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Archive for the 'Teaching Tips' Category

How to sit in an airplane.

Saturday, November 4th, 2023

Good info that I was never taught.

The importance of teaching your students to land on the centerline.

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

You never know when it will come in handy. https://twitter.com/flyezequiel/status/1270142966024286211

Learning to Land

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020

I just responded to a student on another website who is having trouble landing and I thought it would be useful to cross-post here. They are having trouble with so many areas, it could be that, like me, they don’t multi-task well. What they may need to do is master each part of landing separately, […]

Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A: Knowledge Test

Monday, October 1st, 2018

A major problem that I have with the FAA knowledge tests is that they often have multiple correct answers (or in the case of questions related to flight planning—no correct answer). Knowing which answer is correct often hinges on deciphering what was in the mind of the person who wrote the question or remembering which […]

Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A: Lists

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

The Fundamentals of Instruction test assumes that you have memorized a bunch of lists. Here are some of them. Maslow’s Hierarchy Physiological These are biological needs. They consist of the need for air, food, water, and maintenance of the human body. Security Security needs are about keeping oneself from harm. Belonging Maslow states that people […]

Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A: Glossary

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

I’ve highlighted the definitions that are on the test and/or that I have trouble remembering. Abstractions.  Words that are general rather than specific. Aircraft is an abstraction; airplane is less abstract; jet is more specific; and jet airliner is still more specific. Aeronautical decision-making (ADM).  A systematic approach to the mental process used by aircraft pilots to […]

Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A: Chapters 7-9

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

Chapter 7: Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism Aviation Instructor Responsibilities The learning process can be made easier by helping students learn, providing adequate instruction to meet established standards, measuring student performance against those standards, and emphasizing the positive. Helping Students Learn The use of standards, and measurement against standards, is key to helping students learn. Providing […]

Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A: Chapters 4-6

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

Chapter 4: The Teaching Process Use a combination of teaching methods (lecture, group learning, and discussion) and instructional aids (audio/visual and handouts), to achieve instructional objectives. The Essence of Good Teaching (1985), psychologist Stanford C. Ericksen wrote “good teachers select and organize worthwhile course material, lead students to encode and integrate this material in memorable […]

Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A: Chapters 1-3

Monday, September 17th, 2018

To get your CFI or ground instructor certificate you need to pass the Fundamentals of Instructing written test. The questions are taken from this FAA publication. There is a lot of good information in the book as well as some long-debunked ideas. The old test that was published by the FAA has lots of questions […]

Rod Machado’s Five Step Teaching Process

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

Identify the Big Picture Define Your Objectives in Behavioral Terms Simulate Experience Identify the Specific Clues You Use and Give These To Your Students Critique the Behavior Not the Student.

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