontal movement with the speed indicated in
knots plotted near the arrow head (Figure 8-20).

Jet Streams

A jet stream axis with a wind speed of more than 80 knots is identified by a bold green line (Figure 8-21). An arrowhead is used to indicate wind direction. Double-hatched, light green lines positioned along a jet stream axis identify 20 knot wind speed changes.

Mid-Level SIGWX Jetstream

Symbols and altitudes are used to further characterize a jet stream axis. A standard wind symbol (light green) is placed at each pertinent position to identify wind velocity. The flight level “FL” in hundreds of feet MSL is placed adjacent to each wind symbol to identify the altitude of the jet stream axis.

Jet stream vertical depth (jet depth) forecasts are included when the maximum speed is 120 knots or more. Jet depth is defined as the vertical depths to the 80 knot wind field above and below the jet stream axis using flight levels.

Tropopause Heights

Tropopause heights are plotted at selected locations on the chart (Figure 8-22). They are enclosed by rectangles and plotted in hundreds of feet MSL. Centers of high (H) and low (L) tropopause heights are enclosed by polygons and plotted in hundreds of feet MSL.

Tropical Cyclones

Tropical cyclones are depicted by the appropriate symbol (Figure 8-23) with the storm’s name positioned adjacent to the symbol. Cumulonimbus clouds meeting chart criteria are identified and characterized relative to each storm.

Moderate or Severe Icing

Areas of moderate or severe icing are depicted by enclosed (red) scalloped lines (Figure 8-24). The identification and characterization of each area appears within or adjacent to the outlined area. If the identification and characterization is adjacent to an outlined area, an arrow points to the appropriate area.

Moderate or Severe Turbulence (in cloud or in clear air)

Forecast areas of moderate or severe turbulence associated with wind shear zones and/or mountain waves are enclosed by bold yellow dashed lines. Intensities are identified by standard symbols (Appendix J). The vertical extent of a turbulence layer is specified by top and base heights, separated by a horizontal line. A turbulence base which extends below the layer of the chart is identified with XXX. Thunderstorm turbulence is not identified.

Cloud Coverage (non-cumulonimbus)

Clouds are enclosed within (red) scalloped lines. Cloud coverage (non-cumulonimbus) appears within or adjacent to the outlined area.

Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruption sites are identified by a trapezoidal symbol. The dot on the base of the trapezoid identifies the location of the volcano. The name of the volcano, as well as the latitude and longitude are noted adjacent to the symbol.

Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruption sites are identified by a trapezoidal symbol. The dot on the base of the trapezoid identifies the location of the volcano. The name of the volcano, as well as the latitude and longitude are noted adjacent to the symbol.


The Mid-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Chart is used to determine an overview of selected flying weather conditions between 10,000 feet MSL and FL450. It can be used by airline dispatchers for flight planning and weather briefings before departure and by flight crew members during flight.

High-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts

High-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts (Figure 8-30) provide a forecast of significant en route weather phenomena over a range of flight levels from FL250 to FL630, and associated surface weather features. Each chart depicts a “snap-shot” of weather expected at the specified valid time. They are available on the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) web site.

[These charts include the same items as the Mid-Level Significant Weather charts an in addition include Severe Squall Lines and Widespread Sandstorms.]

Severe Squall Lines

Severe squall lines are lines of CBs with 5/8 coverage or greater. They are identified by long dashed (white) lines with each dash separated by a V (Figure 8-37).Cumulonimbus clouds meeting chart criteria are identified and characterized with each squall line.

Widespread Sandstorms and Dust storms

Widespread sandstorms and dust storms are labeled with the appropriate symbol (Appendix I). The vertical extent of sand or dust is specified by top and base heights, separated by a horizontal line. Sand or dust which extends below the lower limit of the chart (FL240) is identified with XXX.


In accordance with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the World Area Forecast System (WAFS) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), High-Level significant weather (SIGWX) forecasts are provided for the en-route portion of international flights. [They are issued four times each day and are not ammended.]


