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Touring Machine Company

New Tools for My Toolbag

After doing a bunch of oil changes under A&P supervision, I decided to give it a shot myself. There is not a lot of room for my big torque wrench and I don’t feel particularly comfortable using the rule of thumb method of ¾ turn past finger tight, so I bought this torque wrench specifically designed for oil filters that comes pre-set at 17 ft/lbs. of torque. Works like a charm.

Oil Filter Wrench

Cutting the oil filter without an oil filter cutter is an exercise in frustration. Put the filter in a vise and with a couple of turns, the bottom cuts right off.

Oil Filter Cutter

The other tool you will need, that might not come with your wrench set, is a 1″ box wrench to get the filter off. I also use the silicone lube, like the filter manufacturer recommends, instead of oil on the gasket.

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