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Cessna 172P

I’m taking a checkride in a stock Cessna 172P that came from the factory with Bendix/King avionics. It has a GPS and autopilot that I am not familiar with. This post has some videos and pilot information manuals that you might find helpful if you fly one of these.

The GPS is a KLN 94 non-WAAS GPS only device. If you are familiar with other GPSs the operation is pretty straight-forward. These videos are useful for understanding the operation.

Pilots Guide
Quick Reference

KMD 550 Multi-Function Display
Pilot’s Guide
Quick Reference

Here’s how to use it to fly an approach.

This is a longer overview of the GPS that highlights some features that you might find useful.

And a quick take on using it in flight.

KLN 94 Startup Checklist

Nav Mode Button set to GPS
Altimeter Setting input
DME reading 34.5 and 2.5 dot deflection
Deflection on OBS also 2.5 dot FROM
Change OBS course and note change on unit
Verify current airport in reference section
Verify current database

KLN 94 Hints
Nav4 Page – Press menu button
Select Waypoints: Pull and turn the small knob. Press Direct to to go to the selected waypoint.

Flight Plan: Large knob to select FPL, small knob to select FPL 0

AUX 3 page predicts if and when RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) capability will be available when you are ready to shoot a non-precision approach at your destination airport.

KAP 140 Autopilot

This is a good overview in X-Plane in a Cessna 172 so you can get an overview of the features of the autopilot.

This is detailed explanation of all the features of the autopilot. Skip the first three minutes since it discusses how to set parameters if you are building an airplane in X-Plane.

This is a longer more detailed look in a sim with a Garmin 1000 that goes into more details of the features of the autopilot.

Pilot’s Guide
Quick Reference
Autopilot Tutorial

If you have flown a variety of airplanes, you’ve probably run across the Bendix/King KX155 or KX 165 before. The basic operation is simple, just remember to pull out the small knob to get frequencies ending in 25 or 75 e.g. For 127.725 tune to 127.7 then pull out the small know to get the last two digits. Pilot’s Guide

The AFM for these is serial number specific, but there is a copy of one that a flight school has put online that contains information that applies to all Cessna 172SPs. AFM

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