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Touring Machine Company

Wonderful World of Flying on YouTube

Steve Kahn did a series of shows for ABC in the late 1980s called “ABCs Wide
World of Flying”. He then made a few more and sold the series as DVDs. They are now up on YouTube on his channel. I’ve linked to many of them in previous posts and found this list of what is in each one. Barry Schiff, Phil Boyer, and Rod Machado feature in them and much of the content is still relevant. I’ll provide links and highlight the good parts as time permits. Here’s the whole list to get you started.

V.1 Piper Malibu, Takeoff Techniques, Engine Controls Rigged Right?, Sentimental Journey-The B17, Switching Tanks Safely, Flying the Lancair

V.2 Mooney 252, Morning Sickness, Argus 5000, ATC at Oshkosh, Avisit to Rhinebeck, NY, Touring AOPA, Lear Jet (Part 1)

V.3 Flying the Lear Jet (Part 2), Flight Quiz, Quiet Flight Intercom, Cessna Skylane, NDB Techniques, Tsunami at Reno 1987

V.4 Crossing the Atlantic, Flight Quiz 1, Inside a FSS, Flight Quiz 2, Flashlight Please, Rejected Takeoffs & Landings, Flight Quiz 3, Propeller Handling Tips, F4U Corsair

V.5 Flying the Trinidad and Tobago, Flight Quiz 1, Making Your Home Videos Fly, Instrument Rating in 10 Days, Midair Collision Avoidance, Those Hollywood Helicopters, Flight Quiz 2, Understanding Spins

V.6 Machen Superstar, Flight Quiz 1, Flight Plan Filing by PC, Flight Quiz 2, T-6 Transition, Wheeler Express, NASA Reporting System, Flying a Taildragger

V.7 How to Fly a Seaplane, Ground Ice Precautions, Flight Quiz, Glasair III, Aero Car, Winter Preflight, Moosehead Seaplane Splash-In, Desert Vision

V.8 Slip Tips, Leaning with EGT, Tie Down Tips, The Ultimate EGT, P-51, Destination Hawaii

V.9 Flight Control Failure, Flight Quiz 1, IFR Scan Techniques, Mooney Panel Update, Flight Safety International, Flight Quiz 2, Electrical Failure, Citabria Decathlon

V.10 Beechcraft Bonanza, Glass Cockpit, Bacuum Pump Failure, A-26 Invader, World’s Best Equipped Mooney, Spruce Goose

V.11 Emergency Glide Techniques, Mooney TLS, Bose Noise-Canceling Headset, Single Pilot IFR, P-40 Warhawk

V.12 Beechcraft Staggerwing, AltAlert, Airspace Quiz, Bushmaster, Top Gun for Everyone

V.13 T-28C, Faulty Gas Caps, Measuring Airspeed, Ryan TCAD, Helicopter Transition

V.14 Questair Venture, Atlantic Crossing Part 1, Fuel System Management, Accident Tracking, Bendix/King KLN-88, Behind the Scenes at Geneseo, After-Market Turbochargers

V. 15 Pitot Static Pitfalls, Cockpit Organization, Wildcat, Wake Turbulence, TBM-700, Changing Your Oil Filter, Atlantic Crossing Part 2

V.16 Cessna 310, Performing the Loop, You Can Buy a Warbird, Landing Gear Problems, Protection Against Corrosion, Determining Practical Range

V.17 Bellanca Viking 300, Swinging Your Compass, Airplane Painting, Nose Wheel Shimmy, Propeller Failure, Color Sky Map, Airborne Radar, Sun-N-Fun EAA FLy-in

V.18 Cessna 210, Engine Failure, Fire Extinguishers, AOPA Quiz 1, Idaho Airplane Camping, AirSport Pro, Do I Buy a Single or Twin, AOPA Quiz 2

V.19 Lancair, Aircraft Ditching, Propeller Clothing, Bamboo Bomber, Aviation Weather, Garmin GPS 100, Pilot Profile

V.20 The A.G. Tiger, Weight and Balance, NorthStar M2V GPS, Spartan Executive, Maneuvering Speed, Flying to Mexico, Engine Overhauls, Schiff and Son

V.21 Mooney MSE, Approach Lighting Systems, How Things Work, Supplemental Oxygen, Antiques, Fliers’ Fantasy Vacation, Cloud Chasers

V.22 Chipmunk, ASR-9 Radar, Cayman Caravan, Engine Instruments, IFR Departures, Gyroplane, Aerostar Convention

V.23 Commander 114B, Stabilized Approach, SR-71, Nova Scotia, GPS Approaches.

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