High-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Charts are provided for the en route portion of international flights. These products are used directly by airline dispatchers for flight planning and weather briefings before departure and by flight crew members during flight.

Aviation Weather Services – Forecast Text Products

June 23rd, 2008

Area Forecasts (FA)

The NWS issues Area Forecasts (FA) to provide an overview of regional weather conditions that could impact aviation operations in the U.S. and adjacent coastal waters. Area forecasts are issued by the following offices for the following areas:

  • • The Aviation Weather Center (AWC)
      o Conterminous U.S. and adjacent coastal waters (CONUS)
      o Gulf of Mexico
      o Caribbean Sea and north Atlantic Ocean
  • • The Alaskan Aviation Weather Unit (AAWU)   o Alaska and adjacent coastal waters
  • • WFO Honolulu, Hawaii   o Hawaii and adjacent coastal waters

They are all available on the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) web site.

CONUS (FAUS) and Hawaii (FAHW) Area Forecasts A CONUS and Hawaii Area Forecast (FA) describe, in abbreviated language, specified en route weather phenomena below FL450. To understand the complete weather picture, the FA must be used in conjunction with the AIRMETs and SIGMETs. Together, they are used to determine forecast en route weather and to interpolate conditions at airports for which no Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs) are issued.

Hazardous weather (e.g., IFR, icing, turbulence, etc.) meeting AIRMET or SIGMET criteria is not forecast in the CONUS or Hawaii FA. Valid AIRMETs and SIGMETs must be used in conjunction with the FA to determine hazardous weather information for the flight.

An Area Forecast (FA) provides an overview of regional weather conditions that could impact aviation operations in the U.S. and adjacent coastal waters. The Area Forecast does not include forecast for IFR conditions so the Area Forecast must be used in conjunction with SIGMETs and AIRMETs. Each FA contains a precautionary statement, prior to the synopsis, saying SEE AIRMET SIERRA followed by a reminder of what thunderstorm activity implies and a reference to how heights not reported in MSL are denoted. This is not a reference to a specific AIRMET but a reminder the FA does not include forecasted IFR conditions.

Height Reference

All heights are referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL) except when prefaced by AGL, CIG or CEILING. Tops are always referenced to MSL.


The FA is an 18 hour forecast composed of the following 4 sections: communication and product header, precautionary statements, synopsis and visual flight rules (VFR) clouds and weather forecast.

VFR clouds and Weather (CLDS/WX)

The VFR CLDS/WX section (Figure 7-6) describes conditions consisting of MVFR cloud ceilings (1,000 to 3,000 feet AGL), MVFR obstructions to visibility (3-5 statute miles), and any other significant VFR clouds (bases at or below FL180) or VFR precipitation. The CLDS/WX section also includes widespread sustained surface winds of 20 knots or greater. Occasionally, IFR conditions may be forecast in the Hawaii FA as IFR conditions may not reach AIRMET geographical coverage criteria.

This section contains a 12-hour forecast, followed by a 6-hour categorical outlook of IFR, MVFR and/or VFR, giving a total forecast period of 18 hours. In the CONUS, the CLDS/WX section is divided into regions with generally uniform weather conditions. These divisions may be by geographical regions (e.g., LM – Lake Michigan) or states using their 2-letter designators (e.g. ND – North Dakota).


The CONUS FAUSs are issued three times daily for each of six areas.

Other FAs

Gulf of Mexico Area Forecast (FAGX)

The Gulf of Mexico FA is an overview of weather conditions that could impact aviation operations over the northern Gulf of Mexico (Figure 7-7). It serves as a flight-planning and weather briefing aid and describes weather of significance to general aviation (GA), military and helicopter operations. The FAGX is a 24 hour forecast product with the synopsis valid the entire 24 hour period, the forecast section valid the first 12 hours, and the outlook section is valid the last 12 hours.

