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FAA Glossaries

Touring Machine Company

Primary and Supporting Method for IFR – Table

This is a summary of the information contained in the detailed Primary and Supporting Method for IFR post.

Update: 2017-02-18 The FAA has decided that they will no longer ask questions on this method on the Instrument Rating Airplane (IRA) Knowledge Test.

Questions in the following topic areas have been deleted:
Designation of instruments as “primary” or “secondary” for aircraft control

Primary and Supporting Method for Instrument Flying
Maneuver Primary Supporting
  Pitch Bank Power Pitch Bank Power
Straight and Level Altimeter Heading Indicator Airspeed Indicator Vertical Speed Indicator,
Attitude Indicator
Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Standard-Rate Turn
Altimeter Attitude Indicator
then Turn Coordinator
Airspeed Indicator Attitude Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
Turn Coordinator,
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Standard-Rate Turn
Altimeter Turn Coordinator Airspeed Indicator Vertical Speed Indicator
Attitude Indicator
Turn Coordinator,
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Constant Speed
Climb or Descent
Attitude Indicator Heading Indicator Tach or MP Vertical Speed Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Constant Speed
Climb or Descent
Airspeed Indicator Heading Indicator Tach or MP Vertical Speed Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Constant Rate
Climb or Descent
Attitude Indicator Heading Indicator Tach or MP Vertical Speed Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Constant Rate
Climb or Descent
Vertical Speed Indicator Heading Indicator Airspeed Indicator Attitude Indicator Turn Coordinator
Attitude Indicator
Tach or MP
Changing Airspeed
In Turns
Altimeter Turn Coordinator Tach or MP, then
Airspeed Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator,
Attitude Indicator
Attitude Indicator  

The Attitude Indicator is the only instrument that instantly and directly portrays the actual flight attitude. It should always be used, when available, in establishing and maintaining pitch-and-bank attitudes.

The magnetic compass provides heading information and is considered a bank instrument when used with the heading indicator.

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