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Archive for the 'Tests' Category

Commercial Pilot Rating Airplane Sample Exam 2019-06-28

Friday, November 1st, 2019

These are the questions on the Sample Test and the answers that I found. The procedure that I used to find the answers was to put all of the relevant FAA publications in a folder and then search for words in the question or the correct answer. Since the FARs are regulatory and the AIM […]

A Commercial Knowledge Test Question

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

There was a question on the knowledge test that I had never seen before about what is required to act as second-in-command of a turbojet and one for SIC of a piston plane. The piston just requires a current flight review and certificate for the category and class of airplane. The turbojet also requires a […]

Prep for the IRA Knowledge Test

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

The Knowledge Test is pretty easy but there are lots of things that you need to memorize. Since I am horrible at memorizing things, I put together these posts. I also reviewed these pages before my checkride and didn’t encounter anything that wasn’t on here. Things to Remember IRA Knowledge Test Things to Remember IFR […]

Knowledge Tests for an AGI/IGI or CFI

Tuesday, November 20th, 2018

Our local flight school had a dedicated AGI/IGI for a while. Lots of CFIs don”t like doing ground instruction and, if they are building hours, every hour on the ground is an hour they are not building time. I like teaching and have been tutoring high school algebra and helping guys who rent the Cherokee […]

CFI and AGI Tests: Miscellaneous Things I Can’t Remember

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

There are a bunch of questions where the answer that the test-prep books say is the correct answer, is wrong. There are also a bunch where the question probably makes sense in context, but qualifying words are omitted from the question. There are also lots of them where there are two or more correct answers […]

Prep for the Knowledge Test and Checkride: FAA-H-8083-25B Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

I’m not very good at remembering things out of context or when they don’t make any sense to me. For example, some of the questions deal with excess power and thrust. Before I read the book, power and thrust were synonyms, so I had a difficult time answering the questions. But now that I understand […]

NTSB 830: Prep for the Knowledge Test and Checkride

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

This regulation isn’t too long, so you should probably read it on the ecfr.gov website, but there are parts that show up on most of the exams, so they are summarized here. Definitions Aircraft accident means an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the […]

Part 91 Maintenance: Prep for the Knowledge Test and Checkride

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

The maintenance regulations in Part 91 are something that you will be tested on for all certificates. They are especially important if you are the owner/operator of an aircraft. Part 43 governs maintenance and preventive maintenance. General The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining that aircraft in an airworthy condition, […]

Part 91: Prep for the CFI or AGI Knowledge Test and Checkride

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

There are lots of regulations that you should memorize in order to be a safe and legal pilot. There are also lots of things that you can easily look up when you need the info. I wish I needed to know the maximum airspeeds in different airspaces, but the planes I fly don’t come near […]

Part 61 Subpart A: Prep for the CFI or AGI Knowledge Test and Checkride

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

The Knowledge Test covers regulations and you will be asked about them in the oral portion of the checkride. Some of the stuff is common knowledge if you have passed a bunch of checkrides, but some of it you won’t remember after the test. This is my cheat sheet for the exams. Definitions Complex airplane […]

Proposal for the FAA Fundamentals of Instruction Knowledge Test

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

The Fundamentals of Instruction Knowledge Test is based (according to the FAA) entirely on one document, Aviation Instructor’s Handbook FAA-H-8083-9A. I read it twice and took notes then tried answering questions from the test at King Schools. I scored really poorly on the practice tests. Most of the questions I got wrong—and lots of the […]

Things to Remember IRA Knowledge Test

Sunday, April 16th, 2017

Instruments Alternate static source: Altimeter higher, Airspeed greater than actual, Momentary rise in VSI Altimeter High to low, look out below. Applies to pressure and temperature. Altitude goes in the same direction as the pressure setting in the Kollsman window. e.g 1″ decrease for each 1000′ decrease in altitude, 1″ increase for each 1000′ increase […]


Thursday, April 13th, 2017

Both the Gleim and the ASA Knowledge Test Study Guides give a formula for for calculating the distance travelled along a DME arc that just didn’t look right to me. The formula is (# of degrees x DME arc) ÷ 60. But the true formula should be based on the percentage of the circle that […]

Private Pilot Rating Airplane Sample Exam 2016-12-01

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

These are the questions on the Sample Test and the answers that I found. The procedure that I used to find the answers was to put all of the relevant FAA publications in a folder and then search for words in the question or the correct answer. Since the FARs are regulatory and the AIM […]

Instrument Rating Airplane Sample Exam 2016-12-01

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

These are the questions on the Sample Test and the answers that I found. The procedure that I used to find the answers was to put all of the relevant FAA publications in a folder and then search for words in the question or the correct answer. Since the FARs are regulatory and the AIM […]

Changes to the Private Pilot Written Test

Monday, July 11th, 2011

The FAA updated the Sample Airman Knowledge Test Questions on June 13, 2011. The question bank for Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, and Light Sport have new dates. The previous dates were January 31, 2011. There is no difference between the Private Pilot questions or answers for the two dates. I check the site fairly frequently […]

FAA Knowledge Tests—Topics

Monday, September 29th, 2008

Some of the questions on the FAA Knowledge Tests are interesting enough or complicated enough to warrant a full post while others are clear with just a quick reference to the FAR/AIM or one of the FAA pdfs. When I’ve written a post on a topic that is covered on the tests, I’ve started including […]

FAA Knowledge Tests

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

The FAA publishes the questions for the knowledge tests but not the answers. The FAA takes the questions verbatim from the FARs and its own publications. Each question has a code number that indicates where the answer to the question can be found. By searching the appropriate document you can be certain of the answer […]

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