Caribbean Area Forecast (FACA)

The Caribbean FA is an overview of weather conditions that could impact aviation operations over the Caribbean Sea and adjacent landmasses and islands and the southwestern portions of the New York Oceanic FIR (Figure 7-8). Specifically, it covers the Atlantic south of 32N and W of 57W, the Caribbean from surface to FL240 (approximately 400 millibars).

The synopsis and forecast sections are valid for 12 hours each, with the outlook valid for 12 hours beyond the synopsis and forecast section valid period. In this form, it serves as a flight planning and weather briefing aid for general aviation pilots, and civil and military aviation operations.

Alaska Area Forecast

The Alaskan FAs contain an overview of weather conditions that could impact aviation operations over Alaska and it coastlines. The Alaskan FAs contain a short synopsis for the entire area and a forecast for each of a specified number of aviation zones (Figure 7-9). The valid period of the synopsis and flight precautions section is 12 hours. The outlook section is for eighteen (18) hours beyond the forecast valid period.

Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)

A Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) is a concise statement of the expected meteorological conditions significant to aviation for a specified time period within five statute miles (SM) of the center of the airport’s runway complex (terminal). The TAFs use the same weather codes found in METAR weather reports (Section 2) and can be viewed on the National Weather Service (NWS) Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) web site at: http://adds.aviationweather.noaa.gov/tafs/.

Type of Report (TAF or TAF AMD)

The report-type header always appears as the first element in the TAF and is produced in two forms: a routine forecast, TAF, and an amended forecast, TAF AMD.

TAFs are amended whenever they become, in the forecaster’s judgment, unrepresentative of existing or expected conditions, particularly regarding those elements and events significant to aircraft and airports. An amended forecast is identified by TAF AMD (in place of TAF) on the first line of the forecast text.

Vicinity (VC)

In the United States, vicinity (VC) is defined as a donut-shaped area between 5 and 10SM from the center of the airport’s runway complex. The FAA requires TAFs to include certain meteorological phenomena which may directly affect flight operations to and from the airport. Therefore, NWS TAFs may include a prevailing condition forecast of fog, showers and thunderstorms in the airport’s vicinity. A prevailing condition is defined as a greater than or equal to 50% probability of occurrence for more than ½ of the sub-divided forecast time period. VC is not included in TEMPO or PROB groups.

Issuance Scheduled TAFs prepared by NWS offices are issued four times a day, every six (6) hours, according to the following schedule: 0000Z, 0600Z, 1200Z, 1800Z.

International Aviation Route Forecasts (ROFOR)

International ROFORs are prepared and issued several hours in advance of regularly scheduled flights. The only NWS office which routinely issues ROFORs is the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Honolulu in its capacity as a Meteorological Watch Office (MWO) for ICAO, for routes within its area of responsibility that are underserved by conventional aviation forecasts and products.

Wind and Temperature Aloft Forecast (FB)

Wind and Temperature Aloft Forecasts (FB) are computer prepared forecasts of wind direction, wind speed, and temperature at specified times, altitudes, and locations. Forecasts are based on the North American Mesoscale (NAM) forecast model run. FBs are available on the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) web site.

Forecast Altitudes

Altitudes up to 15,000 feet are referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL). Altitudes at or above 18,000 feet are references to flight levels (FL).

Wind forecasts are not issued for altitudes within 1,500 feet of a location’s elevation. Temperature forecasts are not issued for altitudes within 2,500 feet of a location’s elevation. Forecasts for intermediate levels are determined by interpolation.


The symbolic form of the forecasts is DDff+TT in which DD is the wind direction, ff the wind speed, and TT the temperature.

Wind direction is indicated in tens of degrees (two digits) with reference to true north and wind speed is given in knots (two digits). Light and variable wind or wind speeds of less than 5 knots are expressed by 9900. Forecast wind speeds of 100 through 199 knots are indicated by adding 100 to the speed and subtracting 50 from the coded direction.

