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Touring Machine Company

Why don’t low-wing planes have two doors?

Question for people who’ve been around aviation for a long while.

There’s a Beech Sierra in our hangar and I think it’s the first pre-2000s low-wing plane that I’ve ever seen with two doors. Modern designs all seem to have two doors, but except for Cessna, none of the older planes do. (Although the 36 series Bonanzas from 1968 on have a rear cargo door.) At the very least, why didn’t they put the door on the pilot’s side of the plane so you don’t have to crawl over the seat to get in?

Cessna has done it forever on their singles, but not at all on the twins. It’s just so much more convenient to load passengers. Especially older passengers who need a step stool to get into the plane. You can load them in, stow the stool, and get in on the pilot side. It seems that it would be even more useful on a low wing where older (or younger) passengers have a much harder time getting in. Plus, I like being the last one in the plane. I can do a final walk around to make sure nothing is left open or on the ground.

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