Aeronautical Terms beginning with O
Obstacle departure procedures (ODP)
Obstacle clearance protection provided to aircraft in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).
Omission error
The failure to anticipate significant instrument indications following attitude changes; for example, concentrating on pitch control while forgetting about heading or roll information, resulting in erratic control of heading and bank.
Optical illusion
A misleading visual image. For the purpose of this handbook, the term refers to the brains misinterpretation of features on the ground associated with landing, which causes a pilot to misread the spatial relationships between the aircraft and the runway.
Awareness of the position of the aircraft and of oneself in relation to a specific reference point.
Otolith organ
An inner ear organ that detects linear acceleration and gravity orientation.
Outer marker
A marker beacon at or near the glide slope intercept altitude of an ILS approach. It is normally located four to seven miles from the runway threshold on the extended centerline of the runway.
Using more movement in the control column than is necessary to achieve the desired pitch-and bank condition.
To use more power than required for the purpose of achieving a faster rate of airspeed change.