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Type Clubs and Aviation Groups

This is a collection of type clubs, associations, and web pages dedicated to specific aircraft. Some of the web sites look like they have not been updated in a while, but they still have some interesting information. Active or interesting sites are indicated with bold text links.

General Interest Associations

AOPA With a membership base of more than 400,000, or half of all pilots with current medical certificates in the United States, AOPA is the largest, most influential aviation association in the world. AOPA provides flight planning services, training though the Air Safety Foundation, information on Aircraft ownership, and government advocacy.

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) The Leader in Recreational Aviation, an international 170,000-member organization encouraging and supporting recreational and sport aviation, and the Home of EAA AirVenture, The World’s Largest Aviation Event.

International Organization of Women Pilots Our organization was founded in 1929 by 99 licensed women pilots for the mutual support and advancement of aviation.

The National Business Aviation Association represents the aviation interests of more than 8,000 companies which own or operate general aviation aircraft as an aid to the conduct of their business, or are involved with business aviation.

California Pilots Association The California Pilots Association is a non-profit public benefit California Corporation formed in 1949. The mission of our statewide volunteer organization is to promote and preserve the state’s general aviation airports. We have long recognized that the state’s general aviation airports are more than irreplaceable transportation infrastructure assets. They also serve as disaster recovery centers – most recently demonstrated during the annual wild fires across the state, and in the past during the major earthquakes.

Canadian Owners and Pilots Association As the recognized voice of general aviation in Canada, the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association has spent five decades supporting and defending the right of Canadians to enjoy the freedom of Canadian airspace. Since its founding in 1952, COPA has been dedicated to opening doors and removing barriers to the growth of aviation. COPA raises the awareness of important issues facing the flying community, promotes air safety through education and works to lower the cost of flying.

Colorado Pilots Association The Colorado Pilots Association is an organization of pilots and aviation supporters dedicated to the furtherance and enhancement of general aviation interests in the state of Colorado.

Associated Pilots of Iowa We are a grass-roots organization which includes pilots, spouses, families, and people who are just interested in general aviation. Our goals are to promote flying safety and pilot proficiency, speak to regulators with a unified voice, and to have family fun in flying-related activities.

Missouri Pilots Association Welcome to the Missouri Pilot’s Association web page. The MPA is more than just another flying club; it is a body of pilots and other like-minded people whose focus is on general aviation in Missouri both now and for its future. It is successful. The MPA has become the envy of many a state for its strength and unity.

Oregon Pilots Association We are the Oregon Pilots’ Association. Our goal is to promote aviation in the State of Oregon and to provide information to pilots and anyone interested in general aviation.

International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) AOPA is a nonprofit federation of 53 autonomous, nongovernmental, national general aviation organizations. IAOPA has represented international general aviation for more than 35 years.

Type Clubs


Cessna Pilots Association A unique technical information service for Cessna owners. With more than 14,000 members, CPA is aviation’s largest type club.

The Cessna Owner Organization has been assisting Cessna owners for over 33 years, supporting Cessnas from 120’s to Citations.

Cessna Advanced Aircraft Club is a new forum for Cessna 300,350, and 400 pilots.

Cardinal Flyers We are an affinity group, an organization of individuals who own, operate or are interested in the Cessna 177 Cardinal, a single engine aircraft made by Cessna from 1968 through 1978. We are a virtual community of over 2000 people who exchange knowledge, experiences, information and wisdom through various on-line forums and at in-person events literally around the world.

The Twin Cessna Flyer

Skymaster Owners and Pilots The site hasn’t been updated in a while, but it has good information.


Piper Owner Society/Cherokee Pilots Association The Piper Owner Society has been assisting Piper owners for over 20 years, supporting Pipers from Cubs to Meridians. We are an organization dedicated to providing the best information available to our members. The Cherokee Pilots Association is the owner group devoted solely to Piper Cherokee Aircraft. Formed in 1980, the association has continued to grow in size and services to its 4,500 members. The Cherokee Pilots Association has now been absorbed by the Piper Owner Society.

International Comanche Society An organization formed in 1972; with over 3,000 Comanche owners, pilots, and others who love these aircraft, singles and twins. We exchange information and experiences about our airplanes, we make friends, and we have fun! We also help members with their technical needs, including parts, our publications, and members maintenance tips.

Clipped Wing Cubs Here you will find information on the Clipped Wing Cub (CWC) in its many different forms.

Short Wing Piper Club The Short Wing Piper Club is a group of aviation enthusiasts who own, fly, or simply admire five of Mr. Piper’s best aircraft, the Clipper, Vagabond, Pacer, Tri-Pacer, and Colt, built between 1948 and 1963. We number nearly 3000 members in 20 countries. and provide information, help and support for the operation, maintenance and use of the five Piper aircraft models we represent.


American Bonanza Society The American Bonanza Society represents a group of people who have a common interest. We are the nearly 10,000 owners and pilots of Bonanza, Baron, and Travel Air type aircraft who have banded together to share information and experiences involving the operation and maintenance of the Beech-produced aircraft.

BeechTalk—The Quintessential Beechcraft Owners and Pilots Group. “BeechTalk™ is the quintessential Beechcraft Owners & Pilots Group providing a forum for the discussion of technical, practical, and entertaining issues relating to all Beech aircraft. These include the Bonanza (both V-tail and straight-tail models), Baron, Debonair, Duke, King Air, Sierra, Skipper, Sport, Sundowner, Musketeer, Travel Air, Starship, Queen Air, BeechJet, and Premier lines of airplanes, turboprops, and turbojets.” It looks like they have a pretty active group there. General discussion is open but you need to login to view aircraft specific forums. Login is free. Lots of good info on all aspects of flying. Unfortunately the site is infested with religious nutjobs, gun nuts, conspiracy theorists, and teabaggers who inject rants into a lot of the airplane related posts so you’ll need a lot of patience if you go there often.

T-34 Association The T-34 Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation promoting the safe enjoyment of the Beechcraft T-34 Mentor. The Mentor is known for its honest flight characteristics, aerobatic flight capabilities, and formation flying. The tandem seat trainer was built for the U.S. Navy and Air Force, and sold to many other military training commands around the world.


Mooney Owners of America Your Independent Association Of Mooney Owners Your Only Source For The MOONEY PILOT Magazine.

Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association MAPA is a service and support organization for owners and operators of all models of Mooney aircraft.

Other Groups

Seaplane Pilots Association The Seaplane Pilots Association’s publishes WaterFlying.

Be A Pilot AOPA’s site for anyone how is interested in becoming a pilot.

Other Aircraft

Aerostar Owners Association The Association offers the Aerostar Owner a unique opportunity to tap an invaluable source of information concerning the care and feeding of this fine airplane.

American Yankee Association AYA is the international type club for owners and pilots of Grumman American light aircraft.

International Stinson Club Membership is open to anyone interested in the operation, restoration, history and heritage of Stinson aircraft.

Stinson 108 Voyager and Flying Station Wagon Page Featured here is information and images about Stinson 108 series airplanes. Also included is information about earlier Stinson light aircraft; the model HW75, Model 10/10A, O-49, YO-54, and the model 76 L-5 Sentinel.

Skyhawk Association The Skyhawk Association provides an on-going fraternal-social affiliation of individuals who have maintained, flown or foster, encourage, and support the " A-4 Skyhawk" aircraft; and who are dedicated to the perpetuation of the legend, history, traditions, and camaraderie associated with the greatest attack aircraft ever built.

Links checked 2010-10-19.

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