Aeronautical Terms beginning with O
The rating system of aviation gasoline with regard to its anti-detonating qualities.
A condition in which a reciprocating engine has exceeded the maximum manifold pressure allowed by the manufacturer. Can cause damage to engine components.
A condition in which an engine has produced more r.p.m. than the manufacturer recommends, or a condition in which the actual engine speed is higher than the desired engine speed as set on the propeller control.
A condition in which a device has reached a temperature above that approved by the manufacturer or any exhaust temperature that exceeds the maximum allowable for a given operating condition or time limit. Can cause internal damage to an engine.
A condition in which an engine has produced more torque (power) than the manufacturer recommends, or a condition in a turboprop or turboshaft engine where the engine power has exceeded the maximum allowable for a given operating condition or time limit. Can cause internal damage to an engine.