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FAA Glossaries

Touring Machine Company

Is that SUA hot?

I don’t remember which presentation, but one of the speakers at a recent FAA Safety seminar mentioned that the FS briefers now know when SUA areas are hot. I checked in with them on my last two flights and the did in fact have the information. More interesting though was the second call. He said, wait a second while I check the FAA website.

It turns out that there is a public website that publishes scheduled times when SUAs will be hot the FAA Special Use Airspace & Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace Website.

You can access the information using a list of SUAs, a map, or by inputting your route of flight.

I checked for Vandenberg on the way to Santa Barbara yesterday and they thought all of the restricted areas were cold. It turned out that one was hot and SB approach knew which one, but we still go to see a bit of the coast and the AFB. I didn’t check the website before the flight so I don’t know if the area became hot after I got my briefing or whether the briefer misread the info on the FAA site.

It would be nice if they had the controlling agency’s frequency on the site but it is on the sectional so you can check in with them or check with flight following en route.

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