Temperature is indicated in degrees Celsius (two digits) and is preceded by the appropriate algebraic sign for the levels from 6,000 through 24,000 feet. Above 24,000 feet, the sign is omitted since temperatures are always negative at those altitudes.

The product header includes the date and time observations were collected, the forecast valid date and time, and the time period during which the forecast is to be used.


The NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) produces scheduled Wind and Temperature Aloft Forecasts (FB) four (4) times daily for specified locations in the Continental United States (CONUS), the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and coastal waters, and the western Pacific Ocean. Amendments are not issued to the forecasts.

Aviation Weather Services – Hazards

June 22nd, 2008

Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMET)

SIGMETs provide aircraft operators and aircrews notice of potentially hazardous en route phenomena such as thunderstorms and hail, turbulence, icing, sand and dust storms, tropical cyclones, and volcanic ash.

SIGMET Criteria (Non-Convective)

A SIGMET may be issued when any of the following conditions occur or is expected to occur in an area affecting at least 3,000 square miles or an area deemed to have a significant effect on the safety of aircraft operations.

  • • Severe or greater Turbulence (SEV TURB)
  • • Severe Icing (SEV ICE)
  • • Widespread Duststorm (WDSPR DS)
  • • Widespread Sandstorm (WDSPR SS)
  • • Volcanic Ash (VA)
  • • Tropical Cyclone (TC)

SIGMET Identification

When a SIGMET is issued, it is assigned a unique series identifier:

• Aviation Weather Center (AWC) for Continental US (CONUS) — NOVEMBER through YANKEE, excluding SIERRA and TANGO

Convective SIGMET for CONUS

Convective SIGMETs (also known as SIGMETs for Convection) are issued for the contiguous U.S. instead of SIGMETs for convection. Each bulletin includes one or more Convective SIGMETs for a specific region of the CONUS (Figure 6-7). Convective SIGMETs are issued for thunderstorms and related phenomena and do not include references to all weather associated with thunderstorms such as turbulence, icing, low-level wind shear and IFR conditions.

A Convective SIGMET may be issued when any of the following occurs and/or is forecast to occur:

  • • Severe thunderstorms and embedded thunderstorms occurring for more than 30 minutes of the valid period regardless of the size of the area.
      o A thunderstorm is classified as severe when it is accompanied by tornadoes, hail ¾-inch or greater, or wind gusts of 50 knots or greater
      o A thunderstorm is classified as embedded when it is obscured by haze, non- convective clouds or precipitation.
  • • A line of thunderstorms
     o A line of thunderstorms must be at least 50 miles long with thunderstorms affecting at least 40 percent of its length.
  • • An area of active thunderstorms affecting at least 3,000 square miles.
      o Thunderstorms are classified as active when they are heavy (>40 dBZ) or greater and affect at least 40 percent of the area. In the absence of radar, AWC meteorologists may identify active thunderstorms using satellite or lightning information.

Obscured, embedded, or squall line thunderstorms do not have to reach 3000 square miles to be included in Convective SIGMETs.

Special Convective SIGMET

A special Convective SIGMET may be issued when either of the following criteria is occurring or expected to occur for more than 30 minutes of the valid period of the current Convective SIGMET:

  • • Tornado, hail greater than or equal to 3/4 inch, or wind gusts greater than or equal to 50 knots is reported or indicated when the previous Convective SIGMET did not mention severe thunderstorms; and/o
  • • Indications of rapidly changing conditions, if, in the forecaster’s judgment, they are not sufficiently described in existing Convective SIGMETs.

Convective SIGMET Issuance

Three (3) Convective SIGMET bulletins describing conditions in the eastern, central and western regions of the CONUS are issued hourly at 55 minutes past the hour (Figure 6-7). Special Convective SIGMETs are issued as required.Each Convective SIGMET bulletin is made up of one or more individually numbered Convective SIGMETs for conditions within the region and are valid for up to two (2) hours or until superseded by the next hourly issuance.An outlook message is included which describes areas where Convective SIGMET issuances are expected between two (2) and six (6) hours after issuance time.

