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Touring Machine Company

ForeFlight message: “geo-referencing disabled”

This is the first chart update cycle since I upgraded to geo-refereced approach charts. While flying the simulator I got this message when I tried to add an approach to the flight plan. All of my charts are updated and I am connected to the internet so the message is puzzling. I can add the chart to the map page via the Airports/Procedures page. I’m guessing Foreflight is confused about the current date of the charts. I reset ForeFlight by double-tapping the home button to get the list of current apps and then pulling the app up off the screen. Then I started ForeFlight and it seems to be fine now.

I don’t know if you need to do this every month or if it is something that happened because I just upgraded.We’ll know next month.

Update: Seems to be a one-time thing.

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