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FAA Glossaries

Touring Machine Company

Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign

On a recent flight from Fresno (KFAT) I noticed this marking on the taxiway.

Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign

So I looked it up in the AIM 2-3-8.

2. Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign.

At some airports, it is necessary to hold an aircraft on a taxiway located in the approach or departure area for a runway so that the aircraft does not interfere with operations on that runway. In these situations, a sign with the designation of the approach end of the runway followed by a “dash” (−) and letters “APCH” will be located at the holding position on the taxiway. Holding position markings in accordance with Paragraph 2−3−5, Holding Position Markings, will be located on the taxiway pavement. An example of this sign is shown in FIG 2−3−27. In this example, the sign may protect the approach to Runway 15 and/or the departure for Runway 33.

Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign

So basically it is like an ILS critical area and you only have to hold short when ATC (or the ATIS) tells you to.

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