Since the Convective SIGMET bulletin is a scheduled product, a message must be transmitted each hour.If no Convective SIGMETs are expected within a region, a bulletin with CONVECTIVE SIGMET…NONE is transmitted.

Convective SIGMETs are not cancelled but expire as soon as the next bulletin is issued.

Airmen’s Meteorological Information (AIRMET)

An AIRMET is a concise description of the occurrence or expected occurrence in time and space of specified en route weather phenomena.The intensities are lower than those of a SIGMET although the phenomena can still affect the safety of aircraft operations.AIRMETs are intended for dissemination to all pilots in flight to enhance safety and are of particular concern to operators and pilots of aircraft sensitive to the phenomena described and to pilots without instrument ratings. Freezing level information is also included.

An AIRMET provides notice of significant weather phenomena, issued as scheduled products, for icing, turbulence, strong surface winds and low-level wind shear, and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and mountain obscuration, all at intensities that DO NOT meet SIGMET criteria.

AIRMET Criteria An AIRMET may be issued when any of the following weather phenomena are occurring or expected to occur over an area of at least 3,000 square miles:

  • • Sustained surface wind greater than 30 knots – STG SFC WND   o Cause and direction will not be given
  • • Ceiling less than 1,000 feet (IFR, CIG BLW 010) or visibility less than 3 statue miles – IFR, VIS BLW 3 SM BR

      o The cause of the visibility restriction is included but limited to precipitation (PCPN), smoke (FU), haze (HZ), mist (BR), fog (FG), and blowing snow (BLSN)
  • • Widespread mountain obscuration – MTN OBSCN
      o The cause of the mountain obscuration is included but limited to clouds (CLDS) precipitation (PCPN), smoke (FU), haze (HZ), mist (BR), and fog (FG)
  • • Moderate turbulence – MOD TURB;
  • • Moderate icing – MOD ICE
      o Will not reference the location of the icing with respect to either in clouds or in precipitation
      o The freezing level is defined as the lowest freezing level above ground level or the surface (SFC)
      o Freezing levels above the surface are delineated using high altitude VOR locations at intervals of 4,000 feet above MSL or the surface (SFC)
      o Areas with multiple freezing levels are delineated with high altitude VOR locations
      o The range of freezing levels over the AIRMET area is included
  • • Non-convective LLWS potential below 2,000 ft – LLWS POTENTIAL
      o Will include a list of affected states and be bounded by high altitude VOR locations


The AIRMET series consists of Sierra, Tango, and Zulu.

  • • AIRMET Sierra describes IFR conditions and/or extensive mountain obscurations.
  • • AIRMET Tango describes moderate turbulence, sustained surface winds of 30 knots or greater, and non-convective low-level wind shear.
  • • AIRMET Zulu describes moderate icing and provides freezing level heights.

[One way to remember which is which: Sierra—Sierra Mtns; Tango—Turbulance; Zulu—Ice Station Zulu the movie.]


AIRMETs are issued in AIRMET bulletins, each containing one or more AIRMET messages. The bulletins are issued on a scheduled basis every 6 hours and, except in Alaska, at 0300, 0900, 1500 and 2100 UTC. … If AIRMET conditions are expected to develop during the 6-hour period after the ending valid time of the AIRMET bulletin, the information is included in an outlook section.

Center Weather Advisory (CWA)

A CWA is an aviation weather warning for conditions meeting or approaching national in-flight advisory (AIRMET, SIGMET or SIGMET for convection) criteria. The CWA is primarily used by aircrews to anticipate and avoid adverse weather conditions in the en route and terminal environments.

CWAs are valid for up to two (2) hours and may include forecasts of conditions expected to begin within two (2) hours of issuance. If conditions are expected to persist after the advisory’s valid period, a statement to that effect is included in the last line of the text. …If the forecaster deems it necessary, CWAs may be issued hourly for convective activity.

