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Training Videos

The videos from steveo1kinevo are strangely addicting. He does great job of mixing useful tips with his flights. The videos are great for learning how to communicate with ATC—from getting your clearance to taxiing to parking. Along the way he explains why he is doing the things he does. Even though he flies a turbo-prop TBM his instrumentation is similar to that in many smaller GA airplanes. I learn something new with every video. I’ve learned lots of simple things that aren’t in the books. For example, when flying at night, turn off your taxi light so you don’t blind the FBO marshaller.

I only have two niggles with his technique. First is that he only uses checklists in an emergency. It’s clear that he has a flow that he uses for startup and shutdown, but the only time he has used an actual checklist was when a warning light for the fuel transfer system lit up.

The second is something that many pilots do. When checking in with the next controller, you are supposed to give your tail number and an indication of your altitude. You are not supposed to say “With you…”. You are also supposed to avoid using the words for and to since they are similar to four and to.

Instead of saying “TBM 8152TB with you at one two thousand for one six thousand.” the preferred phrasing is “TBM 8152TB one two thousand climbing one six thousand.”.

Lots of pilots do it so ATC is used to it. And it doesn’t result in any confusion in his videos, but it is not the preferred way.

My Most Stressful flight of 2016

Single Pilot IFR

The videos from AOPAs Air Safety Institute contain great learning experiences—even though the outcome for the pilot and passengers is usually not that great.

The pilot in this case study had multiple chances to land safely but was fixated on dropping off his daughter and not getting stuck in an IFR airport. The ceilings were way to low for the pilot to even begin this flight and his actions at his destination showed a complete lack of understanding of how dire his situation was. ATC tried to help, but he rejected their overtures.


It appears that this pilot didn’t understand the limitations of NEXTRAD weather. NEXRAD is a composite radar picture of precipitation. It takes between 6 and 8 minutes for the radar system to construct an image. Then a minute or two to update the display in the cockpit. The time stamp on the image is the time when the image was received. So a time of two minutes ago means that the image was received two minutes ago—not that this is where the storm was two minutes ago. For a fast moving or fast developing storm the difference is crucial. Unfortunately this pilot either didn’t understand the difference or didn’t think the storm was that bad with disastrous consequences.

Storm Related Turbulence

The videos from US Sport Aircraft are directed at beginning pilots. Their main intent seems to be to get you to buy a Czech made SportCruiser—which seems to be a wonderful LSA aircraft.

Top Ten Student Pilot Mistakes

Top 10 Pilot Checkride Mistakes

Mr Aviation 101 has lots of videos from the beginning of his flight training through gaining his instrument and commercial ratings. Lots of cross country trips in different aircraft as well.

Gary Wing has some great videos showing you how to do the maneuvers you need to learn for your private and commercial pilot license. This one on chandelles is good.

Chandelle Flight Maneuver

Normally the ratio of stupid jokes to content is too high form me to enjoy Rod Machado, but this video has enough content to make it worthwhile.

IFR Flying with Rod Machado

ABC’s Womderful World of Flying aired in 1988 but just about everything except the clothing and hairstyles is still relevant today. They review new aircraft, but since new airplane manufacturing basically stopped in the late 80s, the aircraft they are talking about are the same ones we are flying today. This particular episode covers emergency procedures when an elevator cable snaps, instrument scan, a trip to Flight Safety, and a review of some acrobatic airplanes. It’s a good video to watch to see if you want to watch the rest of the series.

ABC’s Wonderful World of Flying

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