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Pilot’s Blogs, Forums, and Misc Sites

Blogs/forums that I’ve found interesting.

Aviation Mentor Lot’s of useful tips on flying from an instructor and former freight dog.

A Flight Instructor’s Journal She’s not very active but the posts that are there are informative.

Over the Airwaves A monthly newsletter that has lots of good safety information. It also has the distinction of being the ugliest website that I’ve ever seen.

airbum.com Budd Davisson’s collection of photography, articles, and aircraft histories.

Ask a CFI This is a site that has contributions from 3 CFIs. They have short posts on items of interest it all plots—not just students.

Forums that I’ve found interesting.

Flightsim Aviation Zone This site has good information organized into five sections: Databases, Glossary, Rules of Thumb, Theory, Regulations, and Humor.

Professional Pilots Rumor Network This seems to be based in England but it has lots of useful information on regulations and best practices.

Flight Aware In addition to having a great tracking site for IFR flights, they also have an active forum.

Pilots of America Lots of good discussion on a wide range of topics. Most commenters seem to be Part 91.

Airliners.net is one of my favorite places on the web. Lots of cool photos like this this one, and this one of vortices. Oh, and cool airplane pictures too.

Rising Up Aviation Intelligent discussion for the most part.

Jetcareers The CFI’s on this forum are very knowledgeable. Make sure though that your read the entire post, because some commenters make stuff up. Most of the better commenters cite the FARs, AIM, etc.

Columns that I read regularly.

AVWeb has a bunch of columns that are interesting. They don’t seem to be adding new content, but the old stuff is still relevant.
The Savvy Aviator I started reading Mike Busch when he wrote for Cessna Pilots Association. I’ve always found his articles on maintenance to be useful.

The Pilot’s Lounge I found Rick Durden while looking up things for this blog. His posts usually start with a personal experience and draw general conclusions from them.

Pelican’s Perch John Deakin has lots of good tech-talk. He’s a war-bird pilot and so many of his articles deal with high-performance issues.

Salon hosts Ask the Pilot. I’ve been reading Patrick Smith for years. He has interesting articles on his experiences as a cargo pilot, laid off pilot, and now first officer. He’s also an airliner geek.

Random Sites

Philip Greenspun has articles on helicopters, aircraft, and electronics that he has used as part of his flight school.

Border Pilot Tales of a crop duster on the Texas-Mexico Border.

History Link has lots of photos of WWII aircraft.

FAA Channel on YouTube.

Flying videos on YouTube from Public Resource.org.

The Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum has lots of photos and interesting stories.

Links checked 2011-03-05.

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