CWA Criteria

CWAs are used in the four (4) following situations:

  • • Precede an Advisory
      o When the AWC has not yet issued an advisory, but conditions meet or will soon meet advisory criteria.
      o In the case of an impending advisory, the CWA can be issued as an Urgent CWA (UCWA) to allow the fastest possible dissemination.
  • • Refine an existing Advisory
      o To supplement an existing AWC advisory for the purpose of refining or updating the location, movement, extent, or intensity of the weather event relevant to the ARTCC’s area of responsibility.
  • • Highlight significant conditions not meeting Advisory criteria
      o When conditions do not meet advisory criteria, but conditions, in the judgment of the CWSU meteorologist, will adversely impact air traffic within the ARTCC area of responsibility.
  • • To cancel a CWA when the phenomenon described in the CWA is no longer expected.

Convective Outlooks (AC)

The NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) issues narrative and graphical convective outlooks to provide the contiguous U.S. NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), the public, media and emergency managers with the potential for severe (tornado, wind gusts 50 knots or greater, or hail 3/4 inch diameter size or greater) and non-severe (general) convection and specific severe weather threats during the following three days. The Convective Outlook defines areas of slight risk (SLGT), moderate risk (MDT) or high risk (HIGH) of severe thunderstorms for a 24-hour period beginning at 1200 UTC (Figure 6-16). The Day 1 and Day 2 Convective Outlooks also depict areas of general thunderstorms (GEN TSTMS), while the Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 Convective Outlooks may use SEE TEXT for areas where convection may approach or slightly exceed severe criteria. The outlooks are available from the SPC site.

Convective Outlook


Watch Notification Messages are non-scheduled, event driven products valid from the time of issuance to expiration or cancellation time. Valid times are in UTC. SPC will correct watches for format and grammatical errors. When tornadoes or severe thunderstorms have developed, the local NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) will issue the warnings for the storms.

Convective Outlooks (AC)

The NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) issues narrative and graphical convective outlooks to provide the contiguous U.S. NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), the public, media and emergency managers with the potential for severe (tornado, wind gusts 50 knots or greater, or hail 3/4 inch diameter size or greater) and non-severe (general) convection and specific severe weather threats during the following three days. The Convective Outlook defines areas of slight risk (SLGT), moderate risk (MDT) or high risk (HIGH) of severe thunderstorms for a 24-hour period beginning at 1200 UTC (Figure 6-16). The Day 1 and Day 2 Convective Outlooks also depict areas of general thunderstorms (GEN TSTMS), while the Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 Convective Outlooks may use SEE TEXT for areas where convection may approach or slightly exceed severe criteria. The outlooks are available from the SPC site.

Convective Outlook


Watch Notification Messages are non-scheduled, event driven products valid from the time of issuance to expiration or cancellation time. Valid times are in UTC. SPC will correct watches for format and grammatical errors. When tornadoes or severe thunderstorms have developed, the local NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) will issue the warnings for the storms.

Aviation Tropical Cyclone Advisory (TCA)

The Aviation Tropical Cyclone Advisory (TCA) is intended to provide short-term tropical cyclone forecast guidance for international aviation safety and routing purposes. It is prepared by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) in Honolulu, Hawaii, for all on-going tropical cyclone activity in their respective areas of responsibility.


The initial advisory may be issued when data confirm a tropical cyclone has developed. The title of the advisory will depend upon the intensity of the tropical cyclone as listed below:

  • • A tropical depression advisory refers to a tropical cyclone with 1-minute sustained winds up to 33 knots (38 mph).
  • • A tropical storm advisory will refer to tropical cyclones with 1-minute sustained surface winds 34 to 63 knots (39 to 73 mph).
  • • A hurricane/typhoon advisory will refer to tropical cyclones with winds 64 knots (74 mph) or greater.

Volcanic Ash Advisory Statement (VAAS)

A Volcanic Ash Advisory Statement (VAAS) provides information on hazards to aircraft flight operations caused by a volcanic eruption.

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