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Touring Machine Company

Emergency Kit

Tylenol/Paracetamol (pain and fever reduction)
Ibuprofen (pain and fever reducer, anti-inflammatory)
Antihistamine (allergies, sleep aid)
Pseudoephedrine (nasal decongestant, helps with “ear pop” from planes)
Loperamide/Immodium (anti-diarrheal)
Multi-tool (Macgyver always had his)
Safety pins (quick fix for clothing, making an arm sling, emergency cloth)
Sun screen (SPF 15 minimum, small bottle or packets
Bandanna (sling for arm, dust mask)
Antiseptic towelettes (cleaning hands and wounds)
Electrolyte packets (for replacing loss due to vomiting or diarrhea)
Matches (light source, fires)
Tweezers (removing ticks, thorns, cactus, sea urchins, etc)
Mole skin (blisters on the feet, chafe prevention)
Band aids (minor cuts and scrapes)
Gauze roll (minor cuts and scrapes)
Antibiotic ointment (minor cuts and scrapes)
Burn ointment
Portable flashlight (looking into mouths, dark rooms)
Thermometer (is that really a fever, how high)
Latex/Nitrile gloves (protect yourself first)
4 x 4 gauze pads (minor cuts and scrapes)
Hand sanitizer (dirty hands mean infected cuts)

Ziplock bags
Water purification tablets
Duct tape (splints, gear repair)
Ace bandages (splints)
Krazy glue (wound closure)
Light sticks (seeing in the dark)

Complete kits

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